Wakey Wakey Eggs & Bakey (Ch. 2)

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Jennifer’s POV:

                I had arrived at the boy’s apartment around four. I knew I told them I was going to pick them up at four thirty but I wanted to make sure they were out of bed, showered, and ready to go on time. I didn’t want them skipping showers and looking crappy on their first day. Especially since they’d be meeting my father for their second time today and I wanted them to make a good impression on him.

                I opened their apartment door and heard no showers running; I rolled my eyes and proceeded to go into the first bedroom. It was Liam’s. Liam was sprawled out half under his covers half out of his covers in a pair of polka dotted boxers. I went over to him and gently shook him awake. “Five more minutes,” he grumbled turning over to face the other side. I jumped onto his bed and shook him a little harder. “Five more minutes,” he rolled back over opening his eyes. “Sweet mother of pearl,” he jumped up and screamed.

                “Sorry,” I jumped out of his bed. “I didn’t mean to scare you but you need to go get ready. I forgot to tell you guys you are meeting my dad today and I need you all to look spiffy or it’s my head on the chopping block,” I backed away slowly from his bed.

                “Oh, no you’re fine,” he quickly jumped out of bed, “I’ll wake up Niall and Zayn and you get Louis and Harry,” he ran his fingers through his light brown hair and threw on a pair of sweatpants.

                “Okay,” I nodded, leaving his bedroom. I popped my head back into his room, “Which bedrooms are they in?”

                “Harry is in the one across from mine and Louis is in the one next to Harry’s,” he politely told me, nodding his head to Harry’s door.

                “Thank you,” I whispered. I don’t really know why I was whispering on an account I was there to wake them up.

                I first opened Harry’s door. Harry was completely underneath his blanket. I crept over to him, trying not to startle him as badly as I had Liam. I gently touched him, “Harry its Jennifer, I need you to wake up.” Harry rolled over facing me, his eyes half open.

                “Hello love,” he smiled big. I was relieved I didn’t scare him shitless like I had done to Liam.

                “Hi, I need you to go get ready now, I forgot to tell you boys that you are meeting my father today,” on that note Harry jumped out of bed, standing in front of me, completely naked. “Oh my,” I let escape out of my mouth before clasping my hands over my eyes. “And if you guys look like crap my head will be gone.” I quickly said. I heard Harry chuckle.

                “We don’t want that now do we,” he slowly raised my hands away from my eyes; he had put on a pair of boxers. “Sorry you had to see that, I sleep naked and once you said we were meeting your father I knew I had to go shower.” He blushed a little, but it wasn’t as bad as I was. I must be beat red right now.

                “I am going to go wake up Louis,” I stuttered.

                “Be careful,” Harry laughed, “He sleeps naked as well.”

                “Wonderful,” I thought to myself as I left Harry’s room. I wonder if they all sleep naked. I slowly opened up Louis’s bedroom door to him all the way underneath his covers as well. I tiptoed to his bed, turning my back to him, launching myself onto his bed hoping to shake the bed a little while saying, “Louis I need you to get up.” I backed away from the bed to make sure he didn’t jump into me if I startled him. The last thing I need is to have seen two fifths of my coworkers naked on the first day.

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