Chapter 25: New Beginnings

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One month later...

"Come on Newt, just a couple more steps." You urge.

Newt winces as he puts pressure on his bad leg once again. His grip on your hand tightens with each step. With one arm wrapped around your shoulder, Newt has walked from the Homestead to the kitchen, with only a few more steps to go.

With a heavy sigh Newt pauses, "This is useless. I'm not ready."

You chuckle, "That's not what you were saying 20 minutes ago."

Newt rolls his eyes, "Well 20 minutes ago I didn't know it would take me 20 minutes to walk across the bloody Glade!"

You smile, "We're here." You say softly as you shin bumps against the wood of the picnic table.

Newt looks down at the table with wide eyes, then his eyes move up to meet yours. His lips part slightly as his eyes practically glow. Your heart skips a beat. Newt blinks, and it's like he's pushing away a thought, because then he sits down like nothing ever happened.

You shake your head, removing the strangeness of that moment from your mind. Without another word, you walk over to Fry to get some food. The meal of the day is grilled chicken and green beans. Fry glances over to Newt, who's staring off into space.

"How's he doing?" Fry asks under breath.

You sigh, "Better physically, but staying inside all the time isn't helping his mental state."

Fry nods solemnly, "Hopefully this will help." He adds with a smile, handing you the food.

You nod, "That's what I'm hoping."

You walk back over to Newt, who's currently laughing about something with Minho. Taking your seat, you slide Newt his food.

"What's so funny?" You ask.

Both boys eyes widen,

"Nothing!" They shout in unison.

You roll your eyes with a laugh.

"Ok... I'll pretend I believe you."

The three of you laugh and eat together, and for once it seems like things are going to be ok.

Then the newbie alarm rings.

Your heart freezes inside your chest as the long and slow rings of the bell echo inside your head. Each sound seams to vibrate inside your skull. You immediately jump to your feet, running to the box to greet the next poor soul being sacrificed to the Maze. Within seconds Alby is by your side, and soon the rest of the boys are standing with you.

Finally, the alarm stops ringing, and with a loud metallic clang, the crate arrives at that top. Then you see him, Chris's dead body half hanging limp over the edge. His blood still stains the concrete below your feet. You haven't stepped near the box since that day.

Someone waves their hand in front of your face. You snap back to attention.

"You ready?" Alby asks. His eyes asking a deeper question.

"Yes." You respond.

 With screeching metal, you slide open the trap door of the box, revealing a frightened boy within. His wide eyes glisten beneath you from his position, curled in the corner of the box. You jump softly down into the box, putting on the most caring smile you can muster.

"Who are you." The boy questions with a treamering voice.

"I'm Y/n, I'm here to help you." You respond softly.

You cautiously extend your hand to him, which he takes slowly. You help him to his feet as he eyes the boys above warily.

"Where am I?" He asks.

"The Glade. Your new home." You answer.

The boys face shifts into confusion. His eyes widen in fear as a realization passes across his mind.

"I... I don't know who I am..." He whispers, the weight of his words too heavy to bear.

"What's your name?" You ask, hoping to keep away from that line of thought.

"Clint." He answers quickly, his eyes not moving away from his feet.

"Nice to meet you Clint. Can I show you around?"

Clint nods, "Yeah... Yeah I'd like that."

You smile, then climb out of the box with Clint following right behind you. You're met by the sad faces of al the boys. Every time someone new comes, they're reminded of what they've lost. It's like ripping off a scab, letting it bleed over and over. They don't know who they are. They don't know anything, and it's heartbreaking. You can never get used to the feeling of having your life ripped away from you over and over. Even if you don't remember your life, you know you must've had one before all this. You can't just sit here and believe that this is all there is. There has to be a happy ending, rescue, something. This can't be it.

You turn back to Clint, erasing your sadness, putting on a smile, and pretending that everything is ok. Because Clint needs to think everything is ok. You introduce Clint to all of the boys, all of whom smile and shake his hand. Then, as the others return to their jobs you show Clint around the Glade.

By the time you're done, it's time for dinner. You lead Clint over to the Kitchen where Fry is serving up a lovely meal of salad. Gyllen says that there needs to be a break in eating meat, you all have been eating more than he could provide. You let Clint sit with Gally and Evan as you sit next to Newt.

"How's your leg feeling?" You ask.

"Alright I guess, still hurts but that's to be expected." Newt shrugs. "How's the new guy?"

"He's doing good, not very curious. Either that or he'd rather not know what the truth behind this place is."

"What did you tell him?"

"That this is a test, we have to find a way out of the Maze while staying alive and providing for ourselves by making food and such."

"Did you tell him about the Grievers? Or anyone dying?"

"Not yet. He'll find out soon enough. It's not good for them to figure it all out at once."

Newt nods, "That's smart."

Once again you find yourself smiling.  

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