Chapter 25- Interrogation

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Ray's P.O.V.

It had been almost three hours since the security breach. Never before had anyone ever left out Eternal Paradise successfully.
This was a first.
It bewildered me why anyone would want to leave.
Why leave the perfect word, a world where you can be happy?
Who would do that?

I let out a long sigh as I approached the Development Room. I hadn't been in since the power was cut and the believers had already gotten to work to restore the electricity.
But I still had work to do, and there was a generator that would be able to provide enough electricity to power up the Development Room, along with a few other rooms around Mint Eye.

I walked to the open door and began to look around. The first thing I noticed was a group of believers who stood around the circuit breaker and who talked amongst themselves.
"It is strange that the cord is severed like this." one said.

"Not only that but all the cords were cut." Another added.

"How did the person even get in here?"

"Must have hacked the system."

"But who would do that?" I cleared my throat, drawing their attention over to me.

"Mr. Ray!" One gasped as the three others bowed.

"How is the work going?" I asked, sauntering over to my desk.

"We're in the process of repairing the wires. Once we do it should be good as new."

"Good..." I sighed, pulling my chair out from the desk, "please continue. I have to finish something." As I turned my computer on I noticed something strange.
When the screen lit up there was no log-in, my computer and monitors had already been open. I furred my brow and shook it off before getting to work.

As I typed away, with the sounds of the Believers repairing the broken wires to my left, I glanced over to (Y/n)'s desk.
Everything had been the same as it was before, everything seemed to be still in its place as if nothing had happened. I let out a sigh as I continued to type,
I can't believe she just ruined Mc's room like that... after all I  had done for her?

'RAY!' her voice rung out in my head.
I suddenly felt myself grow dizzy all of a sudden. Her face came into view.
In that moment... the look on her face was like nothing I had seen before.
It was a look of pain and sorrow, but mixed with anger. But there was some other underlying emotion to it. There was something that was added which confused me. There was an emotion that seemed so familiar but so distant at the same time. I couldn't put my finger on it.

'You said to me... before I came to Mint Eye, you promised me that I'd be happy... but I'm not anymore'

'then why don't you leave?'
I slowly came back to my senses and let out another long sigh.
I should apologize to her.

Why would you apologize to her? After what she did you want to apologize?

I should, even after what she did I still care about her...

Really? That's pathetic. She's the reason Mc's gone.  He was right. I gulped down the ball that began to form in my throat.

Mint Green With Envy (Ray!Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now