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This afternoon is a quiet and pleasant day. I take a break first for todays work and to my problematic friend.

This time, I give a time for myself. These pass few days I'm so exhausted but I never show that to Lisa.

I'm here today at my one of my favorite coffee shop. I'm here everytime I need some relaxation and break.

Leaning my back at the chair backrest as I gently sip my americano. One of the reason why I like this Cafe because of their coffee and pastries, it's really suits my taste.

This is what I really need, to have a peaceful day even though it's boring cause I'm alone. I'm just enjoying this beautiful ambiance with myself.

Sad but true. Kim, Jisoo is alone  and single to be true. I don't know why I didn't realize that this pass few days I'm not giving myself an attention.

Since Lisa need my company. I really forgot to feel happy. I mean I'm happy with being my friends but not in my own.

I really don't experience being happy of having someone special. I'm in to many girls in the bar or club but I never really find it as a happiness.

I'm satisfied but not so happy. Sharing your body to other woman only give me a pleasure. Not the love or the feeling of being own with someone.

I really think that I'm not capable of loving someone or love by someone.  My time is in work and friends specially Lisa who needed me the most in her worst situation.

Since high school Lisa was my only true friend even though at that time we don't understand each other in the first place. She's from thailand and I'm a pure korean .

She speaks english and  I can't but I understand it though. I can understand what she said but I can't reply her straightly.

I taught here basics hangul words and she also teach me some english words. Since then we click, we have the same brains and the same idea everytime we do a silly thinks.

Our bond were getting stronger each day, that's why I can't just leave that idiot hanging and alone in times of her sadness.

I break in my thoughts when I heard a woman murmuring something in the counter area.

The woman's voice sounds familiar but I couldn't pinpoint where did I exactly heard her voice. I think I'm just imagining hearing her voice cause when I saw her face I didn't see her face as familiar.

I just shrug it off and back to my thoughts. Once again I hear the woman pleaded to the cashier, and this time she  is really frustrated.

I shake my head as I place the cup of my coffee at the table. I stood up and walk towards the counter.

Every steps I make the sounds that they creating make me clear to me. This girl don't have a cash but the cashier card swipe machine didn't work which means it's damage and cannot be use.

I take a deep breath as I reach my hand in my pocket to grab my wallet. When I reach the counter  area the woman look at me with confuse as I extend my hand with a bill.

" How much?" I talk to the cashier who's obviously shock at my action. Who wouldn't be? I'm just a stranger to this woman but I give my money so that she can buy a coffee.

" Excuse me?" The woman said in austrilian accent. So she's a foreigner but she look like a korean though. Don't say I'm gonna deal again with english speaking people.

She raised her brow at me while I just look away at her as I gaze my eyes to the cashier. " Are you gonna take it or not? Give her what she ordered and I'll pay for it." I told the cashier.

The girl in the counter punch the cashier machine as she get my money in my hand. The aussie woman just stared at me she even didn't  blink.

The cashier give me the change as I walk back to my table without looking at the confuse aussie woman. I don't care if she didn't thank me, I just want to help her and to shut her up.

I'm having my peaceful moment earlier but she just broke it by talking so loud. When I finally settle back in my chair, I feel a presence infront of me.

She place her coffee at my table while still standing and crossing her arms. I didn't mind her, cause I don't want to talk to anyone right now.

" I really don't know if your a good person or a rude one. First you pay for my coffe then now your ignoring me. If that's the case then drink the coffee that you pay for me." She utter frankly and push the coffee in the table closer to me.

This time I glance at her and stared before pushing her coffee to her direction. She just look at me intently like we were battling from eye to eye.

" Who's being rude now? I pay that for you, so that you can shut your mouth up. And now your loud again and complaining that I pay for your coffee. You are impossible. You didn't even said a single thank you from me, but don't worry I didn't need it, so if I were you just take it and leave me peacefully." I mock her because I'm really annoy seeing her. Who does she think she are?

" Don't worry stranger I will fucking pay for you. Here!" She hold a card as shr throw it in the table infront of me. " Take that, if you need my credit card I'm willing to help if your out of cash. " She imatate me as she get her coffee at my table and dash her way to the exit without even saying thank you.

I think she is a superior kind of woman. Tsk! I don't really like her guts. She's beautiful but not my type though.

Goodbye Aussie. I mentally said.



" Who does she think she are? Huh? She's.....she's fucking annoying" I murmur under my breath as I gritted my teeth and as I pace back and forth.

" Oh! God Rose, you make me feel getting dizzy. What's your problem?" Jennie complain as she observe me while seating.

" She! She is my problem. I didn't do anything to her though but she's getting into my nerves." I groan as I remember how rude that woman is.

" Then why are you fussing in my office and infront of me. You could just say it to that woman directly." I stop from pacing as I look at Jennie and seat opposite to her.

I pouted. " Jennie, I don't want to make a scandal in s public face and not with that woman. " I stated seriously. Jennie just shug her shoulder as she take her deep breath.

" Alright, alright. Just can you stop complaining. Don't ruin my mood Chaeng. And by the way who's this girl?" I sight and masaage my temple. I have no fucking idea who's that woman.

All I can remember is that she's gett]ng into my nerves. I wanna say thank you for her but she ruin it by being rude to me.

I'm not guilty of not saying thank you, cause I will pay for her. If our path will cross, I would definitely give her back her money.

" Actually, I don't have any interest of knowing her name. Dah! She's not worthy knowing my name too. " I flip my hair as I roll me eyes.

" Whatever you say Rose, just forget  about her, okay and let's just talk of something else. I need your help now." I nod at Jennie as she give me a smile.

Right. I will just gonna forget about that rude woman. Even she pays my coffee I wouldn't thank her and give her a damn space in my brain.

I hope that we will not see each other again, or else I'm gonna fucking slap her face with my credit card. Grrrh! Such a bad day for me.


..Sorry for the late update...

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