Chapter 34.5- Midnight Offer (Part 2)

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(Y/n)'s P.o.V.

Tomorrow was the day the other's planned on leaving, meaning we'd need all the support and protection we could get during the hours-long car ride back to the city.
I needed to be here when Saeran came back.
I shook my head, looking back down to my computer and typing a new line of code.

"I need to stay here... just in case."
I muttered as I felt the atmosphere around me bein to change. A part of me felt guilty for rejecting V's offer,
but I knew that Saeran may appear at any moment,
and stepping away for one second,
especially since Luciel was asleep, could mean us loosing to Mint Eye.

"No, no, it's fine!"
V said, his voice seemingly bright, though it sounded a tinge disappointed.
"I understand..."

"I'll come with you!"
Mc blurted out as I winced at the sound of her voice.
"I need fresh air anyways... It's so stuffy in this cabin and there's dust everywhere."

V smiled before walking away, "sure, we should get going." Mc seemed to sequel in delight, skipping over to V as the front door opened.

Once the door shut I let out a sigh.
I stopped typing altogether and just stared blankly at the tablet screen.
Though I had rejected V, I felt bad in a way.
There was a part of me that did in fact want to go but...

Moving my tablet off of my lap I placed it onto the coffee table before laying down horizontally across the couch.
I stared at the ceiling before letting out a sigh.
Lifting my arm upwards I stared at the back of my hand before rotating it around.
The bandages which coiled around my arms had become loose and just barley hung on.
They'd been glued to my arms ever since I had washed up days ago, and hadn't been changed since.
There was no point in rebandaging them, and I only kept the bandages on as to avoid potential questions which I was not in the mood to answer.
Lowering my hand I placed it down on top of my face as I felt a sudden wave of pain wash over my head.

Quickly sitting up I pressed my hand to my forehead the pain beginning to subside.
I looked at the door as I suddenly felt my stomach churn.
Something didn't feel right.
Running my hand through my hair I dismissed it as being too anxious, however, as I continued to stare at the wall the feeling didn't seem to leave.

They're fine...
I thought to myself.
Though I told myself that they were fine I something still was putting me on edge.
Something in my gut was telling me to, at the very least, check upon them to make sure everything was alright.

Swinging my legs over the side of the couch I stood up, making a b-line for the door.

As soon as I left the cabin I was immediately struck with how cold it seemed outside.
Looking around I tried to figure out which way the two of them would have gone.
I glanced down the path that V and I had walked down the other day and then towards the other path that led to the mountains.
The path to the mountains looked to be a lot clearer than the path that V and I had taken
and knowing Mc,
even if V wanted to go the other way,
all the leaves and the mangled path would have deterred her from going.
Not only that but, I had overheard V tell Luciel how he wanted to go check out the mountains before they left,
so it being the day before everyone left,
it would only make sense for him to head up there before leaving.
I let out a soft sigh as I crossed my arms over my chest before making my way up the path.

After a few minutes off walking
I began to hear voices, more specifically Mc's voice,
and a few minutes after that I finally found the two of them standing in a small clearing which forked into two directions, one, leading farther up the mountain and another path leading down.
Ducking behind a bush I quietly watched the two of them.

"It's so cold out here..."
Mc whined as she rubbed her arms.

"I suppose it is a bit chilly..."
V replied as he looked up at the starry night sky.
Mc stared at V her eyes narrowed and eyebrows furrowed.

"I want to go back..."

"One moment..."
I let out a sigh as looked to the ground. Everything seemed to be normal.
Mc was complaining, per usual,
V seemed fine...
and yet...
something still didn't seem right.

"Why'd you want to come out here in the first place?"
Mc asked, pacing around the clearing.
"I don't understand what's so amazing up here..."

"Look at the sky..."
V replied, his eyes glued onto the stars.
"It's is so much brighter out here than in the city...
there are so many more stars...,"
tilting his head to the side V smiled, "and the moon...."
His turquoise eyes seemingly sparkled with the reflection of the night sky.
I began to feel something build up in my chest.

"It's too cold..." Mc once again interjected. V closed his eyes before glancing towards Mc.

"I thought... maybe you'd enjoy seeing the stars but...
I guess not..." he sighed.

"I just don't get what's so special about them. You can see them wherever you go..."
V looked to the ground before backing towards Mc.
His lips curled into a smile that wasn't his usual smile.
Something was different about it.

"That's okay..."
He sighed.
Something still felt off...
something was not right.
Even though everything seemed fine, something was telling me otherwise.
My stomach still felt heavy,
and my brain still pulsated with slight pain.
I chewed on my inner lip as I looked off to the side. Maybe I was just being paranoid...

"Let's go back..."
The two of them turned around and began to make their way towards me. Carefully I snuck around the other side of the bush so that Mc and V wouldn't see me on their way down.
As they did, however, out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of something reflect light towards me.

Glancing towards the tree line I soon began to notice something, someone.
Behind one of the larger trees in the area was what looked to be a silhouette of a person.
My eyes widened as they soon darted out from the tree line, and suddenly charged towards V.
Watching from behind the bush it was as though everything was happening in slow motion, but it didn't take my body too long to react.

Word Count: 1146

Mint Green With Envy (Ray!Saeran x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon