Vampire. Human. Well, what am I!? (1)

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Vampire. Human. Well, what am I!?

Chapter 1

'All available patrol cars, all available patrol cars, We have a hostage robbery situation at the new bank on 5th Street. All available patrol cars, he have a hostage robbery situation at the new bank on 5th Street. Do you copy-' I flicked off the police scanner and stood up, muttering under my breath.

You'd think an all powerful creature of the night would have better things to do on a Friday afternoon than play superhero, obviously not, at least for me. You see I was blessed with a conscience. Lucky me. For some odd reason I can't help thinking that I have to make up for the damage my species caused, oh, say, a thousand years ago, to the human population, by saving them from themselves.

Yay me!

I sulked out of my bedroom, wishing I had gone clubbing with my older brother. I snuck past my sire, not dad, and closed the front door quietly behind me. I say sire and not dad, because a sire is someone that raises you. My sire raised me from the age of fifteen, but he never knew my mother, and he was never exactly a friend. So I'd say no, he was definitely not my father.

I got into my car, a sleek black Jaguar sports car with extra tinted windows, and drove off to save the day. Again.

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When I got to the bank I decided that if I had to waste my time because a few stupid robbers decided to take a few hostages, than I was going to do it in style.

I strolled leisurely up to the front door and found the door to be locked. Well, I'm not letting that stop me! I thought to myself. And I was right. I pounded strait through the steel locks as if they were tissue paper.

As I entered the room I immediately turned to the 14 hostages in the left corner of the large lobby. They were obviously frightened of their captors, because they were mostly hyperventilating. Ugh, most of them were mouth-breathers. You would think that the robbers would at least try to gag them.

I sighed and leaned down to rip off their restraints one by one. When I was done, I ushered the group out, then scanned the room for any stragglers or robbers.

Well, there weren't any robbers in the lobby, but as for stragglers...

There was one.

He was a boy, probably about 17, with dark auburn hair and emerald green eyes. I have to say, he was smoking. I know what your thinking. "Aren't vampires supposed to be gorgeous?"

Only in movies. Sorry. I mean how are we supposed to fit in with a crowd if we look like Americas Next top model? Think about it, if we were really supernaturally gorgeous, wouldn't that be a dead give away?

So, no. I was like a prettier than average girl, but not gorgeous. But this guy? He looked like something out of Greek mythology. What was that one gods name? Oh, yeah, Adonis. This dude could easily be his great, great, great, and many more, grandson. Easily.

He cleared his throat, and I realized that I was staring. I quickly adverted my gaze. And then he spoke, and I gasped in shock. It wasn't the fact that his voice sounded like a god as well, but what he said. He may as well have had a voice like sandpaper.

"So, vamp girl. You going to untie me or what?"

He knew what I was! I hesitantly approached him and untied his hands and feet.

"How do you know?" I whispered. Fear took hold of my body, as I realized what he had just said. The only humans that knew what we were, are family and slayers. Oh god, slayers. The one thing vampires are afraid of.

"Relax," He chuckled, taking in my fearful expression, "I'm not going to hurt you. My great uncle used to study vampires. Taught me everything he knew. And you, are no human."

I sighed in relief and returned to my cocky sarcastic self.

"Well, I'd love to sit and chat, but I got some bad guys in the other room just waiting to be busted. If you're still here when I'm done though, I can ask you exactly what you've learned." I said in a sarcastic tone. With that I turned walked back out the front door and jumped lithely onto the roof.

Finding the spot that I guessed was right over the vault, I dug a hole, with my fingernails, right through the cement. Dropping through the hole, I leaned against the inside frame of the vault door, pressing my ear to the steel. Sure enough they were attempting to drill through the lock.

Wouldn't be long now.

When the door swung open, I nearly laughed at the look on the losers' shocked faces.

"What the-" Said one of the men flanking the man that I assumed to be their leader. I interrupted him.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You know what really bugs me boys?" I asked in a disapproving tone.

"Nobody cares!-" Started the man on the other flank. I stopped him by pressing a solitary finger onto his lips.

"Shhhhhhhh... I'm talking." I whispered in his ear. He shivered and I let my hand drop. " as I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted, What really bugs me-"

"Look, I don't know how you got in there girly, but you're in a heap of trouble now." This time it was the man in the front. I pursed my lips, and then I smiled really sweetly to the man threatening me.

"I said I was talking. That is strike two young man." I laughed at my joke. You see I was old, but I looked 15. He was old, and he looked like it. "Don't get a third strike or you're out of here."

"Hey! You can't talk to the boss like that!" Yelled the man who spoke first.

I sighed. "Strike three." I whispered. I bolted over to him, grabbed him by the shirt collar and threw him against the wall on the opposite side of the room. The other two idiots just stared in shock as their buddy groaned in pain. "I warned you."

"W-What are you?" Asked flank number two.

"None of you business. And now I'm in a bad mood." I said. "so, how about this: I'll spare you the lecture and just throw your worthless butts in jail. Sound good?"

"Or, I could just blow your brains out now and spare you the trouble." Said the never faltering leader, as he pulled a gun out of his pocket. "Sound good?"

"Umm, does the word 'rude' ring any bells?" I asked. I bolted up to him in a blur and snatched the gun from his hands. "Now how do you use this?" I asked pointing it directly at the mans head. "Do you just pull the trigger?"

The man slowly lifted his hands above his head and so did his buddy.(The other one was still unconscious. Woos.)

"I give up." He said, dropping to his knees hands still over his head. I didn't believe him yet I still walked over and ripped a steel shelf off the wall. It was a fairly large shelf, so I was able to rip it into 4 long slender pieces. With one piece I bound the trios feet together, and with the other piece I bound their hands behind their backs.

When I was satisfied I clapped my hands together, and did the moonwalk back into the lobby. To my surprise I found what's his name sitting in a tellers chair, drumming his fingers on the desk.

I walked over and sat in the chair opposite to him.

"Now," I began. "What exactly did your uncle teach you?"

[Ok Guys! Comment away!]

Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (NEVER GOING TO FINISH)Where stories live. Discover now