Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (16)

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Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?!

Chapter 16

"Aunt Megalyn." Said Laurana turning to me. Ok, so my real name is Megalyn. I lied. everyone calls me meg because- I ask you- how many 15-year-old girls do you see walking around with a name like Megalyn?

"Laurana." I replied nodding my greeting. "What are you doing here?"

"You summoned me. Do you not remember?" No, I didn't remember. Not in the least. "You called to me through my dreams." Ok, now I was confused. My mind took me back to the dream I had had after being attacked by the boy. I remembered the girl at the door. She had looked oddly familiar, and now I knew why. Laurana. Somehow I had seen Laurana in my dream. But, why did she say that it was her dream?

"I do not understand your meaning." I said. "I did not summon you in any way. I am sorry for the confusion, but I believe you are mistaking."

"Oh, but I am not mistaking, auntie. You share my gift. I had thought myself alone with the ability to dream walk," Dream walk? "But I was wrong. You have the same gift. It has just never been explained to you."

"Wha- what are you talking about?" I turned to Jason. "What is she talking about?"

Jason glared at her for a moment and said, "Laurana, hold your tongue. she needs not to hear this. Leave the subject be."

Laurana returned his glare and said, with a harsh tone, "Hush Father. She does need to hear this. She has needed to hear this for years. You are just not brave enough to tell her. Do not command me to hold my tongue or I will make you hold yours." Jason's glare turned to a scowl.

"I see you haven't changed your view, Laurana. You always were good at holding grudges." he said.

"Grudges? GRUDGES? Are you making a joke? I have a right to hold this grudge! YOU RUINED MY LIFE FATHER! YOU GAVE ME NO CHOICE!" She yelled at him. "I could be dead right now." She said it wistfully. "I could have gotten married and had children. I could have gracefully withered away by now. But you ruined my life. I am forever doomed to childhood. I won't ever grow up, because of you. AND YOU THINK I AM HOLDING THIS GRUDGE UNFAIRLY? You need a lesson in fairness." She was right. Jason had turned her while she was unwilling.

He had always loved his daughter Laurana. He revered her as a princess. I had turned him when she was only three years old. He held out for nine years before losing himself to his desire to have her by his side for eternity. It was her twelfth birthday, when he showed up and changed her. She hated him for it. She refused to drink blood and wouldn't speak to him. She refused to speak to any of us. After a while of that, she began to go insane. She would sit in the corner of our hovel and mumble to herself. A vampire without blood, is no vampire at all. Eventually Jason couldn't stand it anymore. He couldn't watch as his princess killed herself.

So he forced her to drink. He shoved his own wrist into her mouth and forced her to drink his blood. She nearly drained him. I had to drag her away from him. It took him weeks to recover. She hated herself for it and ran away. We had searched for her for ten years. She eluded us. Eventually Jason accepted that he would never see her again and started to return to his normal self. So to clear his mind of memories of her, we came to America.

Jason stiffened and looked down in shame. "Anyways," said Laurana, calming down, "Dream walking is a gift and a curse. I will explain more later. For now, I know how to save your William. But we must get to my house. Make haste." She turned and started to run. I scooped William into my arms without hesitation, but Luke gave me a look. So, I passed William's body to Luke and we all started to run after my niece.

She led us through the endless forest, through alleyways in the city, and through a meadow or two. It took us hours to reach a familiar clearing. It was the clearing from my dream. And in the center of it was the huge house, which I had wanted to enter so badly. And standing just before the entrance was the statue of the stereotypical vampire. As we walked past it I couldn't help but look at the fangs. They were clean. Laurana saw me look and said, "That is a little joke of mine. I mock myself as well as you, you know. I am sure to show it to all of my, um, guests. They find it funny. Well, until I explain. Then they always look terrified for some reason."

Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (NEVER GOING TO FINISH)Where stories live. Discover now