Chapter 30: Fight

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 3 weeks later you are fully healed and life has gone back to normal. You've accepted Minho's idea of the fight circle and it's about to be tested for the first time.

You decided it'd be best to have the fight circle the day the Greenie comes, make a full celebration of it. It'd be a great way for the Greenie to meet other Gladers and also give them a chance to prove their worth by fighting Gally. Minho will be watching the Greenies closely to see who could be a good fit to be a runner. You call it the Bon-fire. The new monthly Greenie celebration including a roaring fire. Fry Pan will cook his best meal and Gally even asked to try out his own special recipe.

You're deep in thought when you're startled by Newt. You jerk around to face him with a gasp to which he responds with a chuckle.

"Sorry Y/n, didn't mean to scare ya. You think this will really work?"

You shrug, "I can only hope. If this doesn't work we may have no choice but to banish Gally."

Newt nods, knowing you're right. His somber face changes into determination as he walks towards the forming bonfire. You laugh, he's determined that this goes right.

When the sun finally falls behind the wall of the Maze, torches are two into the large pile of firewood, with a loud cheer from the boys the flame lights up the night. As you look around you see that every boy has a smile on their face, including the newest Greenie, John. Even Gally is having a good time.

Before you know it it's time for the fights to begin and the whole group of boys crowd around the fight ring, cheering for the fights to begin. But when Gally steps into the ring, no one volunteers to fight. As seconds tic by you start to worry that no one will challenge him, that they're all too afraid.

"What, are you all a whole bunch of chickens!?" You hear ally shout from the ring, "Will no one be brave enough to fight?"

You swallow the lump in your throat and try to calm your throbbing heart. You know what you have to do.

"If none of these Slintheads will fight, then I will!" You shout.

Gasps echo through the crowd and you hold your head high, hoping that you look more confident then you feel. Your whole body is shaking with nerves and your palms have become sweaty. You come to a sudden stop when someone grabs your hand. You turn to see Newt.

"Y/n, I don't think this is a good idea. You know what happened last time." He worries.

You shrug, once again feigning confidence, "I wasn't prepared last time."

Newt reluctantly lets go of your wrist and watches with concern as you advance on the ring. You again have to swallow your fear as you become the center of attention. You could easily get your butt kicked and embarrass yourself, but you can't let that happen.

This is for Gally. You think, setting your determined eyes on your opponent.

The crowd around you roars with delight once you step foot into the ring. Minho glances at you nervously, but when you give him confident nod he starts to announce the start of the fight.

"Fighters, to your corners! Ready... Set... Fight!"

 Gally leaps into action immediately, tackling you to the ground. A resounding Ooohhhh, leaves every boy's mouth. You wont be defeated that quickly. You roll to the side, forcing him off of you as you jump to your feet. He swings his leg under you, sending you into a faceplant on the ground. A sharp pain in your side forces a cry of pain from your lungs after Gally jams his elbow into your side. You hear Newt's voice from the crowd,

"Gally, that's enough!"

After Gally removes to pressure from your side, you roll over to give Newt a death glare,

"No! I'm not done!" You shout.

You shove your body backward to collide with Gally, sending him backward into the sand. You hear a grunt of pain escape his lips and you know you've got this fight in the bag. You reach back with both hands to grab Gally's wrists, then using your own back as leverage you flip him over onto his back again.

Another Ooohhh... form the crowd.

Gally stands to his feet, a look of pure joy on his face. They joy isn't from the pain he's causing you, nor the pain you're causing him, it's simply the joy of a good fight.

He lunges toward you, pushing you by the shoulders to the edge of the ring. You feel your feet slide through the coarse sand as he gains his traction. You start to think there's no way you can beat him through sheer strength, but maybe...

Just before your feet cross the edge of the ring you step to the side, shoving him forward out of the ring although your momentum carries you backward to land on your butt in the sand.

The crowd stands in silent shock for a moment before erupting in cheers. You're quickly pulled to your feet and surrounded by a bunch of high-fiving boys. You only truly start to celebrate when other boys start to challenge Gally to a fight. It worked.

Once the hoots and hollers start to die down. Gally prepares to fight his next opponent and you walk off to get one of his drinks. There you find Newt, smiling amazed by you.

"That was something else Y/n." He says with a laugh.

You nudge him in the shoulder, "I told you I wasn't done yet."

Newt laughs again, "Yeah you proved me wrong."

"And you thought I couldn't do it."

"Nah, I knew you could do it. I just didn't want you to get hurt trying." Newt admitted.

A warm feeling thumps inside your chest.

"Ha, I didn't know you cared." you laugh nervously, trying to keep up the joke.

Newt glances away from you and whispers under his breath,

"I care more than you know."

You don't think he meant for you to hear that, yet you did... and you have no idea what it means, or why those six words sent goose bumps down your arms. Or why you suddenly feel really hot and sweaty. Or why a smile is creeping onto your lips. Six words. Six words completely turning you into a blushing mess. What's happening to you? 

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