Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (30)

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Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?!

Chapter 30


Meg's POV


My lips were moist. I remember that was the first thing that I noticed when I woke up again. Even though I hadn't had anything to drink since I'd been taken, my lips and throat were moist. I licked my lips and frowned. The liquid was atrociously bitter, and it made my tongue tingle. I took a deep breath and nearly choked as I inhaled a small amount of the same liquid. I swallowed hard. Someone to my left side sighed. "Oh, for god's sake," a familiar feminine voice hissed. "Open your eyes already! Bloody worthless half-blood."

I did as I was commanded and caught the witch from the slayer clan staring back at me with an impatient scowl. I instantly tried to sit up- to protect myself- and winced as pain shot through my entire body. The witch- I think Jeremy mentioned her name was Ruth- rolled her eyes. "Relax, child," Ruth commanded. "Lay back and give it time to work." I cocked my head to the side.

"Give what time to work?" I asked hoarsely, suddenly even more nervous.


"The Liječenje napitak," She replied as if it were obvious. I blinked at her.


"The what?" She rolled her eyes at me.


"That's Croatian for 'Healing Potion'."


"Healing potion? Why'd you give me a healing potion?"


She gave me a look as if I were the stupidest person she'd ever had the misfortune to meet. "Well," she started as if talking to a toddler. "Your neck is- excuse me, was- broken, you're absolutely covered in scars, and Jeremy basically forced me." Then she muttered under her breath, "If it were up to me, I'd let you suffer."


I opened my mouth to reply to this, when another voice broke in, "Well, then it's a good thing it's not up to you, isn't it?" I looked towards the new voice and my eyes widened.


"Lexi?!" I cried, gaining my voice back. "Jessie?! What the hell is going on?!"


Lexi rolled her eyes angrily and Jessie completely ignored me as the pair walked into- now that I looked around- the large tent in which I was lying on the ground with Ruth kneeling next to me. Jessie nodded at Ruth and then towards the door. "Get out." Ruth nodded quickly and gathered the small vials and bottles she was carrying with her, before walking quickly through the tent flap. The girls came closer and stood towering above me as I laid there.


"No, please, allow me to repeat my question," I said. "What. The. HELL. Is going on?!"


"Sit up," Jessie commanded. I blinked at her and my eyebrows raised.


"Excuse me?" I hissed.


"What, are you deaf and dumb?" Lexi replied in the same tone. I sat up slowly, narrowing my eyes at the two.


"That's quite a bark you got there, for a girl with no bite."


Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (NEVER GOING TO FINISH)Where stories live. Discover now