Vampire. Human. Well, what am I!? (3)

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Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?

Chapter 3

Red. Black.

Black. Red.

Red. Black.

Black. Red.

Flashing. My eyes were closed. My skull was pounding. My back had hundreds of stone splinters, and now everything was coming in flashes.

I opened my eyes slowly. The sun was overhead. Wait- the sun? But it was nighttime only second ago. How long had I been unconscious?

By now my eyes were wide open. The cross was gone. They had left me to burn. I guess they didn't know all of our secrets.

I sat up slowly, ignoring the protests of my stiff and sore body. I mumbled something about no good, dirty rotten, donkey slayers, and sat up. Looking around me I saw that my attackers were gone. But where was Luke?

I slowly rose to my feet and brushed some dirt and dust off of my clothes.

Ouch. Note to self- brushing hurts when you've just been crushed into the ground.

I stumbled steadily towards an abandoned warehouse on my left. Pain went surging through my chest as I sighed. Great, broken ribs, to. I surveyed the rest of my damage.

Well, I would have a hell of a headache tomorrow. I already knew about the cuts all over my back. And I may not have burned in the sun the way those losers wanted me to, but I had a really bad sunburn.

As I approached the warehouse, I managed to see a sign buried in a heap of junk next to the door. It read:

Old Pete's Industrial Parts

You use it we sell it.

Great, so I'd ended up on the wrong side of town. Yippy!

I'd almost made it through the door, when I tripped over something. I groaned. Wait, was that my groan? I forced my eyes to adjust to the lack of light in the warehouse, and I quickly scanned the room.

Something moved. Picking up a piece of loose glass from one of the windows, I cautiously tip-toed over to the source of the twitch.

There was a pile of overturned tires in the corner of the large room. They twitched again. Naturally, and letting my inner child out, I poked them with my foot. They moaned in pain.

"Help," someone muttered, nearly inaudibly. It didn't even occur to me that it could be a trap, before I was already hauling the tires off two at a time.

"Oh, my god." I whispered when all of the tires had been lifted. "Oh, my good god."

It was Luke, and he didn't look to good.

His face was covered in bruises that were swelling to the size of golf balls, deep cuts covered his entire body (that I could see), and his eyes seemed to have lost their light. He looked worse than me. Oh, my god.

"Meg?" He asked in a scratched voice. "Meg?" It hurt me to see this near stranger in such pain.

""Luke. Yes, it's me." He tried to move and I pushed him back down. "Stay still. You've lost a lot of blood."

"You're alive," he sighed in relief, as if his own life meant nothing. "You're alive." He closed his eyes.

"No!" I yelled at him. His eyelids snapped open. "You need to stay awake!"

"Ok..." he muttered.

I positioned one of my hands on the backs of his knees- one of the only uninjured parts of him- and one hand on his back. "Alright, I'm going to pick you up now. You need to stay awake. Just stay awake."

He nodded incoherently, and I knew for sure that he wouldn't be able to.

So I ran, ignoring the pain it caused me. I ran at top speed. I had to get him to my house. My sire could save him. I know it.

His eyelids began to droop, and his heartbeat stuttered. I pushed my self harder. Everything passed in a blur of panic and agony.

I needed to save this boy. I didn't have a choice. I had known him for maybe three hours and I felt an attachment to him.

He couldn't die. I would do anything. So I pushed past the pain in my legs, the pain in my now tight chest, and the pain of seeing him this way.

He was human, why did I care? I couldn't seem to answer this question as I sprinted home.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Shoving through my front door, nearly ripping it off it's hinges, I screamed my sires name. "William! William! William!" He appeared at the end of the hallway annoyance on his face.

"I was watching Jeff Dunham!" He said in frustration. Then he caught sight of the heap in my arms and understanding hit him like a bullet. He sprinted over to me and took Luke from my arms, which were now covered in his blood. William was a doctor when he was human, thank god.

He and I ran to the kitchen and lay Luke on the table. "Go wash yourself, and I will look over his damage." Then he looked me up and down. "What happened?" He asked in a very serious tone.

"Long story." I replied, "Tell you later."

I took a long shower, being sure to wash every bit of blood off of me, uncoiling my muscles in the warm water, and trying to scrub the memories of the last afternoons events out of my mind.

It almost worked , until I got out and returned to the kitchen. Luke was moaning, groaning, and writhing under the hands of William. He was attempting to clean Luke's wounds to see how deep they were. It looked terribly painful. I looked away.

"Hold still!" Said William. "Stop moving, and it won't hurt so bad." Luke stopped. I gasped.

His eyes rolled back into his head and he went limp. "Do something!" I screamed.

"There isn't anything I can do!" William yelled back.

That was the beginning of Luke's coma.

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Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (NEVER GOING TO FINISH)Where stories live. Discover now