The Aftermath (Ch. 44)

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            Jenny’s POV:

            “What was that?” Niall perked up.

            “Harry,” I muttered. “He is currently realizing how much he fucked up…” I explained to Niall.

            “How do you know?” Niall cocked his head.

            “He threw his phone against the wall,” I propped myself up by my elbows. “He only does that when he knows he fucked up, but there is nothing he can do about it now…”

            My phone then vibrated. It was Louis.

            LOUbear: Sooooooooo you and Harry are done?

            I rolled my eyes. I really hope it wasn’t Harry trying to talk to me through Louis.

            JennAYYY: Is this just Louis or is this Harry?

            I put my phone down and let a huge sigh. “Harry?” Niall rolled over.

            “Louis,” I told him.

            LOUbear: Just Louisssssssss xx

            JennAYYY: We are done. Obviously he has so growing up to do before he gets into another serious relationship.

            LOUbear: This won’t affect our best friendship… right?!?! 0_o


            LOUbear: GOOD. Love ya girly

            “What did Louis want?” Niall asked.

            “He just wanted to make sure everything was good between him and me,” I laughed.

            “Typical Lou,” Niall chuckled as he nodded his head.

            The next morning I woke up to my stomach furiously growling. I looked over to see Niall completely passed out. I smiled, rolling my eyes. I got out of bed and headed towards the kitchen.

            When I got to the kitchen no one was in there. Thank god. I started to make myself some toast when I heard some footsteps coming behind me. I hesitantly turned around, scared to who might be behind me… sure enough it was Harry.

            “Hey,” he grumbled as he stood before me, his head down, fiddling nervously with his fingers.

            “Hi,” I remarked coldly.

            We really didn’t say anything as I got my toast all ready, and he sat down at the table sipping on his tea. I went to leave the kitchen before his voice clearing stopped me. “Jenny, wait…”

            I took a deep breath and turned around to face him.

            “I am sorry I wasn’t mature enough to be able to have such an amazing girl like you…” his eyes were killing me, they just looked so sad. “Maybe one day I will be lucky enough to have a girl who is half as amazing as you.”

            I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip. I was fighting back the tears. I knew that I needed to keep my response simple. “Thank you Harry, that means a lot.” And with that I left him. I went straight for the bathroom, threw away my toast, locked the door, and started the shower. I needed a good cry session.

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