Chapter 54: The Creators

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 Instinctively you reach out to grab the closest hand, pulling yourself closer to them. Whether it's to protect yourself or them you do not know. Before you lies a corridor full of the devilish Grievers you had just miraculously escaped. Yet, the longer you stare you begin to realize that they aren't moving to attack. In fact, they aren't moving at all. Just like Thomas had said, the code had deactivated all of them. To think, all of these hideous beasts had been here this whole time.

You finally think to look down and see whose hand you're holding, only to awkwardly glance and see it's Newt's hand. Strangely enough, as you take the first cautious step following Minho down the corridor, you don't let go of his hand and neither does Newt let go of yours. Your heart races with each step down the eerie corridor as the deactivated Grievers seem to stare into your soul. Somehow, holding tightly to Newt's hand helps you to feel somewhat safer.

After what seems like hours of fearful walking you arrive at the end of the hall. Above you hangs a flickering green sign with one word written across it. "Exit".

"Really?" Fry asks astounded.

Behind him a few boys chuckle softly.

Minho pushes open the door cautiously, wincing as it squeaks on its hinges. The sight before you is astonishing.

A large dull grey room, filled only by many glass cubicles. There is no source of light other than from the screens within the cubicles. Within each glass cubicle sits a person, if you could even call them that. Both women and men in white lab coats stare un-moving and without blinking at the monitors in front of them. Through the glass you can see the screens are depicting images of both the Glade and the Maze. They were watching the whole time.

Your heart skips a beat as Minho suddenly runs forward screaming.

"Hey!! Can you see us!? Are you the Wicked shuck faces that put us in that shuck Maze!?" He shouts at the still unmoving bland people. Not one of them moves or even acknowledges his outburst. "Hey!!! You better listen to me because I've got a few things I'd like to say!" He screams at a random cubicle. "Why!? Why did you so this to us!??!?"

For the first time since the hallway, Newt releases you hand, moving to attempt to clam Minho down. You watch as he whispers something into his ear, then pulls him back to the rest of the group.

Once both boys are again standing by your side, a door at the far end of the room open soundlessly, letting a streak of orange light into the room.

You watch in awe as a woman glides into the room, her starch white heals clacking across the stone floor. Her outfit consists of only white, greatly contrasting the darkness of your own clothes which are covered in filth in blood. Suddenly you notice just how unclean you are.

The woman walks until she is only a few feet in front of you. Out of the corner of your eye you notice Minho puff out his chest defensively and once again your hand is in Newt's.

The woman smiles wistfully at you and your friends, as if with some sick form of affection.

"I'm sure you are all very scared and confused. My name is Ava Paige."

 The woman begins telling you everything. The world has been devastated by son flares, and if that wasn't bad enough it released a killer virus into the air. The Flare. You and the Gladers were supposed to help find the cure. You've been lab rats all along. All of those boys who died. All of the pain and horror you've experienced was all for some sort of test. This is Wicked. And Ava Paige is the one in charge of it all.

The sight of the dastardly pale woman in front of you makes you sick. She's the reason for all this. Yet, as she talks you notice movement behind her. A hooded figure trudges slowly to stand beside her. The person's body is trembling uncontrollably as their shoulder slump over, and their face is covered by the hood of their jacket. Subconsciously, you take a nervous step back.

When the person finally comes to a stop beside Ava Paige, or as she calls herself 'Chancellor Paige', She smiles, placing a hand on the person's shoulder.

"I would like for you guys to meet my new friend." The Chancellor says to you and the Gladers with a voice that is soft and melodic yet eerie and haunting.

With trembling hands the person removes their hood.

You want to scream. You can't believe what your eyes are telling you.

Gally stands before you, face hollowed and pale. His face is contorted with anguish and pain as his eyes begin to water. He looks at you mouthing 'Help me'.

Before you can realize what's happening, Gally begins to pull something out from under his jacket. His arm shakes violently as if he's fighting for control of his own body. Gally aims a gun just to the left of you, right at Thomas.

Time slows down. You know what's about to happen but you can't move to stop it. You try to lunge forward, protect Thomas. He's special, he's the key to some sort of puzzle. Your movements are too slow and you feel someone catch you from behind, holding you back.

The gun shot echoes through the air and your stomach sinks. You look at Thomas who is unscathed, but laying at his feet is a bleeding Chuck. Thomas drops to his knees with a cry of anguish as he frantically attempts to staunch the bleeding. You watch in horror as Chucks breaths become rushed and heavy, yet as he looks into Thomas's eyes he starts to relax. He pushes something into Thomas's hand, whispering something you cannot hear.

You fall back into the arms of whoever is holding you, not caring enough to turn and see who it is as you watch the life flee from Chucks eyes. He doesn't deserve this. He's too young. He should've had a normal life. He doesn't deserve to die like this.

Chuck takes in his last breath, and his eyes dilate, becoming fixed. He's gone. Thomas jumps to his feet in a rage, Screaming at the Gladers for doing nothing, screaming at Chancellor Paige for letting this happen. Then his eyes lock on Gally's. He lunges at him, attacking him with the ferocity of wild animal. The boy behind you which is Newt, and Minho run to his side in an attempt to hold him back.

Another gunshot sounds.

You freeze. What if it was Newt? Or Minho? Or Thomas? You stumble backward as fear grips your heart. What is it's Newt? 

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. 

Psalms 119:105 

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