Ending 2- A Perfect Night

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Ending 2/???

(Y/n)'s P.o.V.

"...f... fine..." I muttered as I closed my tablet.
Looking up at V the first thing I noticed was the smile that was plastered onto his face, seemingly overjoyed by my compliance.
"... but not... for that long." I added, moving my tablet off to the side.
"The hacker could come back at any moment..."

V nodded, "I understand," he beamed.

Standing up I noticed Mc glare at me out of the corner of my eye, before I made my way over to the front door. Sliding my shoes on V opened the door and the two of us left.

The air was cool and crisp, and the moon shone brilliantly. The stars twinkled without clouds blocking their radiant glow and it seemed like the perfect night to go on a walk.
All was silent, except for the occasional rustling sounds from bushes and trees as the wind blew by,
but other than that the night was quiet.
"I'd been wanting to travel up the mountain, but never really found a good time to do it...
It feels great outside. The breeze is so cool..."
V commented as his pace seemed to slow.
"Tomorrow... everything should begin to go back to normal..."
Suddenly V stopped walking as I too stopped in my tracks.
"I was wondering..." he hummed glancing back to me.
"what's your plan once we're back in the city?
I know you told me what you'd like to happen,
but do you have a plan?
Somewhere to stay?"
A chill washed over me as I began to think about tomorrow.
I stared down at the ground, not knowing what to say.
In truth, I didn't have anywhere to go... and V seemed to already know that.
I didn't know what I was going to do,
but I did know what I didn't want to do.
I knew I wouldn't be going back to Mint Eye...
after everything I had gone through there was no way I'd be going back.
I didn't want to end up on the streets,
though that seemed like it would be what happened.
And lastly, I knew that I didn't want to be alone,
but that too seemed inevitable.
I shook my head before glancing upward,
there was no use in lying.

"No..." I said bluntly, "I don't really have anywhere to go..." pressing my lips together and smiling a bit before sighing.
"I'll figure something out..."

"(Y/n)?" V called out as I looked to him.
"There's something I'd like to tell you..."
Instead of answering I just waited, unsure of what to say... scared almost, of what it was he was about to tell me.
After a few moments of silence V spoke up
"Thank you..." he said, my eyes widening.
"Thank you for all your help."
V looked up to the stars as he continued to talk.
"You've really done so much to help us out...
I'm not sure how any of this would have worked out if not for you...
I know you sacrificed a lot by doing so but...
just know that I...
we...." his voice trailed off as he let out a slightly frustrated sigh, unable to find the right words.
"I really appreciate it."
My breath began to get shaky as his words bounced around in my head.

Sacrificed a lot...
I chuckled softly as memories played out in my head.
I sacrificed everything...
my title,
my home,
my work...
the person who I cared most for...
all of it was gone because I wanted Mc out of my way.
All of it was gone because I wanted to protect Ray.
Even though I thought I was protecting him...
the fact that Saeran was around,
was more than enough proof to show that I had done the opposite...
I had hurt him...
and now...
I couldn't even remember his face, his eyes...
his smile that meant so much to me.
It had all been erased from my memory.
I felt my eyes begin to water as my memories began to overwhelm me.
My oldest memory, the one which I had treasured all these years, was that cold rainy day when I had just about given up.
When, a kind stranger stopped, lent me a hand, and gave me a home.
Even that memory had been tarnished,
and Ray's face had seemingly disappeared.
All of my memories, up until recently,
all had Ray in them,
and each time I tried to remember his face....
I couldn't.
Ray was like the sun... the center of my universe...
everything I did,
I did for him,
I lived to make him happy,
to protect him...
and in the end
I failed.
I'd get my wish...
Tomorrow, I'd be free from Mint Eye.
But to get to where I was now,
I hurt the person who meant the most to me,
the person who really needed to be free
and who had been the one who was truly suffering....
who had been suffering all these years.

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