Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (28)

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Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?!

Chapter 28

Everything was pitch black and I looked around with fear. "William?" I called.

"What's wrong, Meg?" I ignored what he called me.

"It's dark William." I whined.

"No it's not." He said, "Can you not see?" I shook my head furiously and the light came back. William was looking at me with fear in his eyes and I wondered what reason he had to be afraid. Jason was behind him with concern on his face as well. I scowled as I realized that Luke was also in the room, but looking on from the back corner.

"You." I pointed at him and his eyebrows shot up. "Did you do that?" I hardly noticed that he shook his head as my head started pounding. I collapsed to my knees and squeezed my eyes shut. I put a hand on either side of my head and attempted to squeeze the pain out while my teeth ground together. "What is going on?!" I yelled. A hand dropped onto my shoulder and I looked up at a man who had shoulder length black hair and a hideous grin.

"You can remember now." He said to me in a deep monotone voice.

"Remember what?" I asked angrily.

"Who are you talking to?" Asked William. I ignored him.

"You can remember your past now." The man replied.

"Who are you?" I asked. I asked him, but I already knew the answer somehow. He was the man from the memory. He was the one that tortured me.

"My name is Jeremy." He answered.

"Are you the one from my memory?"

"Why, yes. I am indeed."

"Did you erase my memory?"

"I did that too." He replied.


"You took everything I knew from me." He suddenly turned serious. "So I gave you a taste of not knowing."

"Did you pull that line out of a novel?" I asked snarkily. He grimaced at me. I changed the subject, "So why now?"

"Because I now have everything I've ever wanted." He replied. "Including my army." He laughed an echoing laugh and my headache grew stronger. I grunted and squeezed my eyes shut again. When the pain faded away, I opened my eyes to find that Jeremy was gone. I looked up at the group of people that surrounded me. I still didn't remember anything and I suddenly doubted that Jeremy had been there at all. Luke was still standing in the corner and the rest of them were staring at me with anticipation. I guess they wished that I would remember something. I shook my head slightly and they all let out a collective sigh.

"Would someone like to explain what's happened here? Or do I have to figure it out by myself?" William offered me his hand and I grabbed hold of it. I froze as I remembered him walking away with Katherine, him dying for me, and everything else that he'd done since 1816. Was that how it was going to work? I had to touch people to remember my past? I closed my eyes and filed through my new found memories. All I remembered now was the scene in the kitchen and William. Everything else stayed blank. I pulled my hand away from him and stared at it in disgust. "I still can't believe you left me for Katherine." I grumbled. His face lit up and he scooped me up into a big hug.

"You remember?!" He asked enthusiastically.

"I remember everything that happened with you. Nothing else." I said. "It's strange, it happened when I grabbed your hand..." I trailed off. I turned to Nick. "I still don't know who you are, but I do remember my oath. Sorry I almost, um-" He shook his head quickly. I turned to Jason. "Your turn." I said. "Let's see if I'm right about how this works." Jason held out his hand and I took hold of it. Memories of him flooded my mind and I sighed happily. "Yay!" I exclaimed. I turned to each member of the group one by one and remembered what I could about them. I turned to Luke. He stared at me for a moment without moving out of his corner; then he just turned and walked away. I chased after him.

He walked right out the front door and I followed him quickly. "Wait!" I yelled after him, "Please! I want to remember!" He ignored me and kept on walking towards the thick woods that surrounded the house. I ran to catch him and held out my hands so I could touch him. He dodged out of my path and I stumbled over a root, falling onto my butt. He glanced at me with pain in his eyes, before turning and walking away. "WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME?!" I screamed after him. "YOU KEPT WANTING ME TO REMEMBER AND NOW YOU WON'T LET ME!?! IS IT BECAUSE YOU HATE ME?!" He froze and turned to look at me.

"No." He said in a dangerously low voice. "It isn't because I hate you. It's because I love you." My eyes went wide and my mouth fell open.

"Why won't you tell me? That memory-" I felt a tear drop down my face and I quickly wiped it away. "That memory is just going to torture me for the rest of my life!"

He looked at me blankly. "What memory?"

"The one of us. In the kitchen. I want to know why. I want to know why, because I feel like- like if I don't know, there will just be an empty hole."

"How do you remember that?"

"I don't know. I just know that it'll eat at me until nothing is left. AND I WANT TO KNOW WHY!"

He shook his head. "I'm sorry." He turned around to walk away again and I felt my heart shatter. I just watched as his silhouette faded into the distance. I guess, now I'll never remember more.

Suddenly an arm wrapped around my waist and I screamed. A hand quickly covered my mouth, muffling the sound. I thrashed around in my assailant's arms and managed to land a kick on his shin. He grunted and twisted my neck to the side sharply, snapping it.

Just before everything went black, I saw Luke run back into my sight and scream.

Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (NEVER GOING TO FINISH)Where stories live. Discover now