Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (10)

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Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?!

Chapter 10

I woke into silence. It was relatively dark in the room I was in. I was only just able to see anything. The room was really very barren. Nothing in it besides a couple of dark corners and the chair in which I was bound.

I was in pain. My leg throbbed, my head ached and my wrists stung. Why did my wrists sting you ask? Well, when I first felt the pain I didn't understand it either. Then I glanced down to my bindings and saw that they were silver chains.

I sighed. Vampire slayers may know more about us then humans, but they can be really stupid sometimes.

Why? Because, silver is about as harmful to us as a paper cut is to a human. It is highly uncomfortable, but it can't really do us much harm. If I was a full vampire, I am sure I would have been very unhappy. But I wasn't and I am not.

Hmm... Maybe being a half-blood wouldn't be as bad as I had thought.

I jumped when I heard voices behind the large steel door. I automatically closed my eyes and pretended to be unconscious. The voices came into my prison cell.

"Here she is father," said a low monotone. "Luke gave us her position... on accident."

"Good, well it is a shame to have such a beautiful girl go to such waste." Just this mans voice made me want to run for my life, and the fact that he thought me beautiful made me sick. "Do you think the same Luke?" Wait, rewind. Did he just say Luke? Was he here?

"Yes." That was his voice! Luke was here! He would help me! "It is a waste."

It is a waste? IT? Did he not remember that he was my counterpart? Did he not remember that I had saved his life? Did he not remember the kiss? I shook my head mentally. Why is it that I had thought of him as good when all the while he had just wanted to capture me?

"Would you like to execute her or shall I?" Said creepy guy, "Or do you think we should kill the men first?"

Then it was Luke again. "I think they should be used as slaves." He seemed anxious. "They are hearty workers." Lie. "They are all fairly nonviolent." Mega Lie. "And she would do nearly anything I ask." Biggest lie of all. Wow! What a scum bag!

I pretty much substituted the rest of their words for the ones I wished they would say. I heard this:

Creepy dude- "I am a donut brain.

Monotone- "Yes, you are, but I drink toilet water."

Luke- "I'm worse then both of you!"

The other two at the same time- "How?"

Luke- "I made really good people trust me then I stabbed them in the back."

Creepy dude- "Wow, you're really messed up."

Monotone- "Yeah. Really, really messed up."

They all went silent in my mind and I realized that someone was shaking my shoulder. My eyes snapped open and I threw my fist towards where a face should be. My fist connected with a hard cheekbone. A male voice yelped. A stream of profanity ran from the mouth of my brother. Suddenly something didn't make sense to me.

"Why did you hit me?" Jason asked.

"Where did the chains go?" I asked back.

"Do you want chains?" replied William from one of the dark corners.

"When did the three stooges go?" I asked.

"Gone." Said Jason. They left a minute ago and brought us in here. I knew that boy was no good."

"No you didn't," Said William.

"Fine," snorted Jason. "But I know he's no good now!" I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up Jase," I said.

"Make me!" I punched him in the shoulder. "OW! Why do you keep hitting today?"

"Both of you shut up!" Said William loudly. "They put us together for a reason. They haven't killed us for a reason. Who knows why?"

"They want us as slaves. Probably to do their dirty work." I sneered.

"Oh, well that's great!" Said Jason. "Now we're no better than that mutt!" My mind flashed back to the young boy. I flinched as once again I saw his light fade to nothing.

"Sorry, Meg." Jason's eyes were filled with concern.

"It's okay." I said.

We both looked back at William who was sitting thoughtfully on the concrete floor. Suddenly he looked up.

"I have a plan." He said. Jason and I knew what it meant when William had a plan. They never fail.

We were getting out of there.


Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (NEVER GOING TO FINISH)Where stories live. Discover now