Vampire. Human. Well, what am I!? (2)

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Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?

Chapter 2

"Walk with me," said Adonis Jr. Wow, I really needed to find out his name. We stood up and were halfway out the shredded door, when I stopped. He kept walking for a moment, then, realizing I wasn't with him, he turned on his heel and came back. "What?"

"What's your name?" I asked innocently.

"What's your name?" He replied.

"Meg. Now tell me your name." I replied impatiently. I didn't have time for this. And I hate it when people answer my questions with questions.

"Luke." He stated. "Oh, and before I forget, could you do me a favor and humor me when I tell you what my uncle said?" We began walking again.


"Well, he was a little... out there. Most of what he learned was from stories." Luke replied.

"Then how'd you know me as one?" Ok, this boy was confusing.

"You fit the modern novel description." He said it as if it were obvious.

"Oh, really?" I said cynically. "How so?"

"Tall, pale, strong, fast, when you talk I can see tiny fangs, and, well..." He looked away as if he were embarrassed for thinking something.

"And what?" I pressed.

"Well, your kind of beautiful." He blushed furiously, and if I could, I would be blushing to. But all I could do was blink. We lapsed into an awkward silence for about a block.

"So," I started, trying to change the subject. "Lets play a game."

"A game?" He laughed.

"Yeah, it's called myth or fact." I said as if he were an idiot for not knowing that already. "You say something your uncle taught you and I say myth or fact. If it's a myth I'll tell you the truth."

"Ok..." He trailed off thinking. "Myth or fact: Sunlight turns vampires to ash."

"Myth, we just burn easily." I replied.

"Gotcha. Myth or fact: A stake through the heart will turn you to dust."

"Ok, three things." I said "One, myth, it'll just kill us no dust involved. Two, You don't have to say myth or fact before every question. And three, what is up with you and dust, anyway?"

He shrugged. "Fine. Crosses or holy water will burn you."

"Well," I started, tiring of this game quicker that I thought possible. "Crosses can't burn us because we can't touch them. In fact, there is basically some sort of force field keeping the area with in 10 feet of the cross untouchable." I wondered why I was telling a stranger boy one of our races secrets. "Holy water, just makes us smell good."

Luke muttered something that sounded like, "I knew that." But it was nearly inaudible so I wrote it off. After all, only slayers and vampires knew that.

I quickly examined my surroundings and saw that we were in an unknown part of town. Glancing at Luke I saw that he was thinking very hard about something.

"How old are you?" he asked suddenly.

"Um... 15. Why?" I replied.

"No, your real age." He chucked.

"None ya'!" I said. " Hey lets turn back."

"Wait, I have one more question." said Luke.

"What?" I sighed.

"Do you trust me?" I just stared at him in shock far a few moments. I had just met him! Why would he ask that? But that isn't what shocked and perplexed me. It was my answer.

"Yes." The word fell out of my mouth. I didn't know why at the time, but I did trust him.

"Then, I'm sorry." He whispered, quietly.

"Wha-" I barley had time to utter those three letters before I was tackled to the ground. Normally I would have jumped up in an instant, but someone huge was on top of me. I looked up at my attacker and saw that it wasn't a person at all.

It was a cross.

My dead heart shuddered and iced over as I realized what was happening.

I was being attacked by slayers.

The invisible wall emanating from the cross Shoved me down when I tried to get up. Grinding me farther and farther into the asphalt. I whimpered as pain surged through my body. I hadn't felt pain like this in over 100 years. The whimper grew to a whine and the whine to a scream as the human stranger holding the cross lowered it over me.


Rocks as sharp as knives drove themselves into my back. I turned my head to the side hoping to rid my head of the pounding in my skull.

Over my screaming, I could hear very faintly a group of people talking and then yelling. The sound of multiple bodies hitting the ground. And then nothing. I blacked out.

God, I hoped they thought I was dead.

[Hey! Hope you liked Chapter 2!] :)

Vampire. Human. Well, what am I?! (NEVER GOING TO FINISH)Where stories live. Discover now