Chapter 23- A Desperate Plea

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Mind if I join you guys Afterall?" I asked, glancing upward from the ground and to the redhead who stood in the doorway.

"Seven, who is it!?" I heard an all too familiar voice call out.

Luciel sighed, "Who are you?"

"(Y/n)... the person who helped you?"

"What is she doing here!?" Mc shouted, "she's lying!" she shrill voice continued to shout from behind Luciel.

"Be quiet." An unfamiliar voice demanded.

"What is she doing here then? How did she even find us? Is she spying on us or something? I bet she was!"

"Will you shut up!?" the unknown voice, once again, ordered.

"Yes, why are you here?" Luciel asked.

"I left Mint Eye..." I stated.

"Left Mint Eye?" Lucid asked.

"What if she's lying!?"

"I'm not lying. I don't know where else to go." I said, the words just falling from my mouth.
I was too tired to think of something witty to say. I was too tired to fight back.
I just wanted to rest, to forget what happened.
"I escaped and have been wandering around... V asked if I wanted to join before you guys left... and I managed to escape Mint Eye... I have nowhere else to go." I wasn't wanted no matter where I went. The Savior didn't want me... Ray no longer wanted me... from the start I wasn't wanted.
"... I can help..."

"What good is she?" As Mc continued to shout at me from behind Luciel I noticed something strange.
Hearing her voice shouting at me didn't anger me like before. Instead, I felt a sort of relief wash over me.

"For the last time, will you stop talking!?"

"I brought stuff to help V with...," I said, "before I left I stole some stuff. It should help him get better. The amount I left you with should be gone by now... I didn't give you that much after all."

Luciel glared down at me with his golden eyes, as if studying every little movement I made. "Fine..." he spat, stepping out of the way.

"What!?" Mc shrieked, "You're just going to let her in!?"

"You can stay," he added as I stepped into the cabin, "as long as you let me check your bag for anything suspicious." I nodded and set my backpack down on the ground.

"Did you forget she threatened us!?"

"I brought a laptop, which I need to spoof, other than that there should be some liquids in a glass vile, other than that it should be empty," I stated, ignoring the person behind me. Luciel began to open the compartments to my backpack.
As he did so I looked around.
I saw Mc, who stood nearby glaring at me.
There was a fireplace, electricity, surprisingly, a couch and a few chairs, a doorway and a closed door. And standing a fair distance away was also a man who had longish brown hair who wore a black suit type thing, arms crossed over his chest. As soon as my eye caught his he huffed and looked away.

"I'm taking the laptop," Luciel said as to pulled it out of his backpack. "Vanderwood, can you check this over for me?"

"Sure, what else am I good for?" the man with brown hair sighed, grabbing my tablet from Luciel.

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