Chapter 33: The Royal Children

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Five years ago, my father, King Eike the king of Komaji, created an alarm system made to alert all citizens within and out the kingdom of any threat depending on the severeness of the situation.

He called it The Dozen Bells, though after his death, they've elongated its name to The Twelve Golden Bells.

Seven of those bells have been rung, the situation was severe, but my mind still managed to wander off into the deepest parts of darkness where my anger had been locked away long ago.

"It should've been twelve," I whispered under my breath, staring down at the floor.

Malek seemed perplexed by my sudden behavior, calling out confusedly, "what?"

"It should've been twelve bells!" I yelled across to him, clenching my right fist as I could feel the brows upon my forehead tighten with rage.

"Those assassins killed my mother and father... it should've, been,


The massive chimes, whirled loudly across the plains of the castle. We could feel its vibrations traveling up our skin and through our bones.

"Cousin," Malek drew Rize closer to his chest and gestured towards the other princess behind me, speaking some sense into me he explained, "We must protect them with our lives... now's not the time for your past emotions to take over."

Looking over my shoulder, a pair of nightly golden eyes were staring up at me; displaced and stressed.

Immediately, I snapped out of it and grabbed Aratani by the arms, holding her close to me the same way Malek did to Rize in a protective manner.

"You're right, let's go."

    Fleeing the premises of the garden up top, the four of us ran down the castles yellow-lit hallways as we made our way to the central part of the palace.

We needed to make sure the queen was safe.

    Bursting through the throne room doors, we realized the thrones seat was empty. Only the sound of our heavy breathing filled the vacant area, the flames of andon lanterns that lit up the castle walls looked dimmer—-weak.

"No," Malek spoke unsteadily, his darkened eyes searched the pillared room desperately as he called out, "Mother!"

    While we investigated every part of the large area, aunt Jeryah was no where to be found. For the first time, not a word came out of Rize's spiteful mouth as she clutched onto the scarlet fabric of Malek's attire; burying her face into his back like a frightened dog.

This made me frown in disgust knowing that Rize feared no one nor nothing; I couldn't imagine her expressing feelings for any ghoul unless it was pure manipulation.

Suddenly, we heard a loud crash emit from outside the premises of the throne room.

Immediately, Malek and I looked towards one another, our eyes met briefly before we nodded in unison.

"Tani," I veered over at the princess behind me, her fragile hands wrapped around my right arm tightly. "Stay close, okay?"

She nodded.

We eventually left the throne room and continued our way down the halls of the castle. As we traveled in the direction of where we heard the loud crash—-

It wasn't long until we found the source of it.

    Halting to a stop, a giant bell stood in front of us fixated between the walls of the large hall taking up most of the space.

King Kaneki [Kaneki X Fem. Reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu