Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (14)

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Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?!

Chapter 14

I realized that the only person touching me was Luke. He wasn't restraining me. My grief and sorrow threw themselves into a little black box in the back of my mind, allowing fury and hatred to take their place. I swiped at my wet eyes and rose slowly to my feet. My eyes fixed on Black. everything around me turned red as I stared at Williams murderer. A low growl rumbled in my throat. I hated him. I hated him with the white hot intensity of one million suns.

He had to die.

I lunged at him, snarling. "MURDERER!!!!!!!" I screamed at him. Luke's hand on my shoulder became a restraint, and guards all around the room jolted into action. Four of them were on top of me before I could blink and there was painful pressure on my ribs. I screamed in anger, but Luke and Jason thought I was in pain. Jason ripped free of his guards and was next to me in an instant. Luke began to tear the goons off of me and Jason eagerly joined in. Soon I was free and I was once again lunging at Black. No one was there to hold me back.

I tackled him to the ground and straddled his waist. One fist after another pounded on his face. I kept punching him. He struggled at first and then he went still. I had knocked him out. I screamed in fury. He had to be conscious when I killed him. He had to be. I wanted to stop. I knew that this was wrong. But it felt so good. My fists kept pounding and his face began to become unrecognizable. He was an old man. I really saw him as an old man now.

Why was I beating the tar out of an old man? I couldn't remember. My fists stopped and I looked around the room. William. I saw him first. He was still laying in the center of the stage, limp. Dead. I tried to force back tears. A few escaped and I crawled away from the unconscious old man. I crawled, sobbing to Williams side again. I just sat there. I would protect him now. no one would come near us. No one.

A strong looking woman entered the room. Everyone went still and she wandered her way toward Black.

"Tsk." She said. "The old man never stops getting himself in trouble does he?" She was just talking to herself. I blinked at her. She hadn't seemed to notice the fights taking place around her when she entered the room. Everyone had gone silent, awed by an air that this woman held around her. It was a dangerous air.

She kneeled next to Black and pulled a small vial of who knows what out of her pocket. She spilled a few drops into Black's mouth and a few into his wounds. Was this some kind of joke? But it wasn't. Black's wounds pulled themselves together, healing in an instant. His breathing sped and his eyes opened. Great.

All that effort for nothing.

A group of guards pooled around him, shielding him from me. I laughed half-heartedly. Every conscious slayer in the room moved to his side. All but three bodies were clustered around the terrible man. I stood in front of William's body and was joined by Luke and Jason. Wait, Luke? I nudged him in the ribs and he looked down at me. "What are you doing?" I asked. "You're supposed to be on their side remember?" He smiled at me sadly.

"They went to far this time." He answered me. "William did nothing and neither did you. Plus I really want to rip off Jeremy's head." The whole room was silent for a long moment as Black waited to see if we had more to say. we didn't.

He honestly looked confused as he said in a harsh voice, "Oh, so you had it backwards. It seems to me that you love her, not the other way around." He sounded disgusted. "You my dear," he said to me. "Are more trouble than your worth." Jason snarled at him. I grabbed Jason's hand and squeezed it. He squeezed back but didn't look away from Black and his posy. Black turned to Jeremy and said, "Control your pet, boy." Jeremy stepped forwards and I laughed. He froze.

"What's so funny?" He spat at me.

"Do you remember the first time we met in person, and I called you ugly?" He nodded curtly. "Well, now I really mean it! You are really, really ugly." I was in shock, it wasn't funny seeing the scratches on his face. It was those scratches that had caused Williams demise. Those few scratches, had ended a wonderful man's life. Jeremy stepped forward and raised his hand to strike me. Luke moved himself to shield me from a blow I could have easily dodged.

Black sneered at him. "Why do you protect her? She is not of your kind." He was trying to convince Luke to step aside. "She is a leech and you are a human. She is nothing. You have potential."

Luke glared at him and I gasped as he told the frightening truth. "If you kill her I will go insane." Black seemed shocked by this answer.

"Do you love her that much?" Asked Jeremy, stepping back into the throng of slayers.

"Yes," said Luke. I gaped at him. I really wasn't expecting that answer. Luke loved me? What? "But that isn't why I would lose my mind."

"Why then?" Asked Black.

"You are wrong. She is of my kind." He started slowly, unsure how to explain our situation. "We are the only known half bloods since 1723." We had learned that from William a while ago. "I am half vampire uncle." Black gaped at him. I could tell that he had never thought of that as a possibility. "I am also part human. She saved my life. And gave up half of hers."

"Liar!" yelled Black. He didn't want to accept that his prize boy could be his enemy. "It isn't possible."

"Oh, but it is." I said in a low voice. "My heart beats again after 200 years of stillness. I would let you take my pulse but that would be to close for comfort." I smiled at him evilly. "He has half of my strength, half of my hearing, half of my smell, half of my speed and half of my mind. He is and always will be a half-blood." Black stiffened and seemed to make a snap decision.

"Then, you will die along side her." He nodded to the group of overly muscled slayers and they came at us with blood lust in their eyes. I was still overwhelmingly filled with hatred and grief, so I welcomed the fight. I ran into the group of slayers and beat them down one at a time. A large man with arms that looked like steel cords lunged at me. I dodged him and spun around, catching his ear with an open hand. He howled in pain as his ear drum popped. I paused a moment to listen. I heard Luke breathing heavily on my right side, in the middle of a battle of his own. I heard Jason laughing. He hadn't been in a real fight since the revolutionary war. He always loved to fight. the thick armed man came at me again, more motivated this time.

He flung his arms out to either side, preventing me from dodging as his foot slammed into my shin. I hardly flinched and I jammed my knee into his groin and when he grunted and leaned over I karate chopped his neck. He crumpled to the ground, unconscious. I moved onto the next guy. The fight lasted for no more than ten minutes. We had the infantile giants on the ground moaning about their boo-boos in less time than it would take for you to figure out how to say, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious . We stood over the large pile of bodies in the center of the room, smirking at Black and Jeremy. They were the only slayers left in the room. Well, if you didn't include the potion lady.

Black started to clap. Slowly. impressed. "Well, done." He said approvingly. "It isn't everyday that our best forces are taken down so quickly. And by teenagers none the less." He shook his head. "You three have skill. I could use you in the clan."

"Umm," I started. "How about, NO. Would that work for you? Your highness? What would you do if I not only said no, but I told you how much I want you to rot in the fiery pits of hell for killing my best friend?" Black looked taken aback.

"I would say, 'good luck against our werewolf friends." I saw a flash of the little boys face morphing into that of a monster and I cringed. There was barking and growling far down the hallway. shadows much larger than those that humans cast threw themselves onto the stone wall in the candle-lit passage. I froze in fear.

They were coming for us...


Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (NEVER GOING TO FINISH)Where stories live. Discover now