Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (32)

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Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?!

Chapter 32


Meg's POV


I backed away from Jeremy as he started swinging the dagger back and forth. He laughed at my scared expression. "Relax," he called. "The knife's not for you." I raised my eyebrows at him, not letting my guard down. "It's for the rope."

"The rope?"

He whistled loudly and a very large man walked into the tent, a gun in his hand. The man walked over to me and I flinched as the man put the gun to the side of my head. "This is Marco," Jeremy stated. "He's to make sure you don't run away while we take you to the rope." I frowned at him as Marco prodded me in the side with his fist and started pushing me towards the tent flap. "Wait!" Jeremy hurried to the camera and pulled it off of the tripod, pointing it at me as Marco shoved me through the tent flap.

I squinted against the sudden light. Soon, as the glare of the light wore off, I was able to look around me. I was in a large open clearing surrounded with trees. But that isn't what really caught my attention. There were slayers everywhere and the air stank of human. Each man was carrying a full belt of grenades and a gun I could see was loaded with mini stakes. Jeremy moved in front of us and walked backwards, so the camera could see my face. I frowned at him. He turned the camera away from me and scanned the clearing with it before pointing it at himself and saying, "This is what you're up against, Luke. I wouldn't risk it if I were you." He smiled and turned the camera back to me.

I suddenly spotted a clear spot through the trees, and I thought that, if I used my super speed, I might be able to escape. I waited until the Marco dropped the gun away from my head before taking off. I felt the wind fly through my hair as I sprinted through the clearing, streaking past many confused slayers. 'I'm almost there' I told myself, pushing my legs to carry me faster. 'Almost-' my thoughts were interrupted as a resounding shot echoed through the clearing. I cried out in pain as a small stake buried itself in my thigh, knocking me to the ground.

I didn't stop though.

I started to drag myself towards the wall of trees that were a mere ten yards in front of me. There was another shot and I screamed out as another stake went entirely through my shoulder. I stopped moving, a ragged sob escaping my lips. I was so close. I had been so close, and I lost it. I knew that I was showing weakness, but I couldn't help it. My only chance of escaping from this hell had been squandered. I heard feet running towards me and I looked up slightly to see Marco running in my direction with his gun at the ready. I didn't resist as he jerked me to my feet. I didn't resist as he dragged me back towards the long wooden deck that was raised a few feet off the ground. I just leaned on him and cried silently as he pulled me up a set of stairs.

I did resist when we got to the top though. I tried kicking out of his grasp with my good leg and hitting him with my good arm as I spotted the fifteen nooses that awaited me at the top of the deck. The fifteen nooses whose ropes got thinner and sharper as they went down the line. And at the first noose stood Jeremy, setting his camera up on a tripod and pulling out his dagger once again. I swallowed hard and gave one last effort to resist as Marco shoved me into Jeremy's arms. Jeremy held me in place on top of a tall stool as Marco secured the first and thickest noose around my neck. I tried to blink back another round of tears as he pulled the noose tight around my neck. Once that was secure, Jeremy walked out in front of me so that the camera couldn't see me. He faced the camera and started speaking. "Luke, I have heard more than once that you and her are half-bloods. Half human, half vampire. Well, today I'm going to exploit her human attributes. Breathing is a main issue. Oh, and pain. So, I'm going to strangle her. I'm going to strangle her fifteen times. Each time, I'm going to use a different rope. At the end of the day, the last rope will be nothing but wire, and it will cut her throat. You see, I didn't bind her hands, so that you can see her try to claw the rope out of her airways. Enjoy." He turned back to me and grinned. I swallowed hard and felt a single tear roll down my cheek as he kicked the stool out from under me and moved out of the camera's view.

Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (NEVER GOING TO FINISH)Where stories live. Discover now