Chapter 31

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Kataras POV

I laid there with Zuko lying on my breast sleeping heavily. I stared at the burgundy sealing wondering if being with him will be worth it, will I actually be happy? I'm not regretting expressing my love towards him! Never that! I'm just thinking....

I'm over thinking actually.... I don't know.

Just thinking about what I've been through with this boy is crazy. Zuko and I are alike, both of us were lost children and we needed help finding our way. I never imagined being with him, and I feel like this risk I took to be with him was worth it.

Gosh, I wonder what Sokka is going to say when I tell him about Zuko and I, he's probably going to throw a fit. My dad too. Oh man my dad will go nuts, being with the guy who tried to kill me and my friends for so long will drive him insane.

One person that I can't stop thinking about was Aang. I hope he's alright, I miss him actually. He probably hates me, he probably will hate me forever. I broke his heart and he'll never forgive me because of that. I hope he's ok! I need to know. I need to know if he's alright. 

I looked out the window and the sky was still orange. I slowly sat up and Zuko was still sleep, I slowly moved hi heavy body from mine and slid him on his bed. I heard him moan and I froze incase he woke up. He turned away from me and continued to sleep. I got up and slid my shoes on an left his room quietly, hopefully I get to Ba Sing Se in time. Knowing Zuko he's going to follow me, and he's in bad shape so I need to leave before he wakes up.

I ran down the hall quickly. And went into the court yard were Zuko and Azula had that intense dual. I ran into the garden and found Appa, he was laying down on the grass and saw the little duck turtles lying on his fluffy tail. 

" Appa! Cmon, we need to see if Aang is ok." I ran to him and said. I patted his furry face and climbed on to the saddle, Zuko is probably awake and I need to get out of here.

I got on the saddle and climb on to the back of Appas neck. I quickly unwrapped the reins from his horns and situated quickly. I heard the little duck turtles waddling off of Appas tail, knowing he was about to leave.

" Appa, yip yip!" I said and the bison took off into the air. I flew over the palace and then over the village.people were still fighting. Ba Sing Se wasn't so far, maybe a 30 minute ride and hopefully I don't run into any trouble.

I'm sorry zuko...

I just need to know if everyone is ok. I'll be fine I promise,  I'm stronger than you think. 

later I heard yelling and the sound of water swishing around and boulders being crashed into things and the sound of crackling wood being burned. I was close I looked around and saw only clouds, I moved Appa down and saw the city of Ba Sing Se below us. Uncle Iroh, King Boomi, Jong Jong, and Master Paku are there may be they'll know where Sokka and the others are.

I landed Appa down in the woods and entered into Ba Sing Se. I ran as fast as I could and made a wave that I rode to the roof tops for a better look. In the distance I then saw a man that was riding in a spiral of water. He had grey hair and beard and mustache.  I think it's Master Paku...

I ran from roof to roof as fast as I could, until I was blasted off the roof top. I flew side ways and crashed into the roof top next to me. Everything g was blurry and mu Boddy felt numb for a moment, my ears were ringing and there were so much dust flying everywhere because of the attack. I got up from my side and looked around, I grabbed my pouch of water that hung on my side but the container was empty. The water must've flew out when I got attacked! Damn it!

I have to go. I don't see anyone and Paku is still there. I got up from the ground completely and ran again. He's close and I need to find water, I looked from side to side and saw men on both sides of me chasing me. They're were on a roof next to me from both sides. I have nothing to defend myself! Where is the water!??!

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