Chapter 12- The Enemy of my Enemy

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I sighed and looked down at Ray's resting face. I bit the inside of my lip and placed my gloved hand on top of his head, softly moving the hair out of his face. I promise I'll make everything right again... Just wait. I thought as I lifted my hand up and turned around. Slowly, I walked to the door.

I reached out to the brass knob before I twisted my head back and looked at Ray one last time. I felt my heart throb as I looked at his sleeping figure.

"They're so pretty..."

"You like them?... We should come here often than... Starting today we will take walks here every night, okay?"

"But won't you have work to do?"

"If I do I'll put it aside, I can always get it done later."

"Won't you--"

"Don't worry, okay?"

"... Okay..."

I sighed and turned back to the door. I stared at it before I twisted the handle and pulled the door open. I solemnly walked out of the development room and into the hallway, shutting the door behind me.
Those days will be back where we walk in the garden again. Just wait. I'll make sure she doesn't get in our way anymore, no matter what I have to do.

"Savior... She wants to cleanse Mc herself..."

It seems everyone is trying to prevent me from being with Ray... Good... I like a challenge...

I walked into Ray's room and changed into the long black robe before leaving once again and going out to find V. I mentally chuckled as I pulled out my phone and pulled up a tracking app. A small red dot appeared on the neon green background. Found you....

As I walked down the corridor I glanced out of the window and out to the garden.

"I never knew there were so many kinds of flowers!"

"Did you know each flower has a different meaning?"

"Really?... What's this one?"

"Those are honeysuckle, it represents the bonds of love."

"What about... This one?"

"That's a Camellia, they symbolize faithfulness and destiny."

"And this one?"

"Those are heliotropes."

"What do they symbolize?"

"I... I actually don't know that one."


"Yeah... I'll look it up when we get back inside, kay?"


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