Chapter 46: The Girl

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 You're strangely disappointed when Newt stands up and leaves to go find Thomas. You were so sure minutes ago of what you wanted. Yet, every time you're with him you get this feeling of being at home. It's like if the whole world was burning down around you, and you could still see his face then everything would be ok. So long as he's with you, you'll be ok. When he's gone you find yourself wondering how soon you can see him again. Maybe Clint was right, maybe you should take this opportunity and tell him.

You glance up as Clint sits on the bed in front of you.

"Well..." He starts, "Did you tell him?"

You chuckle. With his legs crossed beneath him and his eyes wide he resembles a schoolgirl ready to gossip about the hottest guy in school.

"No." You say with half a frown.

"You looked like you were about to kiss him!"

"Maybe I was... I don't really know anymore. We had a moment, but it's over now. Like I said before," You sigh, "Now isn't the right time."

Clint frowns, then without a word gets back to work on fixing your stitches. He works soundlessly, even though he gave you a numbing shot a dull pain heats your shoulder.

Just as Clint finishes wrapping your wound, Newt walks in yet again. He sits in a chair across from you and gives you a pity smile.

"How are things in here?" He asks, failing to sounds cheerful.

Clint stands up and walks to the door, "Good," He says, "I just finished." With that he walks out the door leaving you and Newt alone.

Newt shuffles awkwardly, "So, how are you doin'?"

You smile, "A lot of people have asked me that today. How are you?" You ask.

He sighs, "To be quite honest not that great." He pauses, moving to sit next to you on the bed. "Things have kinda gone nuts, and with Alby the way he is, I have to be in charge now. It seems like everything is going crazy and I don't know what to do. First I almost lose you, then the girl wakes up and tries to kill you and everyone else, and Alby is still insane and has to be tied down to a bed."

He bites his lip, scratching the back of his neck. "I just don't know how to lead. They all want answers but I don't have any. We have to punish Thomas, but he's the only one who can talk to the girl and Minho says he should be the Keeper of the Runners."

Silence fills the room as Newt dramatically leans back to lay on the bed. You smile at him over your shoulder, then lean back to join him.

"You just gotta keep doing the next right thing." You start, remembering the phrase from something in your past. "You're clever Newt, you can figure it out. You have this amazing gift to keep everyone together and strong even through the craziest things. I believe in you Newt, and I'll always be with you if you need help. Just do what you think is right, trust your gut, and it will all work out." You say, gently placing your hand on top of his.

Newt smiles, his eyes studying your face, "You're incredible. Thank you."

 As Newt's eyes stare into yours, tension begins to knot in your stomach. The now familiar sense of not being able to breathe or think properly takes hold of your body as you become very aware of Newt's closeness. For the second time today you begin to question what you want. Your mind tells you no, that he's a bad idea right now, you have responsibilities. Yet, everything else is screaming at you to put on your big girl pants and kiss him.

A knock on the door causes the both of you to jerk upright. Once again, your fantasy of a world where you can freely pursue your feelings are crushed by an interruption.

Clint peeks his head through the door, eyes worried and hopeful.

"Thomas got the girl to come down." Clint pauses, "She has the serum that could save Alby."

Without hesitation you and Newt jump to your feet and follow Clint into Alby's room. There, in the room both the girl and Thomas stand over Alby's writhing body.

"Show us what you have." Newt demands of the girl, daring to hope for a cure.

Slightly agitated, the girl slides a shining blue vial from her pocket. The vial is strikingly similar to the ones sent up in the Maze months before. Yet, skepticism still revolves around the strangeness of the girl having it.

"Where'd you get that?" Newt asks, taking the vial from her hand.

The girl glares at Newt before responding curtly, "It was in my pocket when I woke up."

Newt glances at you, "A bit suspicious don't you think?"

You sigh, no longer sure of what to think as you glance down at Alby's suffering-self. You just want to see his face again. Not like this, but like you remember him, as your friend.

Thomas speaks up so you don't have to, "Come on man, she's in the same shuck Maze we are. Why the lack of trust?" Thomas sighs, running his hands through his hair. "All of you are being horrible! Treating her like an alien!"

"Why are you so fond of her all of a sudden?" Newt snaps.

"Newt that's enough." You say with authority.

Newt bites his lip, looking at you, "I just want to do the next right thing." He says, almost sad.

You nod. "I know." You pause almost wishing you could speak telepathically, "There's no reason not to trust her. Alby is either going to die, or this is going to help. So why not give it a shot." You add solemnly.

Newt glances down at his friend, then back at the girl.

"You have a name?" He asks.

"Theresa." She responds.

"I'm sorry Theresa. Please, can you help my friend?"

Theresa nods, taking the vial from Newt before walking over to Alby's side. Your heart pounds inside your chest as you watch in silence. In one swift motion she removes the cap and injects the serum into his bare chest.

Alby screams for a moment, before relaxing completely into what looks like a peaceful sleep. You look up at Clint for some sort of Medical knowledge.

"All we can do now is wait." Clint sighs. 

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30

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