Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (22)

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Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?!

Chapter 22

I woke up the next morning with a stiff back and a sore head. I was still slumped in the corner of my room and there was very little light anywhere. I groaned softly and someone in the bed moved. I quickly grew quiet and stared silently and anxiously as Jeremy's body stopped shifting and he sighed in his sleep. I slowly stood, being careful not to make any sound, and I slipped out of the door and towards the bathroom. I tiptoed down the long hallway; stopping only when I reached the mahogany door Laurana had told me marked the bathroom. I opened it slowly and paused when the door creaked; my eyes were glued on the door that led to the room where Jeremy was sleeping. When the door didn't open I continued to pull the bathroom door open and stepped inside.

When I was in the large, marble filled room I went straight to the mirror. My hair was mussed and encrusted in sweat and my clothes were wrinkled. I had two holes on my neck where Jeremy had bitten me and they were still oozing blood. God, I can't tell you how much I needed a shower. I checked the door to see if it was locked and when I found that it wasn't I quickly turned the deadbolt. I walked over to the shower and got the warm water running before stripping down to nothing and getting in. The water was hotter than I expected and it scalded my back, but I just stood there. The water rushed down my back and my head and hair loosening my muscles as it flowed. I sighed. I grabbed the shampoo and lathered a fair amount into my hair. As the soap was rinsed out of my hair, it stung the holes on my neck. I stood there for a few minutes allowing the water to grow cold, before I reached my hand out of the shower and grabbed a towel.

I wrapped the towel around myself and stepped silently out of the shower; I moved over to the mirror again. I ran a comb through my hair and dried off solemnly. Suddenly, as I stood there, my neck started burning I pulled my hair back away from the two holes on my neck and watched as the skin pulled itself together. When it was done and the pain was gone, I was baffled about how that was possible. I was baffled that is, until Jeremy appeared behind me with a wicked grin on his face. I jumped and clasped my hands on the towel that was revealing way to much skin. His eyes skimmed over my body and his grin melted and his expression grew to one of lust. I looked nervously towards the bathroom door that was wide open and my eyes frantically searched what I could see of the hallway for some sort of intervention or distraction.

"My god." Jeremy said lustfully. "You are too hot for your own good!" His eyes looked over my body for another second before gluing themselves to my lips. He took a step forward and I backed into the counter. I spun around and looked all over the counter for something that could repel him, but I found nothing. His cold body pressed against mine, pushing me against the counter. I wriggled my way around to face him again and I saw that his eyes were totally filled with lust and desire. He brushed my hair away from my neck and once again brought his lips down hard onto the same spot where he'd bitten me the night before. I shuddered and gagged as he licked the outline of what I was sure was a scar of his teeth.

"Get off of me." I said through my teeth.

"I don't want to." He replied.

"Get off of me!!" I yelled loudly. I shoved him into the shower and ran out of the room. I ran down the hallway towards the big room and prayed that someone would be there. There was no one. I sighed and turned around towards the furious footsteps sprinting towards me. I didn't even see Jeremy as he tackled me to the ground and slammed his lips on mine. I froze up and didn't move as he kissed me roughly, tugging and pulling on my lips with his teeth and biting my tongue. I heard footsteps enter the room and I ripped my head away from his and he moved his lips down to my chin. I searched pleadingly for someone there to help me, but I saw no one.

That one-sided kissing went on for what felt like an eternity and I basically let myself drift out of my own head. Jeremy's hands roamed my body and scratched my arms and legs hard enough to draw blood. Luckily, he grew bored after a while and stopped. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He ran back down the hallway and into the room in which I'd spent the night in the corner. He looked in the closet and found an outfit that was way too skimpy for my tastes. He focused on me again and my scratches began to burn once again healing all my injuries. I strode up to him and smacked him hard on the mouth and punched him in the eye. He immediately made my head start pounding and he sent horrible pictures of Luke all mangled and dead into my mind. I instantly backed down and grabbed the clothes. He walked out of the room and I put the outfit on.

Suffice to say, I looked like a slut.

He walked back into the room and grabbed my hand again. He walked me down the hallway and back into the big room. By then, William and Jason and the rest of the gang were there except Luke- obviously. I sat quietly on the couch between William and Jeremy. William didn't like how close I was to Jeremy in such a skimpy outfit and I wasn't either. I remembered my deal with Jeremy and I smiled and waved like anyone else who's loved one is in danger. Poor Luke. He must have been heartbroken. Or maybe not. Maybe he wasn't heartbroken at all and I was just being foolish. The way he'd acted in the supply closet was so scary.

He had looked like he was a slayer. Maybe he never really liked me and he just wanted to get on my good side. Maybe- 'NO' I told myself. 'He wouldn't do that. He loves me'. So I just sat there for Luke's sake, not saying a word about the past few hours of my life, just listening to William talk to Jeremy about who knows what.

"Excuse me." I said quietly. "I have to go to the restroom." I stood slowly and walked towards the corridor that was basically my second home by now. I walked strait past the bathroom and down to the end of the hallway to Luke's room. I don't know why I did it. I don't know what possessed me to open the door and peer inside.

What I do know is how shocked and disturbed I was when I saw who was inside. I gasped and I felt tears start to fill my eyes. I turned around and ran all the way back down the hallway to a door right before the big room that led to a set of stairs. I ran up those stairs and I kept running. I didn't know where I was going, I just knew I had to get out of there or something terrible would happen.

How could Luke do that to me?!

Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (NEVER GOING TO FINISH)Where stories live. Discover now