Chapter 21-

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Patty's Pro-

"So what are you going to do with the kid?" Asked Kristina as she was sipping on her water. I sighed. What were we going to do with Dylan? It's not like Zayn and I can keep him,but then again I don't want him in a place with a bunch of random people. But then again,he didn't know Zayn and I too well either. But I'm willing to change that.

"I don't know..I have to talk to Zayn" I said getting up and leaving Kristina's hotel room and into mine.

"PATTY!" Dylan yelled running to me and wrapping his arms around my legs. I smiled down at him and took him into my arms. 

"Hi Dylan,where's Zayn?" I asked walking into our bedroom.

"Right there!" he said pointing to Zayn laying on the bed. I chuckled at the look Zayn had on his face. Dylan jumped out of my hands and jumped on to the bed snuggleing into Zayn. I smiled again and walked into the bathroom so I could change into comfy clothes. When I was done my hair was tied into a tight bun and I was wearing boyshorts and a cami. 

"What are you doing?" I asked the both of them that were in fits of laughter on the bed. I looked over at the clock and noticed it was already 8:30..Where did this day go?

I didn't wait for the boys to respond before I went over to the phone and looked for the number for the front desk.

"Patty,what are you doing?" Zayn asked suddenly worried.

"I'm calling the front desk to ask if anyone is looking fo-" I was cut off by Zayn.


"Zayn he isn't ours,we can't keep him. He's a four year old child I'm pretty sure it's against the law!" I snapped at him. I think he took it by surprise,I never snapped at Zayn. 

"Can we just talk about it Patty,please." he pleaded and I put the phone back down sighing.

"Dylan,I think it's time for bed buddy" I said taking him into my arms and walking into the living room.

"Can I stay with you and Zayn?" he asked in his cute child voice. I layed him down on the couch and put a blanket over him sighing again. I've been doing that alot lately..

"We'll see,but for now go to sleep Dylan" I said walking out and turning the light off.

"Patty wait!" he said running up to me and signalling for me to pick him up so I did just that.


"Gooodnight!" He said wrapping his arms around my neck and hugging me tightly then kissing me lightly on the cheeck. Okay,maybe I am rethinking this whole keeping Dylan thing. He's just so adorable.


"Is he sleeping?" Zayn asked pulling me closer so that our bodies were now touching.I nodded and looked into his eyes.

"What are we going to do?" I said softly still looking into his perfect brown eyes.

"I mean,we could take custody of him. Patty,his parents would have came to look for him. We can't leave him in some foster house in Australia. Management can get it all taken care of. We don't have to do anything" he explained to me rubbing my shoulder.

"Okay" I sighed. "We can keep him"


SHORT CHAPTER.I'M SORRRYY. I havent updated in like a month..But I've been working hard on my other story so i guess that makes up for it?

IDKK. But if you wanna read my other story. It's a Harry fanfic and it's called "As Long As You Love Me" or you could just type my user in....Yeah.Okay well i hope you liked it!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2012 ⏰

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