Get Your Hands Off MY Man (Ch. 42)

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Jenny’s POV:

                “Good luck out there babe,” I kissed Harry’s lips softly.

                He dipped me, our lips being to be pressed harder. We stood up, our lips separating, “Love you,” he whispered.

                “Love you too,” I smiled.

                “Harry there is only five minutes until show time, hurry up, hurry up!!!” Louis beckoned me.

                I peered out in the audience; I was scanning it for Taylor Swift. I knew Niall was dying to meet her and I wanted to just see Niall smile his normal Niall smile. BINGO, found her! I snuck out to the audience as soon as the band started playing Live While We’re Young. “Uh, excuse,” I lightly tapped her back.

                Taylor turned around, her pin straight blond hair moving together in one swift move. “How may I help you?” she asked as she cocked her head.

                “Uh, Hi, I am Jenny Anderson-“ I was cut off.

                “Oh my god you are Jenny Anderson, daughter of Mr. Anderson, Harry’s girlfriend, and One Direction’s manager,” she said all in one breath of excitement.

                “I am flattered you know who I am,” I blushed lightly.

                “Oh I am such a huge fan of these boys!” She gushed. She was sweet.

                “Well I was wondering if you’d like to go back stage with me?” I offered, trying to squeeze in what I had to say before she cut me off AGAIN.

                “Could I really?” she seemed so star stricken.

                “Of course,” I smiled.

                “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” Taylor pulled me into the tightest hug.

                “You are welcome,” I laughed as we pulled away. “Follow me,” I nodded in direction of the exit. She followed me. She was extremely giddy the whole time.

                “I cannot believe I am going to get to meet these five, European heartthrobs,” she gushed on.

                “Trust me, they probably aren’t anything like you’ve dreamed them to be,” I said under my breath. “They are trouble,” I warned her jokingly.

                “I don’t care,” she shrugged her shoulders as we got backstage.

                We started watching the concert, and she went on and on about how cute they all were. She couldn’t stop fangirling over Niall’s adorable little leprechaun jumps, Louis’s cute little tush, Liam’s brilliant smile, Zayn’s alluring eyes, and Harry’s gorgeous locks. These of course were all in her own words.

                “They are coming off now!” She squealed.

                “My girl,” Harry opened his arms wide and embraced me in a long, sweaty hug.

                “You’re sweaty, get off,” I jokingly pushed him away. He pouted. “Guys this is Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift this is Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn and Harry!”

                “Oh my god,” her jaw dropped, “I cannot believe I am actually meeting you all!”

                “We can’t believe we are actually meeting you!” Niall exclaimed.

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