Chapter 35- A Tea Party for Two

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Slight Trigger warning
Please do not read if sensitive to topics like
Implied non consensual activity
or suffer from major anxiety or depression
This book is not worth potentially causing harm to yourself or hurting your mental health
Please consider skipping and potentially switching over to the other route...
This is a much lighter trigger warning than the others, nothing is explicit... however those who are sensitive or have past trauma should still proceed with caution.
if you would like further information about the content of this chapter please feel free to DM me and ask questions.
If you don't have any problems please proceed and enjoy....

(Y/n)'s P.o.V.

Looking up at the cloudy sky I sighed.
The sun was as bright as ever, the clouds were beautiful, the flowers surrounding me were brilliantly colored and yet
it all seemed dull.
My skin crawled as the gentle breeze washed over my body.

I felt

Reaching upwards I placed my hands over my face, pressing the palms of my hands ever so slightly into my eye sockets,
rubbing my eyelids before slowly squatting down in the field of flowers.
Sliding my hands upwards they ran through my tangled hair. I squeezed my hands together into fists, and pulled ever so slightly on the roots of my hair. Feeling my hands begin to shake I slowly opened my eyes back up.
As I opened my eyes I was immediately faced with an iris that was a few inches from my nose.
My lips curled into a slight smile as I reached out and brushed my fingers over the delicate petals.
'An iris...'
I thought to myself,
'the symbol of hope and friendship.'
Feeling my lips fall into a frown I began to rub my eyes again.
As my hands moved away I immediately noticed that the iris which sat in front of me had suddenly become a
My eyes widened as it flew upwards and landed on the top of my nose, its spindly legs taking a few steps forward.
I suddenly stood up, starling it.

Opening its wings it fluttered away,
and landed on a nearby flower.
Tilting my head I walked towards it.
For some reason, I was drawn to the butterfly, and not only that but the curiosity of the situation had seemed to distract me away from my thoughts.

As I got closer it, yet again, opened its wings and flew away, landing on another flower.
I looked down to the ground and sighed.
'What am I doing?'
I asked myself, running a hand through my hair.
Glancing back upwards I noticed that it had disappeared from the flower it had previously been sitting on, and was flying away.
Taking a step forward I soon stopped in my tracks.
I wanted to follow it,
just to see where it was going,
but a part of me found it stupid to go chasing after an insect.
As it began to get smaller and smaller, however,
I couldn't stop myself.

Running through the field of flowers I chased after it, pushing past the wildflowers which painted the hill.

On the edge of the field were trees....
a forest...
and it seemed that the butterfly was headed straight into it.

The trees were tall, leaves green, and though I didn't know much about trees, I knew that most of them seemed to be white birch. The pealing white bark and the thin crooked trunks were enough for me to tell what kind of tree it was.

The forest seemed to get thicker, and before long I began to loose sight of the butterfly.

As I chased it through the forest, I noticed that I was nearing an opening in the woods. I began to slow my pace finding it strange for there to be a sudden clearing in such a thick forest.
Slowly approaching the small field I noticed that the lack of trees allowed the sunlight to shine down almost like a spotlight.

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