Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (18)

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Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?!

Chapter 18

"What the hell just happened?" I couldn't tell who had spoken through the pitch blackness. Everything was dark and I felt like someone was going to come up behind me and drag me away. Of course if I had to cut that feeling down to one word, it would be 'creepy'.

"Don't worry guys." said Laurana from somewhere in the room. "It storms a lot around this region so I had a backup generator installed for this room and the kitchen. It should kick on in a few minutes." as if the house was listening to our conversation, the generator flared to life and the lights flickered back on.

"I don't hear any rain or thunder." said Allison from the long couch in front of me. "Do you?"

"No," The all obnoxious nick replied. "I don't hear anything."

"There's only one way to find out." said William, making his way to the huge window on the eastern wall of the house. He yanked apart the curtains and looked out. Of course it was still night outside, but, being vampires, we could see everything just fine. The seeing wasn't the issue. The issue was what we saw.

Two girls. Running for their lives. From a slayer.

How did I know it was a slayer, you ask? Well, let's check the files. One, he was waving a huge wooden stake through the air. Two, even though he was pretty far away, we could hear him yelling some very rude and offensive words. And three... actually, that was about all I noticed before all the bottled up rage and hatred inside me basically flowed freely from my ears. I turned on my heels away from the window and sprinted downstairs and to the front door. Those girls were really fast apparently, because by the time I got downstairs they were beating the crap out of the front doors and screaming their lungs out. They were so scared.

That was the last straw. I yanked the door open and pulled the girls in, leaving them there with shocked expressions on their faces and closing the doors behind me as I stepped into the chilly night air. I walked calmly down the porch stairs and stood on the bottom step. The doors behind me opened again and I waited for the feet to follow me down the stairs. There were none. Silence, besides the yelling of the enraged slayer, filled my ears. I glanced back over my shoulder to see the whole gang, including those of the werewolf persuasion, standing just inside the doorway. They were watching.

The angry slayer came closer and spotted me. He howled a stream of profanities before saying anything intelligent, "Well, looky here!" he yelled with a thick country hick accent. "I hit the mother lode!" from the way he was grinning, I could tell that he might have been tipsy if not full out wasted. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Vamps and werewolfies all around!"

"Werewolfies?" I asked in a mocking tone. "Really? Werewolfies? You do know that they're called werewolves right?" he paused in his stumbling advance and scratched his head. "God, you are stupid."

"Are you calling me stupid?" the drunken slayer yelled. "Cause I think you just called me stupid!" I rolled my eyes again.

I nodded my head up and down theatrically. "Ye-es." I said the word slowly as if making it so he could understand. "I did call you stu-pid." he scrunched up his face and yelled at me again.

"Why you little bitch!" he growled. He ran at me and I easily plucked him up by the shirt and slammed him down onto the porch steps. "OW!"

"Have you ever heard of Black?" I asked seriously, still gripping the man by the shirt collar. He didn't answer right away and my fury grew. I picked him up again and slammed him back down. "HAVE YOU?"

"Yes! Ok? Yes!" he yelled as I picked him up again. I placed him gently back down.

"And do you like him?" I asked.

Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (NEVER GOING TO FINISH)Where stories live. Discover now