Chapter 44: Points of View

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 You wake to the sounds of screams and and empty room. At least, you think it's empty. As your eyes slowly start to flutter open the screams come to a stop. One glance around the room tells you that Thomas and Minho are no longer there. A second glance reveals that you are definitely not alone. The room is trashed, chairs are broken, bandages are scattered around the room, and several different types of medicine have been spilled around the room. Under a blanket, a figure shakes with a sob.

As quietly as you can you rise out of the bed. You wince attempting to move your injured arm. You glance at it to find that Clint did indeed find it and bandage it properly. The figure lets out another scream. Your mind first goes to thoughts of Ben, but it couldn't be him. He's in the slammer waiting to be banished. There's only one other person it could be.


The figure slide out from under the blanket to reveal that you're right. Alby stands before you, half the boy he used to be. You barely even recognize your friend as his eyes dart around the room with insanity.

"Alby." You repeat. "Can you hear me?"

He mutters something under his breath in response.

"Alby I can't hear you. What did you say?"


Your heart sinks. He doesn't even recognize you.

"Alby, it's me, Y/n."

Suddenly he stands up straight, staring at you with fire in his eyes.

"Shuck it Y/n, I know it's you I want to talk to Thomas!" He shouts, flipping over the bed he had just been sitting on.

Struggling to keep your composure, you nod your head.

"I'll go get him. Wait here ok?"

Alby nods, sitting down on one of the few un-turned beds. You walk out of the room slowly, as if somehow that could help you ensure that he'd be ok. With a racing mind you leave the med-hut to find Thomas. Yet as you look around you can't seem to find anyone. At least any of the keepers. Realization clicks into place and you move toward the Homestead, ignoring your burning sore muscles. When you open the door you are once again proven to be correct. The keepers are gathered in a circle, Thomas at the head. He's on trial for breaking the rules, and by the looks of it the Keepers were right in the middle of a heated argument when you burst through the door. Gally's face burns red with rage where he stands in the middle of the circle. Thomas's face is pale and it looks as if he's going to be sick. Newt's eyes light up when he sees you, like your appearance takes a huge weight off his shoulders. Minho just looks like Minho. The rest of the boys look as you expected, frustrated and tired.

"Y/n." Gally starts curtly, "Glad you're here I'm sure you'll she my point of view."

You open your mouth to speak and the room erupts with voices each trying to sell their own points of view.

 You roll your eyes as voices fill your ears, all trying to explain their point of view on what to do with Thomas. Every few seconds you open your mouth in the hopes of telling them what you want to say, but every time you try you're cut off. Out of the corner of your eye you see Gally walking over to you, without warning he grabs you by your bad arm and yanks you into the middle of the circle.

You cry out as your stiff wound rips apart. Pain seers in your shoulder and Clint jumps to his feet, screaming at Gally as the wound starts to bleed through your bandages. Gally goes ghostly pale, offering a whispered apology as Newt and Clint run to your side. Clint, in an attempt to be gentle removes the bandages, pulling with them a large scab of skin sending searing pain down your arm. You clench your teeth sucking in a huge gasp of air as you slam the opposite fist into the table with a restrained grunt of pain. Most of the boys around you look at you in fear, the others look at you with respect.

"Sorry." Clint mumbles.

You wince once more and bite your lip before using this rare moment of silence to your advantage.

"Alby is awake and wants to see Thomas." You say stiffly.

Thomas's eyes widen like a deer in headlights.

"He's kinda in the middle oof something..." Gally starts.

You whip your head to face him with a fiery glare and he shuts his mouth. Thomas then looks to Newt, who nods his head in the direction of the door.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go." Newt says.

"We need to get you back to the med-hut." Clint pauses to glare at Gally, "I'm going to have to re-do the stitches."

You and Clint follow Newt and Thomas out the door. The whole way Clint gently dabs blood from your shoulder.

You catch Newt's eye as he gives you a worried glance bringing up the memory from that Night when Newt had been so upset. Minho ended up telling you that Newt is in love with you.

You smile cautiously at him. He smiles sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck before turning his attention back to Thomas.

There's no doubt that you care for him, but everything is such a mess right now you can't seem to get your thoughts strait. You've known him for two years now, maybe longer. You want to say something, but what's the point? With everything that's going on it's best to say nothing. There's enough to stress about right now. Yet, as your eyes follow Newt while he walks you can't help but notice your heart fluttering.

"You should say something to him." Clint mutters softly.

You roll your eyes, how many people did Minho tell?

"Like what?"

"Tell him how you feel." 

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