Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (11)

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Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! 

Chapter 11

The following morning- or night, I couldn't tell- was miserable. My companions and I had slept for a very short while and the moment we awoke we were dragged out of our small prison.

Two goons started shouting and kicking our backs. I groaned and rolled onto my feet. I saw Jason and William doing the same. The numskulls prodded us into a large corridor which led to another small room.

After the goons closed the door behind us, a screen covering the entire right wall of the room lit up. Three men stood in a much larger room most likely located on the other side of the building. Cowards. They wouldn't even face us directly. At first the screen was dim and I could only see the silhouettes of the three men.

"Hello, leeches." said the creepy voice which had called me pretty. "We are going to say something to you and we will only say it once." He paused. "My name is Arnold Black. You will not refer to me as Arnold Black, but rather Sir, Master, Mr. Black, or Sire." I snorted and giggled. He paused again to glare at me. "Is something funny?" I giggled again. 

"No," I said quickly slapping a hand over my mouth.

"No- what?" Said the old man harshly.

"No, Sir-Master-Mr. Black-or-Sire." This time all three of us "Leeches" laughed out loud at my joke. One of the goons came from the back of the room and used a nightstick to knock my feet out from under me by hitting the backs of my knees. I fell, and both William and Jason knocked the goon out cold in less then a second. All laughter left the room.

"Now, now, Gilbert no reason to get violent. It was merely trying to be humorous." The creepy old dude seemed to be talking to the unconscious man. He looked back at me. "Please do not force my hand to strike at you." He gestured to the two men flanking him. The screen was now bright and clear and I could see their faces. Luke was one of them, the other was a well built boy in his late teens- 16 or 17- with long black hair and bright milky blue eyes. The creepy man had dark gray hair and eyes just as ominous. "This," He gestured to the black haired slayer, "is Jeremy. And you already know Luke so I won't introduce you." I didn't look at him.

"We are going to play a game. I am going to pull off my hat," I hadn't noticed that he was wearing one. "and place these three strips of paper inside." He produced three thin white pieces of folded paper from his pocket, and he put them in his hat. "On the insides of these papers are our three names. We are all high up in this clan and we need people to do our bidding." I will call go and you will each say 'not it!'. The last person to say this will have me draw a name. Whichever name you get is the person you serve. Do you understand?" He paused as if looking for a response. When none came he continued, "Ready, set, GO!"

we remained silent.

Crazy old coot. "Fine." He snapped at us, abruptly incredibly serious. "I will choose who goes first." He pointed at William. "You. His hand submerged itself in the bag and began to swish around. I heard the rustling of paper. Arnold Black laughed. "Me! you are assigned to me. Lucky you!" His grin faded as he saw that William was scowling. This man had to be bipolar! "Now," he said quickly. "Who's next?" his finger tapped his chin as if he were thinking hard. "I know! you." He pointed at me. "you, will be assigned to..." he trailed off as he rifled through his hat. Please, please, please don't be- "Luke! Ha-ha! it would figure! he has told me how deeply in love you are with him! well, not in so many words but you would do anything for him, would you not?" Luke's cheeks colored and he looked down.

"In his dreams maybe. I wouldn't pay a penny to save his life." Lies. I would do a lot for him. Maybe not anything, but I still felt a pang of attraction through the raging pain and betrayal which flooded my system. I remembered the little kiss and, disgusted, I spit on the ground. But Luke had seen my moment of thoughtfulness and was staring at me intently. I glared at him.

Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (NEVER GOING TO FINISH)Where stories live. Discover now