Chapter 2: Observation

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They just sent Y/n up into the maze. Thomas was able to sneak Newt into the back of the room, so he saw the whole thing on the monitors. She and 5 boys were sent up all together. She wasn't even supposed to be there, and Newt blames himself for letting her go. He watches as she starts to panic at the mere sight of the Maze, she hasn't even seen the rest of it yet. Newt just wants to reach out to her, tell her everything will be ok. He just wants to be with her. But he can't. This is all his fault, if only he would've stopped her from trying to save Chris, none of this would've ever happened. But she likes Chris, and since Newt likes her, he had to let her go. For years Newt and Y/n had been best friends. They did everything together. When one fell down, the other helped them up. But then Chris showed up and ruined everything. With his tall muscular build, his perfect jet-black hair, blue eyes, and his shining smile, Y/n took to him immediately. And of course Chris soaked up all the attention. That's what he was there for, her attention. Newt on the other hand loves every part of her. He loves all of her perfections, but he also loves her imperfections and her scars. But now she's gone, left to try and survive the Maze. Newt could've stopped her. He should've stopped her. What if she dies in there? Newt can't watch anymore of this. Newt solemnly walks back to the sleeping quarters he shares with 3 other boys. He opens the door as quietly as he can. All three boys are still asleep. Perfect, they would never know that he was gone. Newt pulled the door closed behind him and slid into bed. After a minute of silence, a head popped down from the bunk above.

    "HEYYYYY Newt!"

Newt bolted upright, smacking his head on a metal beam that held up the bunk.

    "Agh! Bloody hell Minho, you really have to scare me like that!?"

Minho rolled backward onto his bed with uncontrollable laughter. Newt rubbed his throbbing head letting his breathing normalize and ignoring the fact the each of Minho's laughs shakes the entire bed.

    "What on earth are you two doing?"

Siggy slurred groggily from the bunk adjacent to Newt and Minho's.

    "Yeah, could you please keep it down? Some of us are tying to sleep."

Winston agreed from the bunk above Siggy.

    "Don't you two bloody blame me! Minho here about gave me heart attack!"

Newt defends himself, receiving another howl of laughs from Minho. Newt rolls his eyes. Siggy plops back into bed, coving his face with his pillow to drown out Minho's cackles. Winston is not appeased.

    "Would you two just SHUT UP!?" He shouts, surprisingly receiving silence from Minho.

Newt lies back down and closes his eyes, hoping to gain at least an hour of sleep before the testing starts. The bed starts to shake from above. Seconds later Minho seats himself next to Newt.

         "Minho, what are you doing?"Newt whispers.

    "Asking you why you weren't in bed."Minho responds.

    "I was going to the bathroom, nosy much."

"That's not true, I was in the bathroom. You were watching Y/n weren't you?" Minho adds.

    Newt doesn't respond respond. Minho is the only one who knows about how Newt feels about Y/n. Minho even tried to help him out a couple of times, although Minho's version of help was not all that helpful.

    "Hey man, don't worry. She'll survive the Maze. And when you show up, you get a second chance. She doesn't remember Chris anymore."

    Newt sighs, "Yeah but she doesn't remember me either."

Minho smiles softly,"She will."

    Newt shook his head, sitting up. "Even though it seems impossible now, I won't even remember her. And I bloody love her. How is she supposed to remember me?"

    "Because, deep down. I think that she really did love you. She just didn't know it yet. Chris hasn't even been here that long, if things were different and she had more time to see the real side of him, she would learn a little bit more about what real love is, and see that THAT'S what she has with you." Minho said with a caring smile.

    "But things aren't different. The world is infected with disease, we've been taken by a corporation and used as lab rats, and now we're being sent into a massive maze to die. Soon we're going to forget everything, I'll forget Y/n, I'll forget you, I'll forget my life, my sister, my dog. I'll forget who I am."

    "Wow, you're a ray of sunshine this morning." Minho states.

Newt sighed laying back on his bed, signaling that the conversation was over. Minho frowned,

    "Don't give up hope."

"I don't have any to give up." Newt sighs, shoving his face into his pillow.

    "SHUT UP!" Winston roars, startling both boys.

Minho sighs. His best and only friend is giving up, and he hasn't even been through the worst of what's yet to come.

    "For me Newt. I need you to have hope."

"If you let me go to sleep right now, I'll have hope." Newt mumbles through his pillow.

    "Deal." Minho smiles. He then stands to his feet, and climbs back into bed.

As Minho lays back into bed he thinks to himself. I'm such a great friend.

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