Modern Day Gandhi (Chapter 33)

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Jennifer’s POV:

                I had been rudely awakened by a slamming door. I rolled over to look at my phone and it was four in the morning. I rubbed my eyes and scanned the room to see if all the boys were in their beds. Liam, check; Zayn, check; Harry, check; Niall, check; Louis, not check. I jumped out of my bunk and threw on a hoodie and a pair of slippers.

                As soon as I opened the bus door I saw Louis treading far ahead of me. I decided if I was going to catch up to him I needed to run. I looked down at my duck slippers deciding it was better if I ran after him without those one. I slipped them off and took off after Louis.

                “Louis,” I cried out to him as soon as I got close enough for him to hear me. Louis turned around, and the street light eliminated the tears which were streaming down his face.

                “Go back to the bus,” Louis responded, as he sniffled in between each word.

                “No,” I responded.

                “I don’t want you to have to deal with me like this,” Louis wiped a tear in mid fall.

                “Louis, I am your manager, this is what I am supposed to do, make sure you boys are okay, and obviously you aren’t…” I felt my voice drop.

                “I’ll be fine,” he responded, turning around.

                “Yeah,” I ran next to him. “The key word is I’ll…” Louis stopped in his tracks, slowly letting his arms fall to his sides, looking as helpless as a puppy. “What is wrong?” I softly asked.

                “Eleanor broke up with me…” I could tell Louis was trying to be strong as he stood stiffly.

                “Louis I am so sorry,” I looked up at him. I watched as he just let all his guards down, collapsing on the ground. I slid down next to him. “It’ll be okay,” I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, gently rubbing it.

                “She said that I have changed since I moved,” Louis glanced at me with helpless eyes.

                “Well she has got that wrong, you are still the same goofy kid I met when you first arrived,” I smiled at him.

                “She said I got to needy…too clingy…” I could tell by his voice that those words stung somewhat. “She said she needed her space…” Louis dropped his head.

                “Louis, I am going to tell you something my daddy has told me in the past,” I began. Louis slowly turned his attention to me. “If it is meant to be it’ll find a way, and if it is not, you just have to find a way to let it go…” Louis just broke down crying, shoving his face into my shoulder. I stroked his head gently as he cried.

                “That is what I am afraid of, that I’ll just have to let it go,” Louis croaked. “And I don’t think I’ll be able to do that…” Louis nodded his head. “I gave her so much of me expecting that she would do the same…but instead, in return she just gave me a broken heart…” Louis looked down at the ground. “My god I sound like such a pansy right now…

                “You are hurt,” I responded, “and when you are hurt you have to let it all out…”

                “I just feel like she ripped out my heart and stomped on it,” Louis sheepishly admitted to me.

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