Nallison?! (Ch. 4)

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Jennifer’s POV:

                I woke up at six in the morning, but not by choice, but by Austin’s constant snoring. I smothered him with a pillow, “What are you doing?” he asked, easily batting away the pillow.

                “You were snoring again,” I pouted, plopping the pillow in my legs.

                “I’m sorry babe,” he rolled over starting to nibble on my neck.

                “You’re tickling me, stop,” I playfully pushed his away. He rolled on top of me, looking down, grinning at me with his usual mischievous smile. “Hey there hot stuff,” I kissed him.

                “Hey there hot shot,” he winked at me, pressing his lips even harder against mine.

                “I’ve got to get ready for work,” I informed him, rolling out from underneath him, leaving him with a little wink.

                “You’re such a tease,” he hollered, biting his bottom lip.

                “You’re such a horn dog,” I yelled back at him, starting the shower. By the time I was done getting ready for work it was six fifteen. “I’m leaving now,” I yelled to Austin just as my toast popped out of the toaster.

                “Bye dear,” he yelled, coming out to give me a kiss. “See you when you get back,” we kissed goodbye and I left. I was sort of in a rush because I was supposed to be leaving at six ten not six fifteen. While in some places that wouldn’t be a big deal it was in New York City, due to the immense amount of traffic, it was vital to either leave on time or early. I rushed out the door and quickly drove and Niall hopped into the car.

                “You’re five minutes late,” informing me raising his eyebrows.

                “I know, I know,” I shrugged him off driving as fast as I could. We got to the office at six fifty five.

                “Look at us,” Niall smiled at me.

                “You mean look at me,” I winked at him.

                “If you were just on time we wouldn’t have had to even worry about it,” he shook his index finger at me.

                “Let’s go,” I got out of my side of the car, opened up his side, and yanked him out. I got Niall to his magazine interview just on time. While I was waiting for him to finish up I ran into Allison, my father and Matilda’s assistant.

                “Am I glad to see you,” Allison sighed, slinking down into the chair next to me.

                “What’s up buttercup?” I asked, turning to face her.

                “Connor stood me up,” she bit her bottom lip, trying not to cry.

                “Again?” I asked, acting surprised, when in fact I wasn’t surprised at all. This was the fourth time he stood her up on a scheduled date.

                “Yep,” she grudgingly replied, firmly folding her arms. “I need someone Jennifer,” she quickly latched onto my arm, “Do you think you could find me someone to date, or at least just go out on a date with.” I thought for a moment and then the perfect someone popped into my head and just walked out of his interview.

                I leapt out of my seat, “You stay here,” I told her, slowly backing away from her, motioning my hands downward , once I was a good five feet away, I turned around and ran to Niall tackling him. I knew it was a little of a dramatic move but I wasn’t exactly known for my subtle behaviors.

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