Chapter 3: The Doors

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For nearly two hours you searched the area with Alby. There's a building with 5 bedrooms in it, a kitchen, a bathroom with a shower, and a large stone building with a heavy metal door. Along with that, a small stone structure the size of a closet. You're in the woods, trying to find the others when a horribly loud grumbling sound fills your ears. You take one look at Alby's fearful face and make a dash to get out of the woods. Alby following close behind you. When you finally reach the clearing you see Alex and Chris running from the largest hut. But Leon and Will were by the opening in the stone wall that was, astoundingly, closing. You pump your legs faster running to meet Leon and Will. You skid to a stop behind them and look up at the marvelously moving walls.
"What is going on?" You ask, knowing that no one would have an answer.
"The walls, they're closing!" Alby states behind you.
Leon rolls his eyes, "Yeah, no shi.."
"Watch your language will ya?" You interrupt.
"What would you rather me say?"
"I don't know, make something up!"
"Shuck." Will says behind you.
"What?" You ask, turning to face the boy.
"Shuck." He repeats. "We could say shuck instead."
"I think we have more pressing matters than determining curse words." Alby reasons still gazing up at the closing walls.
"What do we do?" Will asks, looking to you.
"Nothing I guess, we don't know what's out there. In here we at least have the advantage of knowing the area." You state, suddenly regretting taking the lead over the boys. Leon turns to face you, glaring at you as if you're a mad man.
"Nothing!? What if these doors never open again? What then? We're stuck. We should go now while we have the chance!"
You shake your head slowly, biting your lip.
"I really don't think that's a good idea..."
"Do what you want, I'm out of here!" Leon shouts taking a step towards the doors.
"Leon..." Alby said reaching out to grab the boy's arm. Leon shakes him off,
"I'm not going to die in here." Leon turns back to the doors which are now only a few feet from closing.
"Leon! NO!" You shout. But it's no use, Leon pushes himself through the narrow opening, squeezing through at the last second. With a loud bang the doors slam shut. You stand staring at the now sealed doors, so shocked that you can't even think.

"Did he just..." Will starts,
"Yeah. He did." Alby states.
Everyones stands in silence, not sure what to do next. You have no idea what could be out there, but you have a gut feeling that Leon won't survive the night. You're seriously questioning yourself as to why you stepped up to be in the lead. It was hard enough when the walls weren't moving. But now, Leon is out there, in the unknown. Alone. Plus, the other four boys are now looking to you.
"We should... We should comb the edge of this wall, see if we can find a way to open it or something." You croak, failing to sound confident.
The boys hesitate, but soon turn to do as you said. But you can't peel your eyes away from the wall. The grey stone stares back at you, mocking you. Showing you just how much you can't control.
"I'm sure he'll be ok. Who knows, he may even figure out something about this place that could help us." Alby says.
"Yeah, you're probably right, I'm worrying over noth..."
An ear-piercing screech cuts you off from beyond the walls. The inhuman sound sends chills down your spine and widens your eyes to the size of dinner plates.
"What... What was that?" Alex stammers beside you.
"I have no idea," You say, voice barely a whisper. "I think we should find shelter." You add.
"Good idea Y/n." Alex says starting to make his way to the largest wooden building.
You and Alby turn to follow him, but you catch a glimpse of Chris out of the corner of your eye. He's gone ghostly pale, looking at something on the wall. Fear creeps up inside of you, clenching your stomach into a tight knot.
"Chris, did you find something?" You question, fearing the answer.
The boy doesn't respond. You walk over to him slowly.
"What do you see Chris?" You ask again, coming up behind him.
Chris takes a shaky hand and points at something. There's a glass window embedded in the stone. You peer through, cautiously. You see something move beyond the hazy glass. Your heart is racing. There's a creature. A fleshy green glob of gross goo. Blades and spikes of all different shapes and sizes protrude from its body, pulsing in and out of the creature's body as it screeches. The beast is the size of a large cow, it's whole body squirming and squishing as it moves. A bloody hands slams into the glass and you fall backward with a scream. You jump back to your feet and reach your hand out to touch the glass. The creature sends a blade through Leon's body and yanks him backwards. His screams fill your ears as you watch the boy be ripped to shreds my this monster. You slam your hand against the glass, screaming his name as tears stream down your cheeks. But there's nothing you can do. You watch as the beast sends one last blade through the boy's body and his screams fade away as the boy's life ends. Horrified, you turn and run. You have no clue where you are going, except away. Away from that creature, away from Leon's mutilated body. Away. You just have to get away.

A/n: hey guys, I hope you all are enjoying the story so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions! So please comment and vote, I can't wait to hear from you!!! -Mary H

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