Chapter 35: Tossed into the Flames

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 "Alby slow down, please. What happened?" You say. This is all so strange. The box coming up a day after the new Greenie, the fact that it's a girl, and unconscious, and the last Greenie ever. You want to be excited about the new arrival, you've been the only girl for so long, yet this whole situation has your stomach churning and uncertainty rises into the back of your mind.

Alby sighs and turns to Newt.

"How about you explain it. You were right there in the middle of it."

Newt looks up at Alby in surprise, but he steps up anyway.

"Well obviously the box came a day early, bu other than that it came up normally. We opened the box and there she was, she looked dead. I didn't know what to do, nothing like this has ever happened before. The guys were all yapping in my ears, trying to figure out what was going on. I jumped down to get a closer look and noticed a crumpled paper in her hands. It said simply, "She's the last one. Ever."" Newt pauses, maybe for dramatic effect, or maybe to let you ask questions.

As you're about to open your mouth to ask a question, Newt continues.

"Me and Gally lifted her out of the box and we were about ready to burry her when she woke up suddenly, nearly gave me a bloody heart attack. She said one name. Thomas..."

"Wait a sec, Thomas the Greenie?" You interrupt.

"Yeah, the Greenie. He seems to be just as chocked as the rest of us."

Your mind is racing. This could mean so many different things. If she knows his name... what else does she know?

"How much more does she remember?" You ask.

"We don't have a bloody clue." Newt responds, "She fainted again right after that."

You sigh and take a seat across from Newt.

"What all do we know?" You ask.

"Not much. There's anew girl who's half dead and knows Thomas. Thomas has been acting weird since, he wants to be a Runner. There wont be any more Greenies. And that's about it."

You nod your head, slowly trying to filter through everything that happened.

"Well, I think it's about time I introduce myself to this Thomas."

Newt nods in agreement,

"He's with Chuck. Let us know if you figure anything out."

"Will do. Thanks Newt." You add with a smile as you leave the Homestead.

You spot Chuck across the Glade, delivering a sandwich to the Greenie. Something seems off about Thomas. He's different. It's a strange feeling, one you share with all the Gladers. He seems familiar.

 The Greenie Thomas takes one look at you and jumps to his feet, jogging over to meet you. You stop walking, taken by surprise. As Thomas gets closer to you, he slows down and his shoulder slump... almost as if he's disappointed. You arch your eyebrow at him and ask with a smirk, "Not what you expected?"

Thomas blushes, "Sorta."

"You were expecting the new girl, weren't you?"

Thomas glances down at his toes, "I guess."

You smile then take a seat on a nearby picnic table, motioning for Thomas to join you.

"I heard you're pretty curious, and want to be a Runner too? What's up with that?"

Thomas shakes his head.

"I dunno. It's just a feeling I guess. Like I'm supposed to be a runner. It sounds weird, I know, but I just can't explain it. I need to get out there, in the Maze."

As he speaks you see a spark in his eyes, this boy believes what he's saying. He's passionate about this, and no one is giving him a chance.

"That's definitely something we haven't heard from a Greenie before, besides the ones who had a death wish. I can see you're not looking to die. I admire your bravery. I'll put in a good word for ya, but it'll take time and you'll still have to try out all the other jobs."

A smile lights up Thomas's face, and he moves to give you a hug, then hesitates.

"Thank you..."


"Thank you Y/n."

You nod and watch as Thomas runs off to find Chuck. It's about time Chuck found a friend. From a distance you spot Newt watching over you from the door of the Homestead so you wave him over. You find a smile sneaking onto your lips as he hobbles over to sit with you, but it fades when you see the worry pulling at the skin under his eyes.

"What'd you find out?" He asks, joining you at the table.

"Not much to go off of. Thomas does indeed know the girl, or at least he did before the Maze, although he doesn't quite yet understand the weight of that. But he's serious about becoming a Runner, and I get the feeling it's something we should let him do." Newt opens his mouth to interrupt, but stops wen you hold up a hand, "Before you argue, I told him it would take time and he would have to try out the other jobs first. I just get this strange sensation that he's right. He's meant to be a runner."

Newt picks at his lower lip as he thinks. "We'll give him a chance of course, same as everyone else. I just get the feeling that a whole lot is about to change."

You nod knowingly, you've been feeling the same irking feeling that your world as you know it is about to be tossed in the fire, shaken up and destroyed. You just hope that you'll be able to find a solution before everyone you love is burned in the flames.  

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