Chapter 30.5- Stay

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(Just real quick, W E H I T 50K Y' A L L!!! thank you all so much, I wouldn't be here without all the love and support!!!
Also! If you chose Stay from now on please read the .5 chapters (the ones WITH decimals) unless you don't care and wanna read both at once, lol... you do you!!!!
Anyways... I hope you enjoy!!!!)

(Y/n)'s P.o.V.

there was no way I'd be going back there, not a chance.
I had just gotten my freedom, I was not able to make my own decisions and that wasn't something willing to give that up.
After everything I'd been through, all the effort, time, all heartache I went through to be where I was now, I wasn't about to have that be in vain.

"Fine?" Saeran asked, "that's not an answer, are you going to come here on your own, or will I have to go there myself?"

"no..." I muttered, swallowing the ball which was forming in my throat. "I'm not leaving... you'll have to come here and drag me away if you want me back..." a sharp sound erupted from the phone, the sound of laughter.
A laugh which was empty, almost forced.

"That's hilarious!" Saeran cackled.

"I'm not leaving," I stated once more. "I don't want to leave."

"You don't want to leave...?" He asked,
"You don't W A N T to leave!? You don't have a choice, you are coming back here!"
He shouted into the phone, his voice becoming more loud and angry with each word that dripped from his mouth.

"I do have a choice, and I'm choosing to stay here!" I said growing more confident. "I'm staying here so you can forget it. I'm treated nicely here, like a human being, not like some puppet!"

"Do you really think they--"

"I don't care," I spat.

"You don't care... you don't care?" Saeran asked,
"huh... ya know.... you may not care about me but you seem to care about Marshmallow boy, you did try and protect him all those years..."

"I'm leaving..." I said as I pulled my phone away from my face.

"(Y/n)!" Saeran shouted through the phone, loud enough for me to hear it without it being near my ear.
"I'm in a good mood right now, so I'll give you three days to change your mind... or else you can say goodbye to your little friend, along with Ray, as well."
I felt my heart begin to grow heavy as those words sunk. "I'll be nice and let you into a little secret." Saeran sang,
"Ray's always liked you, he just never thought he was good enough..."

Ray... the person who showed me kindness when no one would, who I spent so many days protecting and comforting. The person who time and time again hurt me. The person who I cherished for so long.

"Goodbye... Saeran." I said before hanging up. I let out a long sigh as I stared up at the starlit sky.
Though I had many things going through my mind, so many things that
I should be worried about, they all were just overshadowed by the memories of one person... Ray.
Slowly, I closed my eyes and tried to envision him, but something was wrong.
It was as though, Ray's face had been erased from my memory. I knew he had white hair with pink dusted tips, pale skin, but everything else was almost a blur.
I could remember what he wore and what his voice sounded like but his face was the one thing I seemed to have forgotten...
or maybe it had been something I had never known.
Slowly opening my eyes back up I couldn't help but feel frustrated. My memories had all been there, from that first moment on that street corner to the room that was once mine, almost each and every important memory I had was with Ray and yet here I was... struggling to remember him.
What's wrong with me?
I asked myself as I lightly smacked my forehead,
why can't I remember what his face looked like...
the thought tormented me. Like an unrelenting itch that's just out of reach, like a repeating lyric of a song that's name was not known... it was there, but just out of reach.
Maybe I'm just tired... I'm sure I'll remember... I told myself as turned around to go back into the cabin.

Mint Green With Envy (Ray!Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now