Chapter 22- Self Solitude

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

It didn't take long for me to near the edge of the garden, where the only thing that stood in my way was a white picket fence.
With relative ease I tried to hop over the fence, however, I felt the corner of the black dress I had worn under the robe, get snagged on the tip of the fence, tearing off.
However, I didn't care.

I soon I was outside of the garden I knew that I was almost home free. Glancing backward my eyes gazed upon the grand, castle-like structure, where I had been living for the past few years.
I felt a tinge of pain as I looked at the building one last time.

"Find her!"

"Keep looking!" I heard people shout, snapping me out of my trance.
I ran.

Without having an exact direction to the place I was now headed I ran. I mindlessly ran through the woods trying my hardest to just get as far away from Mint Eye as I could.

I was now running through the forest in the pitch-black darkness. Without a flashlight to guide me, and only the light of the moon to light my way, I ran.
Avoiding tees and tree branches I continued to run for god knows how long.
All I knew was I needed to get away as quickly as possible.

As I ran I began to hear footsteps behind me, as if someone was chasing furiously after me.
I had just escaped, I had just gotten my freedom.
I didn't want to go back.

The footsteps seemed to multiply and it sounded like I had a mob of people behind me, chasing me. Their pace didn't slow down, and neither did mine. I wasn't going back. I refused. As my lungs began to slow down, and my heart sped up I felt myself gradually lose speed, and before I knew it the footsteps sounded as if they were right on top of me.

That was when, all of a sudden, my legs sped up, running twice as fast as before. My entire body being driven off fear, and fear alone.
Afraid of what may happen if I was dragged back to Mint Eye.
Afraid of facing the Savior's wrath.
Afraid of what the other believers may think of me. Afraid of what they would do with me.
Afraid of what Ray may say to me.
My mind slowly seeming to crumble under the intense pressure and fear I was feeling I felt my legs become unstable, and almost as if they were about to give up.

But that was when, all of a sudden, I felt something hook onto my foot.

Bracing my body to fall flat on my face, I held my breath, however, that breath was forcefully knocked from my lungs as, instead of falling, I tumbled down a steep hill. As my body rolled under the force of gravity, I felt my, already frail body, hit sticks and rocks on my way down.

All of a sudden my body halted, as I fell flat on my back into leaves. My lungs screamed for air, my heart, and my entire body was in pain.
The world around me spun in circles as reached my hand up to my forehead to try and stop the world from spinning. My eyes opened up and I let out a few coughs before sharply inhaling and taking in the much-needed oxygen.
All I could see where the trees around me, blurred, a huge blob of white which was suspended in the midnight blue sky, and the stars, which, in my current state, looked like white streaks of light in the sky.

My entire body ached, and I was now, really, in the middle of nowhere, however, the one positive to it all was that the footsteps had stopped, and I was finally free.

For good.

After some time the world slowed, till the stars, changed from streaks to speckles. Slowly, but surely, my heartbeat returned to normal, my lungs stabilized, and I lied there, on my back staring up at the night sky, grateful to be alive.
It's a full moon.
I thought to myself, not moving an inch.
I lied there, and let pain take over my body.

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