Rumors, Rumors, Rumors. (Ch. 43)

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Jenny’s POV:

                I stormed out of the ice cream parlor. I just needed to get away from everything, especially Taylor.

Niall’s POV:

                Harry seemed to be too stunned to get off of his ass and go chase after Jenny. “Aren’t you going to go see if she is alright?” I asked him.

                Harry began to rub his eyes, “I am so tired of doing this.”

                That shocked me. That completely, and utterly shocked me. “She is your girlfriend Harry,” I eyed him.

                “Do you know how many times this has happened since we’ve been dating?” he asked, annoyance lacing his voice.

'               “Well maybe if you didn’t let this shit happen you wouldn’t have to go chasing after her so damn much,” I defensively replied.

                “So this is all my fault?” Harry stood up from the table.

                “Uh, yeah, sort of,” I replied, standing up too. I didn’t want Harry to try and intimidate me.

                “Maybe if you didn’t invite Taylor around in the first place none of this wouldn’t have happened,” Harry shot at me. “You know what is so sad Niall? The fact that you are too blinded to see that Taylor isn’t in to you. She hasn’t been in to you this whole time. She was using you to get to me.”

                I honestly couldn’t believe what just came out of Harry’s mouth. I pushed out my chair and slammed it against the table. “Have fucking Taylor Harry, see if I really give two shits. And with that I stormed off. I needed to get away from Harry and to find Jenny.

                Jenny’s POV:

                I had finally gotten back to the hotel. I decided to pack up my bags and leave. I obviously couldn’t handle this job. I am sure my dad has a million middle aged twenties year olds lined up for this job anyways.

                I began to pack. I would periodically check my phone, but I never got any text messages or missed calls from Harry. That was it. I was done with him.

                After twenty minutes of packing there was a knock on my door. “If that is Harry go away, we are so done.” I yelled out, tears about to stream down my face.

                “It isn’t Harry,” I heard a familiar Irish accent say.

                “Niall I really don’t feel like talking to anyone right now,” I was brutally honest.

                “I am coming in,” Niall said, his voice getting higher. I didn’t say anything and continued to pack up my bags. “Hey you,” he whispered as he gently shut the door behind himself.

                “Hey,” I mumbled as I zippered up my last suitcase.

                “Why are you packing?” Niall asked. I turned to face him. Niall looked genuinely concerned and sad at the same time.

                “I am going to quit my job,” I began to explain to him. “I obviously cannot handle it.” I sighed.

                “Don’t quit Jenny,” Niall took a step closer to me. “I would miss you too much,” he frowned.

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