Chapter 39: Trapped

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 The next morning you face the walls with a pounding heart. The Maze hans't scared you like this since your first few weeks in the Glade. Minho and Alby stand stoic next to you, although jumping every time Ben screams. You all jump when the first bang of the door sounds, sending mysterious gears into motion to open the doors. You take the first step. When you hear the other two boy's footsteps behind you, you start on Ben's path from yesterday. The familiarity of running brings you comfort, feeling the cool air of the morning setting you at ease. It doesn't take long to find something of interest. Turning a corner you come to an abrupt stop at the sight of something massive in the next corridor. On instinct, you put your arms out to the side to stop Minho and Alby, then move them and your self backward.

"What?" Alby whispers.

You hold a finger to your lips, motioning for them to be quiet. You take a deep breath. Slowly you peek around the corner. There lay a Griever. Dead.

You take a tentative step around the corner, your curiosity getting the better of you. The creature doesn't move, it makes no sounds. It most certainly looks dead.

You turn to look at the boys, who's eyes are wide with awe.

"Is it dead?" Minho asks.

"I guess." You whisper, still too frightened to speak aloud.

Alby moves out of the corner of your eye, and you watch as he slowly creeps closer to the beast.

"Alby!" You whisper harshly "That's not a good idea get back here."

"We could learn so much from this thing." Alby explains.

Alby slips his spear from his back, cautiously inching it closer to the Griever.

"Alby stop!"


"Come on man." Minho says.



He pokes it with the blunt end.

The creature comes to life, flinging its metallic arms in every direction. One arm nails Alby in the head, sending him flying into the wall. You call his name, running to help him while the Griever continues to thrash wildly, shrieking with madness. You hear Minho call your name. You turn to look. He shouts. You don't heard it. One of the Grievers arms collides with your back, sending you face first into the wall. You slump to the ground with a groan. With a deranged shriek the Griever disappears around the corner.

In an instant Minho is by your side.

"Y/n. Are you alright?"

"Yeah," You grunt, "Yeah, I'll be alright. Maybe a bit sore." You add, gently rubbing your back.

"Good. Now get up, we need to help Alby."

 Alby looks just about dead as he can while still breathing. Your back still aches from that Grievers surprise attack, while Minho oddly enough seems unscathed beyond a small fright.

"Come on, we're going to have to carry him home. We're running out of time."

One Place to the sky shows that he's right, the sun sits directly above the Maze, meaning there's only a couple hours to get back. On a normal day that would be an easy feat. Today is far from normal. You and Minho both drape one of Alby's smelly arms over your shoulders, equally dividing the weight. Then, you start on your way back.

Merely an hour later Alby's weight is nearly too much to handle. You tremble with each step, your clothes drenched in sweat. Your muscles burn with every movement and your face burns under the heat of the sun. The worst part, you're not even close to the Glade. Your pace has slowed to a near crawl and your energy is spent. Every now and then Minho will say something encouraging with a huff,

"Come on, almost there."

"Don't give up."

"You're stronger physically than you are mentally."

"Keep it up, we're getting closer."

You're sick of it, but you don't have the strength to shut him up. So you press on, fighting fatigue and annoyance with Minho.

Now the sun has disappeared over the side of the wall. You only have minutes left. Luckily you're about to turn the last corner. Everything hurts. You're dizzy from exhaustion and hunger. You can barely keep moving. Alby just seems to keep getting heavier.

You turn the last corner to find a cluster of panicked looking Gladers by the door. Thomas points. They start cheering. Panic fills their eyes. They know. You know. You're not going to make it. One more step and you collapse. The cold stone meets your face painfully. You hear shouts from the Gladers. You stand back up. You start dragging Alby. Minho does the same. The walls start to close. You're almost there. They boys shout louder. Just a little further. They're telling you to leave Alby. You can't. You have no strength left.

The doors close.

You collapse to the ground with no strength left. Your muscles seem to boil underneath your skin. Your clothes heavy with sweat. Even with your eyes closed they hurt. Your skin is on fire. Then you realize what this means. You're stuck in the Maze at night. The Grievers come out at night. You're going to die. You'll never see your friends again. You'll never escape the Maze. You'll never have a normal life. You'll never see Newt again, never be able to tell him how you feel. You're doomed.

"You're an idiot." You hear Minho say.

You open your eyes, confused. Minho isn't addressing you. He's looking at Thomas.

Thomas is an idiot.

A/n: Hey guys! You should all go check out xXFRIDAYFOGXx she has written an amazing Newt imagine that I know all of you will love! So go check her out! 

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