Chapter 19: Find Him

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 Newt looks at you in shock.

"I didn't know you were out here, sorry Y/n."

You smile at him curiously.

"Not a problem, what are you up to?" You ask.

Newt shifts slightly on his feet.

"I thought I would run the Maze anyway, you know to clear my mind."

"Right. I could come with you if you like, I need to clear my mind too." You add with a laugh.

"No!" Newt blurts.

You frown, taken aback. Newt shakes his head.

"Sorry, I meant you should go rest, you've obviously been up all night."

You nod slowly, "Newt, what's going on?"

"I'm sorry Y/n, it's none of your business." Newt says waving you off.

You arch an eyebrow, "I'm starting to think it is."

Newt shakes his head. "You'll be better off if you don't remember this."

"What the shuck is that supposed to mean?" You respond.

Newt sighs, "I'm sorry Y/n. I just can't take this anymore."

Cautiously, you take a few steps backward. "I don't understand. Newt what's wrong?"

Newt turns to you with a shovel in his hand. You take another step back as your heart begins to pound.

"This place! This whole place is wrong! We're trapped in a bloody Maze! People have died! Chris died! I can't take it anymore, so I'm ending it." He shouts, advancing on you with the shovel in hand.

"Come on Newt, this isn't necessary. I can help." You say, your voice shaking slightly.

"No one can help me." Newt responds bitterly, getting much too close to you.

"Newt please. Stop. You're scaring me." You beg.

With glistening Newt replies, "I'm so sorry Y/n." He lifts the shovel above his head, then with a painful crack, the world goes dark.


 Pain pounds inside your head as you slowly emerge from the thickness of your sleep. You hear voices around you, but their drowned out by the ringing of your ears. Slowly the voices become clear.

"Y/n! Oh come on Y/n please wake up!... Alby I swear I didn't do it!"

"Go away Evan you're in for a lot of trouble... Y/n! Y/n wake up!"

Sluggishly, your eyes open and you squint in the bright light. Your vision is blotchy and everything seems black and white. The bright light of the sun starts to burn your eyes. The ground spins underneath your body, turning at maddening speeds. Your stomach starts to churn from the intensity of the pain that spreads like fire through your mind. This sucks.

"What... what happened?..." you moan.

You can't remember anything, all you know is the pain and the dizziness. Something emerges from your locked mind, one word 'concussion'. You have no idea how to treat a concussion, but you know the next few days won't be fun.

"Y/n! Thank goodness you're not dead!" Alby exclaims.

You know that there's something you're supposed to remember, that you need to remember. It's scraping at the back of your head, on the edge of your thoughts. It had to be important, you've been attacked... but why?

"What happened?" You ask again, the pain still drumming inside your skull.

"I was going to ask you that, I just woke up and found Evan standing over you, and you looking shucking dead!" Alby explains.

You start to shake your head but the pain screams at you. "I don't think it was Evan... I just can't remember..." you sigh.

Minho struts our of the Homestead with a confused look on his face.

"Has anyone seen Newt!?" He shouts from across the Glade.

That's all it takes. Your memories click into place. Working the Garden, staying up all night, having nightmares of Chris, Newt lurking out from the Homestead early in the morning, his strange demeanor, his certainty that there was no hope for him, the shovel, him advancing on you, he knocked you out, he was going into the Maze. Newt's trying to kill himself.

"Newt!" You shout to the shock of Alby and Minho.

"What about him?" Alby questions slowly.

"Alby, he's trying to kill himself!"

Alby's face blanches. "no..." He whispers.

Who knows how long it's been since he left? I could be minutes or it could be hours. Newt's out there right now either trying to kill him self or... you don't want to think about it. There has to be some way to help, but how? He could be anywhere, he could jump off that strange cliff that you found a week ago, he could use the vines to... or climb up the wall and... or go go searching for Griever. You have to find him, fast.

A/n: I seriously need some more comments guys!! I know you're out there! Sorry I haven't posted in forever! The past few weeks have been hectic for me! PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE! I love you guys!  

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