Chapter 30- Leave

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(Y/n)'s P.o.V.

I couldn't risk it.
If Saeran had really been telling the truth I'd be going back one way or another, so what would the difference be. At least if I left on my own I'd know that the others would be safe.

"Fine?" Saeran asked, "that's not an answer, are you going to come here on your own, or will I have to go there myself?"

"no..." I muttered, swallowing the ball which was forming in my throat. "I'll... I can find my way back..." a sharp sound erupted from the phone, the sound of laughter.
A laugh which was empty, almost forced.

"Smart choice, (Y/n)..." Saeran sang,
"See, this is why I like you, you're smart, skilled, but strong-willed and stubborn... but you know when to be submissive."
I stood there and felt as my chest grew heavy, my breath catching in my throat.
"I'll be seeing you soon... (Y/n)..." soon after my name left his lips a beep echoed out into my eardrum.
I was alone.
Staring off into the distance I slowly lowered the phone from my ear and let the bone-chilling wind wash over my body.
Emptiness, that's all I felt.
I didn't feel fear, I didn't feel anxious, I just... didn't feel anything.
Glancing up at the night sky I watched the stars as they twinkled.
A smile crept onto my face as my eyes glazed over. It would more than likely be the last time I saw the sky.

Slowly making my way back inside I was greeted with the faces of Luciel, V, Vanderwood, and Mc. They sat around the coffee table, on the couches, talking amongst themselves, unknowing of the agreement I had just made. Walking over to the group as they talked I handed Mc her phone back, my sudden prescience silencing their conversation.

She looked at me before swiping it from my hands, She sneered at me, "I'm surprised you didn't break it." She spat, her usual self, appearing once more. Picking my tablet from the table I turned and began to walk away right as I heard someone call to me.

"(Y/n), where are you going?" I stopped in my tracks recognizing the voice to be V's.

"I want to make sure that... uhh... hacker's... not back..." I muttered, staring at the floor, not wanting to turn and face the group.

"He's left a few minutes ago so I took the time to set up a bunch of firewalls, he should be gone for a few hours," Luciel added.

I sighed,"... then I'm going to go to bed..." As I continued to walk away I heard a voice call out to me.

"goodnight!" V called out as I hurried out of the room.

Walking over to the kitchen table I felt my feet drag along the floor, my entire body feeling heavier than usual.
It was that feeling of waking up earlier than usual, and not being able to go to bed, on the cusp between being asleep but also being awake.
Like there were weights on my feet, slowing me. Chains, coiled around my body, pulling me down.
Sliding the wooden chair out at the kitchen table I placed my tablet down. I stared, blankly my brain flatlining.

Plopping myself into the chair I leaned back in the chair, arching my back over the back of the seat, letting my back stretch out before a few pops echoed out, and allowing my arms to dangle at my side.
I stared at the popcorn ceiling before crossing my arms and placing them onto my laptop.  Then, atop my arms, I placed my head, closing my eyes, and listened as the three in the next room continued to talk to each other, unknowing that it may very well be the last time they saw me.




Almost five hours had gone by and everyone had disappeared from the living room, going off to either sleep or work. Standing from my spot at the table I picked my laptop up and began to make my way to the front door.

As I entered the living room I looked over to the couch to see a mop of blue hair facing away from me. I stopped walking and stared at him.
Thank you for showing me kindness.... I'm sorry to have not returned the favor...

Quietly I opened the front door and stood in the doorway, looking up at the moon. I sighed before glancing back into the cabin.
"I'm sorry..." I muttered under my breath before stepping outside and closing the door behind me.
I had just begun getting comfortable and was beginning to consider the cabin as a temporary home, meaning this would be the second time I abandoned a place which I had considered home.

As I walked away I felt a part of me slowly dissipate, the weights on my feet only growing heavier, and the chains around my body only pulling me down harder.
Walking began to become difficult, and knowing what was awaiting me only made it that much more difficult. The act of breathing itself, the simple instance to take in the air became almost like a chore.

Not knowing where exactly I was going;
there was a part of me that wished I would just get lost in the woods and not have to go back to Mint Eye.
There was also a part of me that wanted to just turn back and stay with the RFA...
and there was another part of me that just had given up.
One step at a time I trudged on, making my way to... somewhere.

Looking down to my arms I noticed that I was still holding my tablet.
Staring at it I slowed my pace till I was at a halt. Lifting it up and continued to stare at it.
I had left everything at the cabin, my backpack, the black dress... my freedom and all that I now had was a tablet. The same one I went out of my way to take before escaping.
Without much thought I began to dig up a small area with my foot, upturning leaves and dirt, before harshly dropping the silver device into the circle of exposed dirt, kicking leaves back onto it.
Once it was covered I continued on my way, one foot in front of the other....

Not knowing what I was doing, not thinking any particular thought, not feeling any particular emotion, I walked through the woods, like an empty husk of a person, a lost soul moving solely of instinct and instinct alone.

And it seemed that my instinct had been correct.

After an unknown amount of time had passed I suddenly came to a clearing in the woods where a tall building stood, and outside the steps stood an all too familiar face, next to them a person who I barely knew, and surrounding them hooded figures.
Continuing to mindlessly walk I immerged from the wood before my feet came to a stop.
Looking up from the dirt ground I was greeted by smiles, each person grinning eerily as they stared at me, unmoving.
Like statues, they stood still and for a split second it was as if time had stopped, and there I stood,
in front of the place, I never wished to go back,
in front of the people I did not want to become,
in front of the person, I did not wish to see,
in front of the same face as the person who broke my heart.


Word Count: 1342  (Sorry for the shorter chapters)

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