Chapter 32: Hurt and Healing

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 "Y/n, please tell me what's going on?" Newt pleads.

"Noting is going on. I'm just not meant to be the one in charge here and that's that, and that's fine." You say curtly as you stand to walk to the kitchen.

Newt grabs you swiftly by the hand and pulls you back down onto the grass. You land with a thud on your bottom. You grunt at Newt.

"Y/n. What happened?" He asks again.

This time you explain it all.

"I'm sorry Y/n. Those guys are just a couple of jerks and dumb Shanks."

"it's fine, I don't care that much anyway." You say daringly as you care very much.

Newt raises an eyebrow.

"Ok, maybe I care a little bit, but it's really not that big of a deal. Like you said they're just a couple of dumb shanks. Why should I care what they think?"

Newt nods, "But you still do."

"Of course I do. I want people to like me. I want for people to think I did something good here. Something good for them. But they hardly even noticed me."

Newt laughs, "I think they notice you a lot more than you think. Especially being the only girl in the Glade."

Your eyes widen. You haven't even thought of that. You never even truly realized that you were the only girl in the Glade. It's just how's it's always been. The thought never crossed your mind that there are other girls out there in the world. For so long you have been the only girl in your world.

You're suddenly very aware of your body and all of its parts. Aware of the lingering stares and the silent snickers. You very aware of boys and their stupidity.

Newt waves his hand in front of your face,

"What now?" He asks incredulously.

You let out a soft chuckle, subconsciously crossing your arms over you chest.

"I never noticed." You say softly, dumbfounded.

"Never noticed what...?

"That I was the only girl!" You say breaking down into a contagious fit of laughter.

Once again, sitting there laughing with Newt, you get the feeling that there is nothing wrong in the world. Everything is perfect and you're at peace. Something about his smile and his laugh always brings you out of whatever funk you're in. When you're around him you're happy. Even if that's all you know, you know that you like it, you like being with him. And you definitely hope that you make him as happy as he makes you.


 Newt has you pinned down on the sandy ground and roaring cheers sound dull to your ears. Your focus is layered and your eyes lock with Newts.

"Give up yet?" He asks with a sly grin.

HIs breaths are ragged his weight is heavy on your shoulders. You're not about to give up that easily. You chuckle,

"You wish."

You clumsily pull your legs up to your chest and roll backwards over your shoulder. Your bent legs hook onto Newts arm, twisting it uncomfortably. He follows his arm ending up on the ground. Now you pin him to the sand.

"Give up yet?" You say with a laugh.

Newt arches his brow thoughtfully.

"You wish."

You're about to laugh when Newt's knee rams into your gut. You groan in pain as you curl into a tight ball in the sand. Instantly you can sense that Newt's demeanor has changed.

"Y/n!" He exclaims, "Are you alright!?"

You groan in response. Now all you have to do is wait. Just as you thought, in a few seconds you see Newt's feet in front of you. You shoot your arms out, grabbing his ankles and yanking him down to the sand. You then jump to your feet and drag him out of the ring.

The crowd of cheering boys goes wild as they celebrate your victory and 'boo' Newt's defeat. You offer your hand to Newt who is still sprawled out on the ground.

"I never give up." You say with a smile.

Newt nods and rolls his eyes, stretching out his hand to grab yours. IN one swift motion he pulls you down right on to of him. Butterflies swell in your chest as you flip your hair out of the way to look Newt in the eye.

"Neither do I." He adds with a grin.

Ignoring the heat rising to your face and the tingling sensation thats flickering through your body, you reply,

"Yeah? And how's that going for ya?"

Newt blushes and looks away briefly.

"Good and bad."

You laugh, rolling off him gently. You sit up and see Minho staring at you with arched eyebrows. He thinks you're flirting. And maybe you are, but that's none of his business. So you stick your tongue out at him before strutting away to let in the next two fighters. This fighting circle is going well. A really good way to celebrate the Greenie.

Out of the corner of your eye you spot Minho walking up to Newt with a sly grin. You close your eyes and wince. He better not say anything stupid. 

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