Chapter 28

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Zukos P.O.V

I felt my whole body burn. It was like I was on fire. Everything was a blur, like my eyes were giving up on me. I wanted to close my eyes and sleep, but I couldn't.... I knew I probably wasn't going to wake up..

All I could do was hold my stomach in pain ad hear Katara and Azula fight to the death... It pains me to hear Katara scream my name is in fear...

I felt like giving up... I closed my eyes and felt years falling down my cheek onto the hard rock ground.

Until I felt something grab me and laid me on my back and gently laid my head down. I opened my eyes slightly and saw Katara next to me, she was wet and her eyes were full of fear.

I wanted to say her name... But I was to weak. I then saw her bend water onto her hands and laid the cold water onto my burning torso. I grunted in pain..

" Zuko.. You're ok. I got you. Dot worry." I heard her say in between sniffs

I cringed in pain, it felt like the fire was still there eating my flesh. Seconds later the pain faded and the water cooled my body slowly, I mean I still felt the burning sensation. But it was fading... I stoped and my body laid still on the ground.

" Katara...." I said in a quiet tone... She then looked at me in shock with tears in her eyes

" Zuko... Are you ok?" Katara said worryingly

" Thank you." I tried to smile

" I think I'm the one who should be thanking you..." She smiled and bowed her head down..

I smiled and tried lifting my hand up. I slowly lifted my arm up and placed my hand on her cheek. She laid her head on my hand and smiled.

" Come on... You need to lay down..." She said and got up. I placed my left hand on the ground and pushed my self up slowly, but felt a sharp pain on my stomach. I then felt Kataras arm wrap under my arm and helped me up slowly. I smiled a little a put my arm around her shoulders and we started to walk to the door that was exiting the arena.

When we entered we were in the in the easy wing of the palace and luckily, my room was near.

" My room is down the hall, to the left." I grunted in pain as we walked. Katara nodded and continue to help me walk.

" How long am I gonna be like this?" I asked

" Three days maybe... Depends on how long your body will take to heal.." She said

" Oh.." I said. I didn't like being like this. Bed rest wasn't my thing, I liked moving around.

" Don't worry.... I'll help you." She smiled.

We reached all the way down the hallway and and turned left my room was the third door on the right.

" Right here.." I pointed to the door and Katara opened the door.

My room was big with a king size bed and curtains draping around the bed. Katara laid me down on my bed and sat me up half way. She then opened the curtains slightly and dark orange light seeped through. She lit candles all over my room and went to get a big bowl of water.

Kataras came out the bathroom carrying a bowl of water and a towl. She sat it on my nightstand and bended the water in her hands and laid it in the middle of my stomach again. I flinched and cringed in pain once more, it wasn't as bad as it was the first time but it started feeling good on my skin.

" We did it.." I smiled and placed my hand on her hair and let my hand run through it.

" Yeah... We did." She grinned

" You saved my life... I owe you so much Katara." I smiled

" You don't owe me anything. I am the one who owes you." She paused and smiled at me. I grabbed her hand and made it intertwine into hers. I then pulled her in for a hug and squeezed her tightly...

Katara hugged me back tightly and placed her hand on my head rubbin my hair. I heard her sniff quietly and felt her tears fall on my shoulder.

" Are you crying?" I asked and placed my had on the back of her head and rubbed my hand through her hair in a comforting way.

" I thought I almost lost you.." She cried

" You didn't... I'm hear and I won't leave you. I promise..." I said and laid my head on the crease of we neck

" I...I... I love you.." She whispered. I opened my eyes widely and pushed her back from my hug. I looked at her in shock...

" What did you say?" I asked

" I love you Zuko..." She said and looked down, hiding her blushed face..

I immediately pulled her in my arms and smiled widely. She said it.. She said those three words I've been waiting for.

" You said it..." I whispered as I dug my face in the crease of her neck.

" I promised you didn't I?" She said and sniffed.

" I love you..." I said

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