Chapter 29 ~ Havi

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Chapter 29 ― Havi 

Time had passed and a few things had changed. Others remained the same. The contest, regardless of the calls from haters, was going great. We received many calls and it was incredible as we were getting closer and closer to the last week. It was the last Friday already and Harry was supposed to come to the station to announce the last five winners. The next week Liam was going to be our guest to announce the last details for the little gig. Zayn and Niall had already come for the second and third week respectively. And related with the fans, there were still some fans outside the station. Some of them were there expecting to see the boys, other group was their to still hate on me.

They were pretty violent and even when I tried to keep it low profile, some of the other group of fans took pictures and some videos to show how wrong this was, but that only got to Louis who was madder about it with each day that passed. I knew he was dying to tell the fans to fuck off, but he couldn’t. I had to keep telling him that it wasn’t necessary, that I didn’t mind. I did mind, though, it was unfair and stupid of them to attack me just because I wasn’t them, or Harry. But I learnt to not give them much thought. I just dealt with them and then carried on with my life. It was the best I could do.

In one occasion, Maquita –yes, we became really good friends with her to the point to call her Maquita sometimes. It kind of fitted her as it was a sweet nickname and she irradiated sweetness all the time– had to help me go through the mass of fans trying to get a piece of me. She couldn’t believe they were treating me like that and I knew that scared the hell out of her. Probably that was the reason why she didn’t want to go on another date with Harry, no matter what he did to try to convince her. The curly-haired boy was persistent. She told us that she had had a great time with him, that they got along smoothly, but she didn’t think she was capable of coping with what I had to and it was better to avoid something that could lead to that situation, and that was dating Harry Styles. It was sad because Harry was really into her. Every time I was in Louis’ flat and Harry was there too, he asked me if Maca had changed her mind or requested some advice to convince her to go out with him again. After that first date they had, which none of them wanted to tell us about, it was evident how much Harry fancied her, but Maquita was scared and to overcome that wasn’t easy. Even Joy tried to help to get Maquita to go out with Harry again as my friend saw how much Harry wanted that.

My relationship with Louis was still a mystery for the media. They couldn’t confirm if we were official or not and I knew that was driving them mad, which gave us a little bit of pleasure, to know that he had control over that. It was hard and we couldn’t spend much time alone, but it was great at the same time. Even if it was for five minutes, I loved every second I could spend with Louis.

We were doing great. Sometimes we argued about silly things, mostly the fans and their passion. It was funny how I had to defend them and tell Louis that it was okay, that he couldn’t react badly to all of them just because a groups was misbehaving. If the fans knew how much I did to keep Louis calm about it, none of them would’ve hated me. Despite how difficult it was to hear all those calls, or the girls screaming at me at the station, I couldn’t hate them all for what they were doing to me because there were nice fans. I’d met them.

“You’re Havi, right?” Asked me once a lovely girl one day outside the station when we were leaving. It was really late and there were just a few fans still waiting. I nodded expecting her to say something mean, as normally they did, but she didn’t. “Oh my god, you’re so cute! You look so cute with Louis, I ship you both! I really want you two to be together, can you tell me? Are you his girlfriend?”

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