Chapter 22 ~ Louis

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Chapter 22 ― Louis

My eyes went wide open and a lump formed in my throat. Suddenly, it was hard to breathe and it seemed like everything around me had stopped. They found out, they already knew about Havi and I. Even if it was just a harmless picture like that one of her and I in the car, they were going to make a whole story about that. I could already see the tabloids filled with different headlines.

Louis’ new girlfriend: For real or a gold digger?

What does she want from Louis Tomlinson?

Directioners ready to kill a new girl.

I felt my blood freezing in my veins, picturing how everything was going down from this point onwards. No matter what I said, they would turn it into something different. That was their job, to lie to everyone, to exaggerate and to ruin the lives of the people involved. Havi was innocent and because of what she felt for me now she was trapped in this situation.

I wanted to protect her, but what could I say to help her without having it backfiring in my face? With the media you had to be extra careful, everything was a double-edged sword.

“Of course not!” Liam spoke before I could come up with something to help. “Louis is a gentleman and he helped our friend, that’s why he drove her home. Anyone could have done that, Louis was the one in the station that day.”

I looked at my friend, grateful for his help; but even if his explanation made total sense, Connor –the interviewer of this gossip show, didn’t seem convinced. “And why did he stay longer with her? Don’t try to cover up for him, Liam!”

I swallowed with difficulty, my mind was going crazy trying to find an excuse. “We needed to see a few things about the contest,” I blurted out and he arched his eyebrow. “The contest, as you might now, requires a lot of our participation as it’s us who pick the winners every week. We constantly need to see and polish details.”

Connor still didn’t seem convinced and his mischievous smile was telling me that he had something else in store. I was actually scared. What else could he know? Why didn’t management check what he was going to ask us? This shouldn’t be happening!

“And that also explains why she went to your flat the next day, doesn’t it?”

Oh my fucking God.

They were following Havi now! I tried to control my expression, to not let anything show, but it was bloody hard as I knew it was my fault. All this was my fault because I couldn’t keep my feelings to myself, because I had to drag Havi into this messed up situation.

“She’s a friend to all of us,” Harry pointed out a bit defiantly and I just wanted to look at him and say thanks, but if I did, that would make Connor more suspicious. “We’re working with them and we have grown fond of each other.”

“Sure… if you say so, but we are free to believe otherwise, aren’t we?” He said talking to the camera, which meant he was talking to all the fans watching the show. My stomach twisted as I could imagine the trendings on twitter and all the guessing on tumblr going on in that moment.

I always knew this moment would come if I decided to go out with Havi, I just thought I was going to have more time to enjoy all this with her without everyone believing they had the right to comment on my personal life. I loved our fans, we owed everything to them, but they didn’t know boundaries.

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