Chapter 31.5- For a Split Second

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(Y/n)'s P.o.V.

It had been about a few hours since I had started working... without sleep, without food, without a break. Originally I had taken a seat at the kitchen table, though as night fell, I eventually relocated myself over in front of the fireplace, after which I hadn't moved.

The sun had begun to rise and as it did so did the various people who stayed in the cabin.
First to awaken was V, who left to go outside and walk around.
Then was Luciel, who wandered off somewhere, followed by Vanderwood who had decided to tag along. Lastly was Mc, who went outside to try and go find V.
So there I sat by the fireplace, alone.

Under most circumstances I enjoyed my time alone, silence had become as familiar to me as my own shadow,  however, after leaving Mint Eye there was almost always something going on.
There was always some sound in the background.
Wether it be Luciel who muttered to himself as he worked on his laptop, or Vanderwood and Mc getting into an argument; someone was always making noise.
Now that I was alone, everyone occupying their time with things to do, it was nearly silent.
The only two sounds I heard was the crackling of the fireplace in front of me, along with the tapping on my keyboard as I typed away.

As time went on more sounds had begun to surround me, before long V and Mc had come back,
Mc blabbering on about god knows what, and V patiently listening, with the occasional chuckle here and there. Just as I had suspected Saeran had yet to take a break, meaning nor could I.
"Still working.... Huh?" A voice called out to me, one that I had familiarized myself with. Continuing to type away I looked at the reflection on the computer to see who it was speaking to me.
Not wanting to lose focus I ignored him as he quietly sat himself down on the couch behind me.
"Doesn't seem like you've moved an inch since this morning," he added. Feeling bad for not responding I open my mouth up to say something right before V cut me off, "no need to answer, I know you have to focus."
Closing my mouth I continued to silently work.
"I hope I'm not annoying you, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm happy you're with us... We really appreciate you working so hard..."
Pausing for a second I tried to take in what V had just said, however my break in concentration resulted in the entire server almost collapsing in on itself.
Eyes widening, and my heart dropping, I quickly refocused and continued to type away. 
"I also wanted to tell you that, as much as we...
I... appreciate how much work and time you're putting into this, please be mindful of yourself..." V said, "I'm almost certain that you haven't moved, and that can't be good. You need to take a break, walk around a bit, take a quick nap, eat something." ignoring what he had to say I continued to mindlessly type.
"When Luciel comes back I want you to take a break." Gritting my teeth I refrained from saying anything. If I said one word, loose concentration for one second, I risked losing to Saeran, and if that came to be I feared what may end up happening.
V let out a sigh before standing up.
"I'll leave you alone." He said, walking away leaving me alone, once again, to my thoughts.





Time flew by and before long the sun had fallen and night had arrived; there I sat unmoving from my spot on the floor. My last days at Mint Eye I had done the same thing. Sat, unmoving for hours... days at end, working.
The one difference, however, was the fact that I wasn't working for someone because I was being forced... instead, I was working out of my own free will.
Freedom was the thing that made me run away in the first place and was what was keeping me with the RFA.
I wasn't working for the Savior or for Ray... instead, I was working to protect Luciel, Vanderwood, V, and even Mc.
I was working to protect those who had helped me.

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