Chapter 15- A Sweet Yet Salty Surprise

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.





As the seconds slowly crept by I stared out of the large window. I sat there in complete silence, other than the clock which emitted a constant tick-tick-tick sound.
As I sat there, my chin resting in the palm of my hand, I couldn't help but think to myself how quickly time had been slipping away from me.
It had been exactly a week since I had been sitting in this same room, the same chair, the only difference being that Ray wasn't here.
I glanced over to the clock, which hung from the daffodil yellow wall. Letting out a sigh I soon came to terms with the time it was, and how early I was.
I inhaled deeply, my nose filling with the mouth-watering scent of foods. The smell that stuck out the most, however, was the distinctness of strawberries, a fruit that Ray adored.
I slowly exhaled, letting the strawberry perfumed air escape from my lungs. I slowly closed my eyes and took another deep breath in, which filled my chest, once again, with the sweet aroma which circulated through the room. When the scent stopped lingering in my nose I slowly exhaled, only to take in another, deep, breath.
As I took in more and more of the scent an image appeared in my mind.
His dark circles which sat, perfectly, right underneath his intoxicating mint green orbs. His pale face framed with soft tufts of white hair, the tips dusted with a light shade of pink.
His thin lips which were normally dropped into a frown, were instead, raised ever so slightly, creating a smile which was barely noticeable, a smile which was so rare it was unseen to most.
Slowly, I cracked open my eyes before running a hand through my hair, his smile not fading from my mind. I arched my eyebrow as an idea popped into my head
Maybe I should...




Making my way down the long corridor of Mint Eye I couldn't help but feel happy. It had been just over two weeks since I had been picked up off of the streets and brought to Mint Eye, and though I had my doubts, they were all quickly washed away. Since then I had befriended the man who had saved me whos name I had learned was Ray.
He began to teach me what my job here was.
That job was hacking.
Ray had said before that I was a fast learner, which made me very happy. But what made me more happy, was the fact that I had made a friend.

As I walked down the hall my lacy black dress moved with me, swishing and swaying along with my movements. '
This place really is paradise' I thought to myself before stopping in front of a silver door. I turned to face it before pulling out a plastic card I had been given to by my Savior.
Pressing it against the sensor, located under the handle, the door made a soft 'beep' sound, telling me to go in. I grabbed  the silver handle and twisted the knob, pushing the door in so that I could enter the room.

As soon as I stepped into the room I was engulfed with darkness, the only light being the large computer screens which were mounted against the wall and the few computers which were placed on top of a silver desk.
All the computer screens showed an image of a flower before slowly fading to an image of yet another flower. I chuckled at Ray's screen saver but was soon cut off when a strange sound resonated to my ears.
It sounded like snoring. Not loud and obnoxious snoring, but a quiet and soft one. It was cute. I cocked my head at what could be making the sound before deciding to approach the large black chair which the sound had been coming from.

As I crept over to the chair I soon realized what had been making the strange noise. It was none other than Ray.
I couldn't help but feel a smile creep onto my face as I looked at the sleeping male. His cheek was pressed into his forearm which acted like a makeshift pillow for the sleep-deprived male. His white hair had drooped over his eye while the other one just escaped being shielded by tufts of white hair and pink. His lips were parted ever so slightly. From them escaped a soft snore.
'He looks so cute when he's asleep.' I thought to myself. My eyes widened as the thought crossed my mind.
'Cute?!' I questioned myself, 'what the hell is wrong with me?'
I lifted my hands up and rubbed my face in an attempt to get the strange thoughts out of my mind. My action, however, was stopped when the soft snore turned into a quiet whimper.
I moved my hands away from my face and peered down at the male, questioning what was going on. My eyebrows furrowed together as his whimpers grew louder and louder.

Before long beads of sweat begin to form on his forehead and his eyes squeezed together. My own eyes widened at the sight.
"Ray?" I mumbled as his whimpering turned to incomprehensible  "Ray?" I asked, my voice rising. Soon enough his incomprehensible mumbling formed into words.

"Worthless.... I'm n... Worthless....... I'm..... Worthless....." I felt my heart stop at his words.

'Worthless?' I asked myself. My eyes glazed over to the corner of his desk where a small heart-shaped vile was left, inside of which was a mint green fluid. I questioned the contents of the vile, however didn't have much time to question it before my attention was averted back to Ray.

"Ray?" I asked him, my voice rising along with my concern. There was still no response, he just continued to mutter that one word, worthless, over, and over, and over.
"Ray?" I asked once again, but this time reaching out and touching his shoulder. My hand began to shake with worry for my friend. I couldn't take it anymore, "RAY!" I shouted grabbing onto his plum-colored jacket.

"Huh!? W-what?!" Ray asked, jolting awake. He sat back in his chair and looked up at me.
"(Y/n)," he asked, "what's wrong?"

"Are you okay?" I asked him, my hands still shaking.

"What?" he asked, furring his brows and cocking his head at me.
"Yes, of course... Why?"

"You were talking in your sleep..." I mumbled.

"Oh, I was?" he asked before letting out a sigh.
"It's nothing.... I'm sorry for worrying you."
There was a long pause before Ray spoke up again. "If you don't mind me asking... What was I saying?"

"You kept saying worthless over and over again," I stated, "are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine... Really.... Bad dream, that's all."

"Oh... Do you want to talk about it?" I offered.

"I-it's okay..."

"Are you sure?" I asked, "Talking is supposed to help, is it not?" Ray let out another sigh before combing his hands through his hair in a contemplating manner.

"It's just...." his voice slowly trailed off before silence filled the room. "never mind... I don't want to burden you with my dumb dreams."

"You wouldn't be burdening me." I said before taking a seat on Ray's desk, "If it's going to make you feel better then I want to hear what the dream was about." Ray's eyes widened at my words, but soon they looked at the ground.

"Are you sure you don't mind?"

"Of course not! I'm all ears!" I said, a smile reappearing on my face.

He let out a final sigh before speaking, "I.... I had a dream about mom...." he muttered, his voice becoming dark and cold. My eyes narrowed as Ray spoke.
Though Ray and I had known each other for a little over two weeks, the two of us became very close, and I had heard stories of his which of a mother, and grew to despise her.
"In the dream, mom was so nice. Like an angel. I was sitting before a table and mom brought a self-baked strawberry cake. I knew I was dreaming but... It felt great. Then she cur one of the pieces and placed it on my plate. I took the fork and asked mom if I could really eat it." his voice became extremely shaky as he continued with his story. "Mom.... Suddenly slapped my hand really hard. It hurt so badly that I looked at mom and... Mom... Was laughing." Ray's eyes were no longer looking at me but were turned to the floor.
"Then she said. You still don't know?.... Someone as worthless as you don't deserve to eat these kinds of foods. I.... Said to mom, even if I'm dreaming? I can't have it even if this is my dream? Then.... Mom said, No. Not ever in your dream. Not even in hell... Then mom crushed the cake on the table...." I was speechless. I felt so bad for Ray but I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say. So I just sat there till Ray sniffled and opened his mouth again, "I... I shouldn't be whining like this... I'm sorry (Y/--" I cut him off by wrapping my arms around him tightly, in an almost protective manner.

"Don't be sorry Ray," I told him, squeezing him a little bit, trying to comfort him.
"You have nothing to be sorry about. Also, you're just explaining to me what happened, not whining."

"... Sorry," he muttered.

"What did I just say?" I asked him, letting go of him and backing up a little so that I could look at his face.
"You don't have to be sorry. There's nothing wrong with talking about your problems. It's not good to keep everything all balled up inside of you." I let out a sigh, "From now on if you have something you need to talk about come to me!" I said, standing up and pointing my thumb directly to myself.
"Kay?" I asked with a smile. Ray stared at me for a few seconds trying to figure out what was going on, as if there was some sort of trick to what I was saying and he was trying to read in-between the lines.

"... I should get back to work..." he muttered. For some reason, when those words escaped his lips, I felt my heart sink. It felt... Weird, to say the least, but I shook it off quickly and nodded.

"Okay," I said to him, "I'll see you later then!" I hopped off of the desk and walked over to the door, the strange feeling dwelled in my stomach.

I sighed as I grabbed the silver door handle and twisted it. I pulled the door open, letting in a little bit of light from the hallway before glancing over my shoulder to look at Ray.
"Don't forget, if there's something you want to talk about or something is bothering you, tell me!" I reminded him, sending another smile before opening the door fully and walking out.

I shut the door behind me and let out a sigh as soon as I was in the hall. I couldn't help but to feel horrible about what Ray had said but there wasn't anything I could have done. I wanted to figure out some way to help Ray, but how?

I went through many different ideas before coming across one that I thought would be nice. I smiled to myself with satisfaction before taking actions.

Wandering through the halls I looked for one room in particular. Though I had never been in the room myself, I did know it existed. It was just a matter of finding it.

As I continued to wander the long corridors I passed by a large set of double doors.

I backed up a few steps until I was standing right in front of the set of doors. The doors were made out of dark brown wood and were arched at the top. Around the rim was what seemed to be gold. I cocked my head to the side as my eyes scanned over the doors.
About halfway down I noticed a sheet of paper, which was encased in a frame, hung from the door. Above the paper was the Mint Eye logo.
The strangest thing to me, however, was that there were no locks, no scanner, on the handle of the door. Nothing was there to keep people out, nothing at all.
Never before had I seen a door in Mint Eye that didn't have a lock on it, none other than the cafeteria area. My attention was soon drawn away to the paper.

Meet the people who will love you forever.
Attend the endless party

Don't you want to escape from this filthy world?
This is an invitation to paradise.

Are you suffering from your past?
We will help the pain go away.

A world filled with pleasure...
A world filled with truth...
A world with no tears...
A world with no rejections...

Accept the angel's invitation.

Where everyone is happy...

I furred my eyebrows as I read over the piece of paper, recognizing the piece of paper as the invitation to Mint Eye.
I found it strange that it was hanging on the door but shrugged it off. I was about to walk away when a strange feeling washed over me. I didn't know what it was but it felt like something in my gut was drawing me to the door.
I turned back to look at it. It felt as if the door was calling to me, whispering my name. There was something... Off. About it. I didn't know why but my gut was telling me to open it.
I stared at the door, wondering to myself whether or not to open it.

'You should open it.' A voice told me.
'What's the worst that could happen?' I narrowed my eyes at the door, glaring at it, debating whether to listen to the devil on my shoulder.
'Open it.... You know you want to. Imagine what could be behind that door. Do it... Open it.'
Without thinking I felt my arm slowly rise, reaching for the handle.

When my fingertips touched the cold steel of the silver handle a slight shock went through my body. It was a similar sensation to getting shocked by static electricity.
My hand retracted as soon as the current ran through leaving behind a tingling sensation.

After a few seconds the feeling subsided, and I reached out and grabbed ahold of the handle once again.
This time, no shock.
All that was felt was the cold steel. Slowly, I twisted the handle and pushed it in, poking my head through the crack as the door opened.

Behind the large door was an even larger room with a red carpet leading to a small three-step staircase which lead to a green canopy, the underside being red, and gold accents. Underneath the canopy was a single purple and gold chair.

'What is this place?' I mentally asked myself before opening the door further, just enough to squeeze through.

Once I was on the other side I shut the door behind me, just to be safe.

I looked around the room. The walls were painted a dark purple and around the top of the room was a gold border. My curiosity beckoned me to look around the room but another part of me just wanted to turn back around and forget that I ever went inside. My curiosity, however, easily overcame the other part.

I took a few steps away from the door, my steps completely silent from the red carpet I was walking down.

When I got to the center of the room I stopped. A new feeling overcame me. It felt as though I was being watched. I turned around to see if anyone was behind me but no one was there. The air felt thick and I could tell someone was in the room with me. Who? I had no idea, but someone was there. I was about to call out and ask who's there when all of a sudden a voice broke the silence.

"What exactly are you doing here?" I whipped back around to see who spoke. My eyes scanned the area.

Sitting in the once empty purple seat was a woman. She had long wavy blond hair which framed her pale face.
She was adorned in a long black, form-fitting, dress and covering her face was a mask. The most prominent feature, however, was her electric green eyes.
It wasn't the color that intrigued me, it was the fact that there was no light in her eyes whatsoever. They were dull and appeared clouded over by something. An aura radiated off of her one that was tense and almost creepy feeling. Her whole demeanor... Something wasn't right.
Her eyes stared at me like someone would if they found a bug in their house. I didn't like it... Not one bit, however, I stared right back at her, right into her emotionless pools of green.

"I'll ask again...," she said, her voice cold and monotone, lacking even a hint of emotion, "what are you doing in here?"

"I was trying to find the kitchen and I got lost." I answered meeting her unwavering gaze.

"And what is your Believer Number, or, do you not have one?" She inquired. I didn't respond. "Then I can safely assume you are not a Believer yet, am I correct?" Not knowing how to answer I remained silent.
"What is your name?" She asked.

"(Y/n)." I responded.

"(Y/n)?" She asked, her gaze softening before letting out a sigh. "Yes, I know who you are now."

"... What is your name?" I asked back. Her eyes widened from under the mask.

"Has Ray not mentioned me?"

"You know Ray?" I asked.

"I know everybody here," She responded. "What was it that you were looking for again?"

"The kitchen," I answered as the blond woman rose to her feet.

"Come with me," She said, walking down the steps and across the red carpet, "I will escort you there."

"Thank you." I said as she walked past me. I heard a faint chuckle as I followed behind.




"May I ask, why are you looking for the kitchen?" She asked.

"I wanted to make something," I responded.

"May I ask what?"

"A cake."

"Do you like baking?"

"I'm not sure..." I answered truthfully, "but I'm about to find out."

"You remind me a lot of myself," the blond lady said, "except.... More positive...."

"You think so?" I asked, "Thank you."

"I never said that was a good thing," she stated staring from over her shoulder in my direction.

"You never said it was a bad thing either." I responded, sending her a smile. She stared at me for a few seconds, her pace slowing.
"Interesting," I heard her mutter under her breath before turning back around and continuing to walk.

After a short time, the blond lady stopped in front of a door and pulled out a plastic card,  pressing it against the scanner. She opened the door for me and walked in after me.

As I walked into the room I made sure to thank the woman for holding the door open. Looking around the room I took notice that this was a room I had never been, and it wasn't the kitchen I was thinking of. None the less it was a kitchen and a very nice one at that.
The walls were a light yellow color, and it was much cleaner than the one I had seen in my travels.

I turned to the lady, about to ask her about the room when she spoke up, "It's a private kitchen, not the one you were thinking of, right?" She asked.

"How'd you know?" I asked.

"I could tell by the look on your face." She answered as she shut the door. "I thought you might want to use this kitchen since it's much cleaner and has better equipment."

"Thank you," I said, smiling at the lady once more.

She nodded, "Now, if you would excuse me. I must get going." She walked over to the door and opened it, but before she left she gave me some parting words, "We'll meet again soon, (Y/n)." Then shut the door.

I cocked my head at her comment but shook it off knowing that I had a task to complete. I walked over to the refrigerator and opened it up.

As I scanned the various items I wondered what I would need to make this cake. I thought to myself before reaching into the cold refrigerator and grabbing various items, placing them on the counter next to me.

I then started going through the cupboards, grabbing some cooking supplies and equipment.

Immediately after I started to cut the strawberries, but not before thoroughly washing my hands.

About halfway through making the batter I suddenly realized that I had no idea what I was doing. Thought my body seemed to know what to do I had no clue, it was is if my body was moving on its own. Like I had done this a million times. I let out a sigh and continued my work, trusting whatever part of my brain that seemed to know what it was doing.




I sighed before wiping off my forehead with my forearm and taking a step back to look at my finished product. I smiled at the cake. It was a strawberry cake with a layer of strawberry jelly in the center, frosted with white vanilla buttercream frosting and sliced strawberries on top. How I made it, I had no clue, but somewhere in my brain, I had retained some sort of baking skill.

I hummed to myself as I grabbed a knife from its stand and grabbed a plate from the top counter and placed it next to the cake I made. I pressed the knife into the cake making a triangle. I took a pie server and inserted it under the slice. As I was about to lift the cake up the sound of the door opening startled me, resulting in me dropping the pie server, the cake with it.

"(Y/n)?" I heard someone call to me. I ignored whoever called me and hesitantly glanced down at the cake, afraid I had ruined it. Lucky for me the piece of cake just fell back into place. I took a sigh of relief before turning around to see who called out to me.
"What are you doing in here?" As soon as I turned around my (e/c) orbs locked in with his mint green ones.

"Hi Ray," I said with a smile.

"What are you doing in here?" He repeated.

"Go sit down," I said to him. "Give me a second and I'll show you." Ray furrowed his eyebrows before reluctantly walking over to the small table and taking a seat.

As soon as Ray was sitting down I lifted the pie server up and carefully placed it on the plate. I then grabbed a fork. I glanced over my shoulder to look at Ray only to find him staring intently at me. "Look out the window, it's a surprise." I chuckled. Ray gave me a confused look before doing as I requested. I smiled and picked up the plate, bringing it over to Ray.

I placed the plate down in front of him, along with the fork, and took a seat in front of him.
"You can look," I told him. Ray turned away from the window and looked directly at me. I smiled and pointed to the plate that sat in front of him which was left unnoticed. Ray glanced down and stared at the cake, his eyes in shock.
"I made it for you," I told him, "I felt bad about your dream so I decided to make you a strawberry cake!"
Ray sat there, not saying anything, just staring at the pastry sitting in front of him.
"Are you okay?" I asked the unresponsive Ray.

"Why?" he muttered under his breath. "Why'd you make this for me?"

"Hmm?" I asked, "Well... Two reasons. One, because I wanted to prove your mother in your dream wrong. Two, because I wanted you to be able to eat the strawberry cake, but in real life. Then also to show you that you can have what you dream about." I chuckled, "I guess that was three things but two and three kinds of go together."
I looked over to Ray only to see a shiny tear fall from his eye. My eyes widened as they splattered onto the table.
"Ray?" I asked as I watched another droplet fall from his eye only to splatter onto the table. "Don't cry, please. I made it so you could be happy not sad." I told him, as I let out a soft sigh and reached into my pocket I had sewn into the dress, pulling out a (f/c) handkerchief.
"Here Ray," I said, standing up from my seat. I reached over the table and using my left hand I tilted his chin up so I could use my right hand to blot away his tears.
"Don't cry," I comforted him, I carefully wiped the tears away from his mint green orbs. Ray looked at me as I wiped the tears away, "please don't cry."

"I'm sorry," he mumbled once more, averting his gaze down to his lap.

"Don't be," I told him as I blotted the last tear away before sitting back down and stuffing my handkerchief back into my pocket.
"Why don't you try the cake. I'm excited to see what you think. It's the first time I've ever made a cake.... Or at least from what I can remember." I chuckled. Ray lifted his hand up from his lap. He picked up the fork in his gloved hand.
Now that Ray was holding the fork I noticed that his hand was shaking. I felt my heart grow heavy with sympathy for Ray. He was about to stab the fork into the cake when he stopped all of a sudden and he looked at me.

"Is it really okay for me to have this?" He asked.

Mint Green With Envy (Ray!Saeran x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant