Pictures (Chapter 38)

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Harry’s POV:

                As soon as the movie ended Jennifer got up and went to her room. I figured that was my cue to follow. I quietly got up and made my way to her room. I slowly opened the door to see Jennifer looking through some photo album. “Whatchya looking at?” I asked as I entered her room.

                Jennifer perked up. She looked adorable. She had on a pair of old, black, raggedy sweatpants that said, ‘Lady Panther Soccer’ and a white shirt that had BU written on it filled in with bright green zebra print. Her dark brown colored hair was French braided from the bottom leading up to the top which was nicely formed into a bun.  A light smile played off of her lips, “A photo album.”

                I sat down next to her. She was staring at a picture of herself, probably around the age of six, on the back of an older woman, who I would say was in her late twenties, early thirties. Jennifer and the woman were at a pumpkin patch. “Who is that?” I asked as I pointed to the older woman.

                “That’s my mom…” she swallowed hard. Jennifer really never talked about her mom. I never really asked.

                “Where is your mom now?” I ask hesitantly.

                “In heaven,” she answers quietly.

                “That is probably a nicer place to be then here,” I simply answer.

                “She is probably a lot happier being there than here…” Jennifer continued to stare at the picture.

                “What happened to her?” I ask, staring at the perfect which was the side of her face.

                “She committed suicide,” Jennifer answered. “When I was thirteen. She wasn’t happy being on earth…” Jennifer let out a huge sigh. I look at her eyes which tears are slowly escaping. “I miss her so much,” she whispers as she traces the outline of the picture.

                “I bet she would be so proud of you right now,” I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

                “I hope so,” she replies, barely audible. Jennifer closes the album and slides it back into her suitcase. “So what is up Styles?” she asks as she regains her composure.

                “Jennifer,” I began, taking in her flawless appearance. “I love you.”

                Niall’s POV:

                As soon as the movie was done Jennifer had went to her room, with Harry following close, hot on her heel. I let out an annoyed sigh. “What is up mate?” Liam immediately asks.

                I look at Liam. I want to confine in him so badly but I just didn’t know how he would react. “It is about Jennifer.” I look down at my lap, then meet Liam’s gaze which is pushing me for more. “I think I am in love with her…”

                “Are you sure?” Liam counters quickly with.

                “I said think,” I reminded him.

                “Okay, so what makes you think you are in love with her?” Liam readjusts himself so he is facing me on the couch.

                I sat there thinking, “The first time I saw her I wanted to push her up against a wall and kiss her. After getting to know her more that urge to kiss her every single time she walks into a room has turned into an urge to run over and hug her. Every time I walk beside her I want to grab her hand. I hate seeing her upset. It makes me ill. All I want to do is give her the world.” I look at Liam. “I know it sounds cheesy, but it is true. I want to make sure she has everything and more. I would give her anything. I want to. It is so hard to explain my feelings. It always comes out so unorganized. It is not like a script in a movie, where what the guy says flows out perfectly. IT comes out so jumbled, especially when I talk about her.”

                “It sounds like you love her,” Liam stares at me, swallowing me with his brown eyes. “Go do something about it.” Liam stands up.

                “That is it?” I shoot straight up.

                “What else is there to do?” Liam laughs.

                I stand there, speechless for a minutes, “I guess you’re right…”

                “Go get’em tiger,” Liam punches my arm playfully.

                Jennifer’s POV:

                I was caught off guard. I was not expecting Harry to say that, and I honestly did not know how to respond. “Harry I don’t know what to say.”

                “Nothing,” he replied. “I just needed to get that off my chest. I know I told you I still cared about you, but after I sent that I knew that wasn’t going to be sufficient to how I truly felt. I couldn’t just tell you I still cared about you. I needed to let you know that I love you, that you mean the world to me. Even if you do not replicate those feelings…”

                 I studied Harry’s face. I studied his face to see if what he was telling me was actually true, that he was not just bullshitting me. When I stared into his sparkling, emerald, green eyes I saw the pleading they were doing.  I saw that he was, in fact, not bullshitting me, that he genuinely had those feelings for me. I smiled. It was nice to know someone had such strong feelings for me. I hadn’t had someone feel that way about me in a long time. “Harry,” I begin. I could tell he was about to be hanging onto every single word that left my mouth. “You do not know how much it means to me that somebody actually feels that way about me.” I gently placed my hand on his thigh. “My mom loved me unconditionally. She loved me more than any human being could love another, and I loved her the same way. When she died it took a toll on me. While my father tried to do his best, and love me the same way she loved me he couldn’t. I always knew he loved his job more, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Then I met Austin. I thought Austin loved me like the way you do, but he didn’t. I searched endlessly to try and fill the void which my mother left me with, but I have been unsuccessful, until now.” Harry gently placed his hand on top of mine which was still resting comfortably on his thigh. “I can’t say for sure if I love you like you say you love me, but I want to see where things could possibly go…”

                Niall’s POV:

                Just as I was about to open Jennifer’s door I heard what she had told Harry. I felt like someone just took a knife and drove it into my heart. My stomach dropped. My knees became weak, but I knew I needed to gain strength to run. After a minute of recomposing myself I ran. I didn’t know where I was going, but I was going as far away as possible.

                Jennifer’s POV:

                Harry and I had fallen asleep tangled up in one another when we were rudely awoken by Liam bursting into my room. “Niall is gone.”

                I shot straight up, “What?”

                “Niall is gone,” Liam repeated. I’ve tried to call him but his phone is off, and I do not have the slightest idea where he could’ve gone. I mean we are in Georgia for Christ sakes!” Liam was freaking out.

                “Okay, calm down,” I got out of bed and threw on my Northface jacket. “Do you have any idea why Niall ran away?”

                Liam sat on the end of my bed expressionless. Then, it was like a light bulb went off, his eyes got wide. He was about to speak, but stopped himself. “Liam why did Niall run away?” Harry asked as he crawled to sit next to him at the end of the bed.

                Liam began to shake his head firously, “I can’t say, but can you two just please help me look for him.” Liam’s eyes where begging us.

                “Sure,” I replied. I pulled Liam into a hug and rubbed small, gently circles around his back.

                “I think we should split up,” Harry suggested as he pulled on his shirt and slipped on his shoes.

                “Go idea,” I say, I run out of the door. I was going to find Niall, even if it was the last thing I did.

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