Chapter 15: Newbie

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 "Me and Minho are going into the Maze. Anyone who wants to come is welcome. Those who aren't going are going to have jobs. I expect you to work diligently and get thongs done. Laziness won't get us out of this Maze. If you're willing to explore the Maze, come stand here with me." You announce to the boys just after the doors close. You don't expect anyone to join you and Minho. Your doubts are proven wrong when Newt steps forward.

"Newt?" You ask.

"I want to help." He says with a slight quiver in his voice.

You nod your head. "Alright, we'll start mapping the Maze tomorrow. Minho Newt, go to bed and get some rest, the rest of you stay here and I'll give you your jobs." You instruct.

The remaining boys look up at you expectedly.

"Alby is in charge of building. Gally, you work under him, whatever he tells you to do you do. Chris is in charge of the garden, Evan you're going to work under him, anything he tells you to do you do. Gyllen, you're in charge of the livestock and meals. Be smart and sparing please. When I'm not here, if you have a question or a problem go to Alby. Any questions?" You say.

The boys all shake their heads and you smile inwardly. You're getting better at the whole leader thing. You send the boys off to bed, but you stay behind and gaze up at the stars. Something is weird about them. Of course you don't remember what they were like before the Maze, but they just don't seem the same.

"You better be careful." Chris says behind you, "I can't loose you."

"I'm always careful." You respond moving your gaze to look at Chris. His dark hair sways with the gentle breeze and his crystal blue eyes glimmer in the moonlight.

Her lovely hair sways along with the gentle breeze as her kind eyes glimmer in the moonlight. She has to be the most beautiful person Chris has ever seen. Even with his memories gone he's certain that there's no way anyone could be more beautiful. Fear controls him as the time comes ever nearer for her to leave the safety of the Glade. As he looks at her in the beauty of the night, he just wants to take her in his arms and hold her tight and safe.

"Make sure you come back." He says, begging for her safety.

"I will Chris. Don't worry." She responds with a gentle smile.

"I always worry." He adds.

She chuckles softly, "I know you do, but I'll be fine."

Chris forces a smile. Y/n extends her arm, offering her hand. Chris takes it into his own, savoring the feeling of her hand in his. Things are going to start changing soon, Chris can feel it in his bones. This is the one thing he hopes will never change, him and her, against the Maze together. When Chris looks at her face a strange look is plastered across her face as she stares down at their joined hands. Almost a look of confusion. What is she thinking?

It's different, holding Chris's hand after holding Newt's, a strange sensation washes over you for each of them, but each sensation is wildly different. With Chris it's like a memory, while with Newt it's something that's just right somehow. You don't understand. Somewhere in the depths of your locked away memories is the answer, you just wish you could find it.


 It's nearly been two months in the Glade. You Minho and Newt still run the Maze daily, you've learned that the Maze changes every night and that it's much bigger than you anticipated. You guess that you've mapped about half of it. Alby and Gally have built two more rooms to add to the Homestead. Gyllen has made some pretty good meals. The box never went down while Gally was in it, he finally gave up after 6 days, and almost immediately the box went back down. You and Chris now spend time together every night, either simply eating together after you run the Maze or taking a stroll through the woods. Chris is like a breath of fresh air through all the madness of the Maze. Newt doesn't talk much anymore, he's focused on his work, then he eats and sleeps. You'll soon wish you payed more attention to his shift in attitude. The Garden is finally producing it's first crops, adding extra flavor to Gyllen's meals. You're proud of how for you've all come in the past two months.

You, Newt, and Minho are about halfway though the mapped portion od the Maze when a startlingly loud alarm starts to blare through the air. Both boy's eyes widen in fear as the look around for the source of the terrible noise. You know exactly what it is. It's the newbie alarm, a new Glader is coming up in the box.

"What the bloody hell is going on!?" Newt shouts over the alarm.

"It means there's a newbie." You answer calmly.

"You kiddin' me!? That's ridiculous, how many more are they gonna send!?" Minho asks.

"I haven't got a clue, but we should head back to the Glade." You say.

The three of you run back to the Glade as fast as you can. You dash through the doors just as Alby helps the Newbie out of the box. It's another boy, darker skinned and tall. You run up behind Alby and smile at the Newbie.

"Hey there, what's your name, what's your name?" You ask.

"I'm Siggy." The boy answers.

"Nice to meet ya Siggy, I'm Y/n. Can I show you around?" You offer.

The boy nods cautiously. You turn to Newt and Minho,

"You two get the rest of the day to rest." Minho jumps for joy while Newt simply nods.

You turn to Alby next, "What have you told Siggy?" You ask.

"Nothing yet." He says, "Try and go slow this time."

You nod and start to lead Siggy around the Glade.

"This is the place we call home, The Glade. We have a small farm up and running, a Homestead where we all crash for the night, a kitchen, a small bathroom, a small barn, and a strange stone building we don't know what to do with yet." You explain.

Siggy nods slowly. "Why don't I remember anything though?"

"Don't worry about that, none of us do. We all showed up here with no idea where we are or who we are, all we know is that we have to try and get out of this Maze." You answer.

The boy's face blanches. "Maze?"

"Yeah, we seem to be in the center of a large Maze with the goal of escaping." You add.

"How long have you been here?" He asks.

"Two months now."


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