Chapter 38: What Do We Do?

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 After a tough and sweaty run, you're surprised and glad to see Newt running to greet you as you exit the Maze. You smile brightly at him and wave, but to your further surprise he wraps you in a hug. You're not quite sure what to do. Newt has never acted like this before. All the same you return the hug, trying to convey your sympathy through your touch.

"Newt, what happened?" You ask softly, trying to guess what on earth has sent Newt into this state.

Newt lets his arms drop to his side and you to the same as you try to read his face.

"Ben, got stung in the Maze. He somehow made it back here and tried to kill Thomas." Newt explains, "I was so worried that the Griever could have gotten you too."

At that your heart starts to flutter. He worried about you.

Newt seems to compose himself, taking a deep breath and standing up straighter.

"We were waiting for you and Minho to get back so we could have a Gathering about Ben's punishment and what to do about the Grievers being in the Maze during the day."

You force yourself to swallow the lump in your throat that grew at the thought of Grievers in the Maze during the day. Scars from your last encounter with a Griever still shine white on your skin. You shiver at the reminder of the attack, and the friends who died to save you.

"Well let's go then." You state, leading the way to the Homestead.

Newt falls in line behind you and on your way you see Alby leading Minho to the Homestead as well. Nerves start to spin inside your stomach as you wonder what this could mean for the future of the Glade. First the new girl and now this? Things are changing.

First thing when you enter the room you're met with an onslaught of panicked conversations. No one even notices your arrival until Newt clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. Then, all eyes are on you.

"So. Y/n. What do we do?" Gally asks.

For the second time today you are shocked speechless.

"What... Why... I..." You start to stammer.

To your relief, Alby steps in, "She only just heard about this, give her some space. And remember, I still get the final say." He says pointedly.

You sigh. "Thanks Alby."

He nods.

"I say we go check out the area where where Ben got stung. Try to find any sort of answers, because Ben obviously won't be in any position to answer questions for a while." Minho suggests.

You glance at Minho, impressed. That was actually a decent idea, although the presentation was rough.

"I agree with Minho. Me and him will run Ben's section tomorrow morning." You announce.

"I want to go too." Alby adds. "As leader I feel like this is an important thing for me to be a part of."


 Your eyes linger around the flickering flame as you tune out Minho, Alby, and Newt's voices. The plans have been set in place to search Ben's section tomorrow, but no one can sleep. Fear keeps your mind running although you're physically on the ground. There's so many unknowns to all this. Everything had been normal for the past two years until that girl showed up half dead.

"I think the creators want us to leave." You state, following your train of thought out loud. "I think they're sending a whole bunch of challenges at us to force us to leave. We've been here too long and they have now decided it's about time we found a way out."
The boys look at you with amazement in their eyes. Then, Alby laughs and shakes his head, "You know as crazy as it sounds, I think you're right."

Minho snorts, "This place is shucking messed up."

"You're right there." Newt nods.

There's a brief moment of silence, quickly followed by Newt's suddenly somber voice.

"I don't know if I'm ready to leave. This has been the only thing I've known for nearly two years. We have no clue what it's like out there in the world, or even if there's a world to go to for that matter. I can't imagine living a normal life, or what that would look like. Not having to grow and cook our own food, not having to burry our dead friends, not fearing attack, nothing to lead a community full of saint heads..."

At that Alby burst out laughing. At first you eye him wearily, this not being his usual demeanor, but his laughter is contagious. Before long all four of you are laughing the night away, not knowing the full extent of the challenges WICKED will throw at you.

As you sit and laugh on the cool grass, you take in a deep breath of air, the dull scent of smoke lingering in the air. Then with closed eyes you lean your head onto Alby's shoulder, the exhaustion from the day finally getting to you. The low crackling of the fire mixed with the nighttime song of the crickets sings you to sleep as your eyes grow heavy. Soon it almost hurts to keep your eyes open and your slowly let yourself fall asleep.

"Guys, she fell asleep on me." Alby whispers as Newt and Minho are about to walk off to bed. The boys frown at your peaceful face, not sure what to do.

"I'll carry her to bed." Newt offers.

"Thanks Newt." Alby sighs, slowly adjusting your arms so Newt could better pick you up.

As carefully as he can, Newt carries you to the Homestead, trying so hard not to wake you. Finally, he reaches your room and lays you gently on the bed, taking a moment to admire your peaceful state. With a gentle kiss on your knuckles, Newt clicks off the light and leaves you to sleep. Unknown to him, you had woken up when he first took you from Alby. When the door clicks shut, you smile to yourself, trying not to blush, as you drift off to sleep. 

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